TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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The fanzine "Andersonic" has just published issue 7. The magazine comes out every 3-6 months and is a labour of love. All of the content is original, with many interesting articles. There is some quirky stuff, but the price is incredibly reasonable and it a must for Anderson fans. The latest issue includes an interview with Dominic Lavery (New Captain Scarlet) about his design and directing experiences. Also included in issue 7:

  • APF Memories - one fan's recollections of the studio's 60s heyday.
  • Close Up - is the music the best thing about it?
  • Alpha Incident Log - Strange goings on with a jewelled asteroid...
  • The Fastest Guy Alive - Fireball XL5 overview.
  • The Spirit of Thunderbirds - what the film missed and any new series shouldn't forget.
  • The Infernal Machine - Classic episode review: Sentient computer seeks new Companion: apply Box 1999.
  • Alec Freeman Character Study - there's more to Alec than you think.
  • Black Sun - classic episode review
  • Star Fleet/X-Bomber - the Japanese puppet series with a few things in common with Anderson's series.
  • Titan Goes Pop - is it anything to shout about? Like, yeah man!
  • Reviews - Barry Gray Centenary Concert and Doppelganger DVD.
  • Things You Do - ...when you're a fan.

Details on ordering the magazine can be found here: