TV Century 21

Tue, Mar 11, 2025


Everything must go!

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Like some of you, I have amassed a significant Gerry Anderson collection over the years. After keeping it in plastic storage bins for decades, I know I can never really appreciate them and only display a few. As a result, I have decided to sell off the majority of my collection. This includes basically everything from the 1990s to today. It includes items from United Kingdom, USA and Japan. It covers all Supermarionation shows as well as UFO and Space 1999, possibly Terrahawks. I am currently in the process of photographing them and will be posting them for sale on ebay in the next couple of days. I will prepare a list of all the items in the first batch and post it here and share it on the Facebook page. Please contact me via the site or my email if you see something you want or are looking for something specific.

There are some vintage items as well. All of the non-vintage items are boxed and complete, but seal may be broken as I checked out the contents once and put it back. Many items are unopened. I'm mainly focused on shifting as much as possible as it takes up a lot of room, eg playsets for Captain Scarlet and Thunderbirds. I don't mind where it goes, but shipping will be extra and based on the method you choose. There are some familiar items and some oddball things as well, such as unlicensed properties. 25 years of collecting will do that, you know.


Below are some more samples, but bear in mind this is just the tip of the iceberg.








Only 3 days left to help fund Thunderbirds 1965!

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The Thunderbirds 1965 project on Kickstarter is doing very well. It has passed it's initial goal, met its second stretch task goal and now is within sight of the final goal. As you may know, the project is to film the visuals for the sound-only record EPs which were released in 1965. The first goal was to produce visuals for "The Abominable Snowman", the second is for "Introducing Thunderbirds" and the third and final goal is for "The Stately Homes Robberies".

Stephen La Riviere, the man behind the book/documentary "Filmed in Supermarionation" wants to create the visuals using the exact same techniques and sets as the original show. Its like getting 3 brand new episodes of classic Thunderbirds. Some original items are going to be used, this includes some puppets. The sets and most of the models will be lovingly recreated for the production. 

There are some very good awards for people who fund the project, which of course includes a DVD or BluRay of the finished productions. 

They are so close to meeting their goals, but only 3 days remain. If you can help in any way, I'm sure they will appreciate it, and you will feel good too. The second episode will be directed by none other than David Elliott, who directed some of the original episodes, so you know they are going to a totally authentic look. 

The project can be found here: Thunderbirds 1965.

New/Old Thunderbirds kickstarter project!

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Documentation producer Stephen La Riviere, the man behind the documentaries "Full Boost Vertical" and "Filmed in Supermarionation" is at it again. This time, its a project to produce filmed versions of the Thunderbird Century 21 EP stories from the 1960s. The basic idea is to retain the audio from the recordings, but film new Thunderbirds footage in the style of the original show. This means puppets and practical effects. Rather than try to fund it himself, or go to a distributor, he has taken the bold move to go directly to the fans and has created a Kickstarter project with the goal of funding the making of the first three EPs as mini-episodes.

From the kickstarter project page:


"To celebrate its 50th anniversary we want to make a new, classic style episode of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's legendary puppet series Thunderbirds using original audio-only stories recorded in the 1960s.

Technology has moved on in five decades, but our goal is to produce an unashamedly retro episode made with many of the same 'Supermarionation' techniques used to bring the puppets and models to life in the 1960s."


The project has the goal of reaching £ 75,000 ($115,000 USD) and is almost there. need an incentive to fund it? The only way you can get hold of the shows (for now) is to back the project on kickstarter. I fully expect this project to reach funding by August, if not the middle of July. Hopefully that will mean later episodes can be made from the later EPs.

Stephen even put together a short introductory video to explain the project.

Read all about the project and then fund it. You know its the right thing to do.



Kindle edition of "Filmed in Supermarionation" coming soon

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If you own a copy of the wonderful "Filmed in Supermarionation" book, you know its a well written book with lots of images. It is also quite heavy.

If you want a Kindle version, one is on its way. It will not have the hundreds of images in the book, but all the text and some images will be in there. After all, it is a kindle version, so you focus on the text.

The book is well worth getting if you are a fan of the Supermarionation era shows. Its also limited edition, so pick it up soon if its on your wish list. 

I'll update when the kindle version gets released, but if you want the actual printed edition of the book, you can get it here:

New series of Thunderbirds gets advance purchase and title

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The new series of Thunderbirds will be named "Thunderbirds are Go!". In has also been announced that an advance purchase of the new show has been made by Nine Channel in Australia and is set to air in the spring of 2015.

The show will be a combination of live action and CGI special effects. In addition to screening in the spring in Australia, it will air shortly before that in the UK.

The revised version of the show will still feature the wonderful vehicles and the familiar names, and is being produced in New Zealand by ITV Studios and Pukeko Pictures with Weta Workshop, using CGI animation and live-action model sets, which will update the special effects while (hopefully) keeping the legacy of original series intact.

It appears that the show will not feature a live action cast however, as all the credits name the cast using voices.

The Thunderbirds Are Go! cast is led by Rosamund Pike (The World’s End, Gone Girl) as Lady Penelope and David Graham, who is reprising his role as chauffeur and International Rescue agent Parker. Brains will be voiced by Kayvan Novak (Fonejacker, Facejacker). Tracy brothers Alan and Scott are voiced by Rasmus Hardiker (Saxondale, Lead Balloon), while David Menkin will voice both Virgil and Gordon Tracy. The fifth Tracy brother, John, will be played by Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Love Actually, Game of Thrones).

Filmed in Supermarionation - coming to a screen near you

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A few years ago, Stephen La Riviere wrote an excellent book detailing the making of the Supermarionation-era TV shows. The level of detail as well as the newly discovered photos made it a must read for any Anderson fan. It has now been announced that Network Distributing will be releasing a documentary based on the contents of this book.

It will be released August-September of 2014 and promises to include a great many newly discovered gems. In addition, a lot of new material has been filmed which shows how the special effects and puppets were filmed. There are several teaser videos available, and personally, I can't wait to see this. 

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Barry Gray music to be played at 2014 Glastonbury music festivalL

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Renowned Music Conductor Charles Hazlewood has announced that he will conducting a 45 minute Barry Gray set at this year’s Glastonbury Festival. This will be taking place at 1pm, on Sunday, June 29th on the Park Stage.

The Charles Hazlewood Allstars will be playing, featuring musicians from Goldfrapp, Portishead, Get the Blessing and Loose Tubes. Francois Evans will also be appearing, playing Barry Gray’s original Ondes Martenot.

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New Thunderbirds series for 2015?!

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It appears that ITV in the UK is working on a new production of Thunderbirds.

Very little is known right now other than it will potentially air in 2015.

Production is at least in part being done by WETA in New Zealand. Yes, I think the folks behind the special effects on the LOTR movies...

The image to the right is from a website for broadcasters, but the image appears to have vanished.

The original page is still there though.

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New Captain Scarlet
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