TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


Merry Christmas!

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Merry Christmas from TV Century 21!

Those in the UK can enjoy many Anderson shows over the holidays, so go nuts. For the rest of us, time to dig through our DVDs for festive treats.

Although it really doesn't matter what episodes to watch, there are many winter/Christmas-themed episodes to while away the festive season. The most well-known of course if "Give or Take a Million", the last episode of Thunderbirds.

Its not the greatest episode, but it has the right tone and is as festive as they come.

Have a great Christmas everyone!

Real world Skyship

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 T his came out early February in an Australian newspaper. There is a large airship apparently capable of going around the world.

The Anderson tie-in is that they claim it looks like Thunderbird 2. It does, but as many will be aware this also bears more than a passing resemblance the SKYSHIP from the Thunderbird 6 movie.

This airship is apparently a hotel, so that should be fun.  I don't see an old biplane anywhere though...

Contest Winners Notified

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To celebrate the publication of the "Century 21 FX" book by Alan Shubrook, we put together a contest which took place up to the end of October 2007. We got numerous entries, many correct, but at the end of the day, a winner has to be selected.

The winner was Brian of Illinois, USA. The three runner-up prizes went to three lucky chaps in the UK: Paul, Dave and Jim. They should all be receiving their prizes shortly.

In the meantime, if you have been holding out on the purchase in hopes of winning, now is a great time to visit the publisher's website and order your own copy. Congratulations to all the winners and a special thank you to the publishers of Century 21 FX for providing the prizes!

Fanderson Sector 25 summary

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I'm finally back from the UK and sorting though my photos from the trip, which of course include photos from the Sector 25 Fanderson event earlier this month. I'm going to post a full detailed review later, but for now I'll provide some highlights and a photo of the man himself.

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Site Updates

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Hi again. The forum and downloads area have been updated. The forum now includes "personal messaging" and the downloads has been fixed so all dud downloads actually work. Images have been added where available. I'm going to put back many of the other popular files, but if there is one you are missing let me know and I'll add it. The Personal Messaging functionality allows you to send a message to any other member of the site. It only works when you are logged in, but you will see a box on the left of the main page showing if you have messages. Click on the link to send messages to others. Play nice, kids! I'll be adding back a classified ads section soon, adding another reason to use PM.

The downloads area has been expanded to include a complete set of Supermarionation-era fonts, TV Century desktops and even a set of icons.