Thunderbirds movie
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Category: Thunderbirds movie
Last Updated: Monday, 05 August 2013 17:17
Written by Simon Wickes
Hits: 4651
Several readers have sent in emails telling us that the Thunderbirds movie recently opened in Australia and New Zealand. Initial reviews from Australia seem to be consistent with other comments, namely they either ignore it or draw the obvious parallel to the Spy Kids franchise. Next stop: DVD!
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Category: Thunderbirds movie
Last Updated: Monday, 05 August 2013 17:17
Written by Simon Wickes
Hits: 4020
The release date for the new Thunderbirds movie has been brought up a week. Those of us who live in the US will now be able to see the movie when it opens on July 30th rather than the original date of August 6th. In addition, a new trailer has appeared on the movie site, but only appears on the US version. Starts out promising and then becomes a cringe-inspiring series of quips between kids. One of my pet peeves is hearing dialogue coming out of the mouth of a child that clearly would never come out were it not for some daft script comments. Lets get it over with.