TV Century 21

Tue, Mar 11, 2025

Everything must go!

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Like some of you, I have amassed a significant Gerry Anderson collection over the years. After keeping it in plastic storage bins for decades, I know I can never really appreciate them and only display a few. As a result, I have decided to sell off the majority of my collection. This includes basically everything from the 1990s to today. It includes items from United Kingdom, USA and Japan. It covers all Supermarionation shows as well as UFO and Space 1999, possibly Terrahawks. I am currently in the process of photographing them and will be posting them for sale on ebay in the next couple of days. I will prepare a list of all the items in the first batch and post it here and share it on the Facebook page. Please contact me via the site or my email if you see something you want or are looking for something specific.

There are some vintage items as well. All of the non-vintage items are boxed and complete, but seal may be broken as I checked out the contents once and put it back. Many items are unopened. I'm mainly focused on shifting as much as possible as it takes up a lot of room, eg playsets for Captain Scarlet and Thunderbirds. I don't mind where it goes, but shipping will be extra and based on the method you choose. There are some familiar items and some oddball things as well, such as unlicensed properties. 25 years of collecting will do that, you know.


Below are some more samples, but bear in mind this is just the tip of the iceberg.








Kindle edition of "Filmed in Supermarionation" coming soon

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If you own a copy of the wonderful "Filmed in Supermarionation" book, you know its a well written book with lots of images. It is also quite heavy.

If you want a Kindle version, one is on its way. It will not have the hundreds of images in the book, but all the text and some images will be in there. After all, it is a kindle version, so you focus on the text.

The book is well worth getting if you are a fan of the Supermarionation era shows. Its also limited edition, so pick it up soon if its on your wish list. 

I'll update when the kindle version gets released, but if you want the actual printed edition of the book, you can get it here:

Andersonic issue 12 out now!

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The latest issue of the fan-created magazine "Andersonic" is now available.  Issue 12 contains an interview with sculptor John Blundall and Century 21 focus puller Robin McDonald.

Also included is a feature on an unfilmed Space:1999 script as well as an article on the recent Royal Mail Supermarionation stamps.

In addition, there are episode reviews, a competition and more.

The magazine features colour on front and back with black and white inside. The material is well done and is a smallish fanzine, but the size of FAB.

Its quite affordable and I highly recommend you pick up one, or indeed all of the available back issues. Its rare to find people still creating new material about Anderson and as fans we should support them!

Andersonic issue 11 out now!

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The latest issue of the superb Anderson-themed fanzine "Andersonic" is available now. Issue 11 includes an interview with Century 21's former Visual Effects Director Shaun Whittacker-Cook in which he discusses his time working at Century 21 on series from Thunderbirds up to UFO.

In addition to that, the A5 sized (similar in size to the Fanderson magazine) issue contains:

  • Starcruiser 'Run Robot Run' -  examine a recently unearthed script for the Anderson TV series that never was.
  • The Anderson Collecting Gene - What fans collect and why they do it.
  • Space 1999/ Force of Life - Ian McShane catches a chill as Moonbase Alpha revisits Quatermass
  • Interster - A look at the South African puppet series influenced by Century 21
  • UFO /Flight Path - 'Er Indoors gets a shooter in the boat race... An early episode examined
  • Ghosts in the Machine - SHADO, the CIA and other Fictions. Looking at information, misinformation and close encounters.
  • Lunarville Lip - Captain Scarlet's loose trilogy of moon-based episodes
  • Could You Fly a Thunderbird - Take our psychometric test and find out
The 44 page magazine can be ordered from their website and is published (approximately) every 6 months.
If you have not yet seen this magazine, order a copy today. Its well worth it.
£2.20 - Price includes postage to UK only. They do accept Paypal.


Andersonic issue 10 out now!

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Issue 10 of Andersonic is now available, comprising 44 pages with colour covers. It features a new interview with former Century 21 writer and director Leo Eaton in which he discusses his time directing the puppet series, writing for Scarlet, what it was like working on Scarlet, Joe 90 and UFO, why he eventually left the series and how he came to work with Ed Wood.
Other features include:-
• Supermerchandisation - A look at how Century 21 revolutionised the marketing of 'tie-in' products in the 1960s.
• Into Infinity - Script to screen feature plus a new interview with musician Steve Coe.
• Space:1999/ Earthbound - a look at Anthony Terpiloff's episode where Gerald Simmonds Esq does everything he can to get back to where he once belonged.
• Brink of Disaster Retrospective - four writers evaluate one of Thunderbirds' most stylish episodes. Is complete automation a viable option? Whadda you think!
• UFO/ Survival - Michael Billington makes his UFO debut in a moon-based episode.
• Space Patrol - a look at the 1960s series made by former Anderson alumni Arthur Provis and Roberta Leigh.
• Review Section - New merchandise reviewed.
• SHADO Staff Handbook - What not to do in your new job. Please sign and return to the HR department.
• X-Planes Extra - more inspirational designs we couldn't fit in last time. Ever wondered what inspired the design of Thunderbird 1, FAB 1 and UFO's Lunar Carrier?
The new issue is available via the website - price £2.40 including UK postage. It's also available from eBay for a limited period... and don't forget to visit us on Facebook!
Issue 10 of Andersonic is now available, comprising 44 pages with colour covers. It features a new interview with former Century 21 writer and director Leo Eaton in which he discusses his time directing the puppet series, writing for Scarlet, what it was like working on Scarlet, Joe 90 and UFO, why he eventually left the series and how he came to work with Ed Wood.
Other features include:-
  • Supermerchandisation - A look at how Century 21 revolutionised the marketing of 'tie-in' products in the 1960s.
  • Into Infinity - Script to screen feature plus a new interview with musician Steve Coe.
  • Space:1999/ Earthbound - a look at Anthony Terpiloff's episode where Gerald Simmonds Esq does everything he can to get back to where he once belonged.
  • Brink of Disaster Retrospective - four writers evaluate one of Thunderbirds' most stylish episodes. Is complete automation a viable option? Whadda you think!
  • UFO/ Survival - Michael Billington makes his UFO debut in a moon-based episode.
  • Space Patrol - a look at the 1960s series made by former Anderson alumni Arthur Provis and Roberta Leigh.
  • Review Section - New merchandise reviewed.
  • SHADO Staff Handbook - What not to do in your new job. Please sign and return to the HR department.
  • X-Planes Extra - more inspirational designs we couldn't fit in last time. Ever wondered what inspired the design of Thunderbird 1, FAB 1 and UFO's Lunar Carrier?
The new issue is available via the website - price £2.40 including UK postage. It's also available from eBay for a limited period. They are even on Facebook!
This is a superb magazine with quality content at an amazing price, just get it. You won't regret it.

Century 21 Annual coming for 2011!!!!

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Well that was a long wait. Almost 40 years after the last TV 21 annual was published in 1972, this summer will see the publication of "Gerry Anderson's Century 21 Annual 2011". As you might imagine, details are few right now, except it has 96 pages and will be published by Reynolds and Hearn on August 31 2010. Not September 13th as some might have hoped.

It is listed as a hardcover and the cover art looks really nice, as you can see. It's available for pre-order from

In addition, Reynolds and Hearn has published 2 additional volumes to the "Century 21" series of books featuring the classic strips from the comic. There are now 4 volumes in total, available in paperback and hardback, although the earlier volumes are now getting spendy in hardcover format. They are excellent books and well worth picking up.

Andersonic issue 9 now available

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The latest issue of Andersonic, issue 9 is now available.

This Anderson fan magazine is good quality with original material and is published about twice a year. The latest issue include an interview with Mike Trim, a recollection of a set visit on Space:1999 and a re-evaluation of Supercar.

Full details below...


Read more ...

Andersonic issue 8 now available

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Andersonic issue 8Fan-produced fanzine Andersonic has just released issue 8. The magazine is great treat for Anderson fans and contains much original content.

Full summar


From the publisher:

Issue 8 is now available, comprising 40 pages and featuring a new interview with Mike Noble who discusses his work on Anderson-related comic strips in TV21 and Look-In. Other features include:-

• Stingray - is there more to Stingray's longevity than all that colour? Line out to Deepsville with Commander Daddio to find out about the Andersons' foray into inner space.
• Joe 90 - City of Dolls: a look at how the series captured the zeitgeist of the late 60s.
• Joe 90/ Business Holiday - Classic episode reviewed.
• The Metamorph Retrospective - Changes were deemed necessary to get the series back on the air, but did they do the trick? Our writers take a closer look at the colourful opening episode of Space:1999's reboot.
• Beyond Century 21 - a look at the fate of costumes, instrumentation and miniatures from the Anderson series after the closure of the studios... but where exactly do Sid James and mashed potato fit into the equation?
• Space:1999/ Missing Link - a look at Edward di Lorenzo's thoughtful offering from the first series. Is it more important to feel than to think? Koenig's not sure...
• Interview - artist Mike Noble discusses his comic strip career, his techniques, influences and drawing everything from cowboys to bedsteads!
• UFO/ The Square Triangle - UFO does melodrama. Classic episode reviewed.
• Review Section - Fanderson's Stingray CD and two volumes of TV21 reprints.
• Alpha Mail - Readers letters and comments.
• Things You Do - ...when you're a fan. Back by popular demand!

The new issue is available via the website - price £2.25 including UK postage and also from eBay for a limited period. If you'd prefer to pay by cheque or PO, please get in touch for our postal address.