TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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The latest issue of Andersonic, issue 9 is now available.

This Anderson fan magazine is good quality with original material and is published about twice a year. The latest issue include an interview with Mike Trim, a recollection of a set visit on Space:1999 and a re-evaluation of Supercar.

Full details below...


Andersonic is a 40 page A5 fanzine which covers the films and television series of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. Each issue contains features and articles which explore and discuss their many series, from the black and white Supercar and Fireball XL5, 60s series Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90 and The Secret Service; the live-action series UFO and Space:1999 and later stuff such as Terrahawks and right up to date with New Captain Scarlet.


This latest issue contains:

• A 9-page interview with Century 21 designer Mike Trim: Mike discusses his work starting on Thunderbirds all the way through to UFO, describing his day-to-day duties on these series, his influences, working with Derek Meddings and much more.
• Space 1999 Set Visit - Koenig and Doctor Who on the same set? John Sinclair recalls his visit to Pinewood Studios to see filming on the final episode 'The Dorcons'.
• X Marks The Spot - Looking at some of the real-world influences on the Century 21 designers, the X-Planes of the 50s and 60s.
• Supercar Overview - a re-evaluation of one of the Andersons' lesser-known and rarely repeated series.
• Thunderbirds Date Debate - two writers look at the evidence for and against placing the series in 2026 or 2065.
• Space:1999/ The Last Enemy - a look at one of Bob Kellett's more pulp episodes of the first series. Beware independent women in enormous spaceships!
• The Roots of UFO - a look at the literary and film influences that shaped the Andersons' first live-action series.
• UFO/ Ordeal - Why do I never get invited to parties like that? Classic episode reviewed.
• A Question of Miracles - Retrospectlode Reviewbode.
• Review Section - The new 'Filmed in Supermarionation' book. That's where our pocket money's going.
• Things You Do - ...when you're a fan. More skeletons from our closets.

44 pages with colour outer and inner covers/ black and white interior.



Issues are available from the Andersonic website order page here.

Previous issues have also covered the films  Doppelganger and Into Infinity - as well as unscreened projects and a look at other productions which they have influenced. They also take a closer look at the work of some of the series' luminaries - writers and directors such as Dennis Spooner, Johnny Byrne and David Tomblin, and the comic strip artists including Frank Bellamy and Mike Noble.