TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


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I'm finally back from the UK and sorting though my photos from the trip, which of course include photos from the Sector 25 Fanderson event earlier this month. I'm going to post a full detailed review later, but for now I'll provide some highlights and a photo of the man himself.

The event was well attended and Fanderson did a wonderful job of running the event. The guests were entertaining the exhibition was a treat. Although it initially looked as if it could be a 80% New Captain Scarlet event, there were many guests attending from the supermarionation era, many of whom are still very entertaining and even now now providing interesting insights into the production of the shows we love.

I was a bit surprised by the fewer screenings, as I enjoyed the live narration provided in the 2000 event. Of course, since then most of the shows have been released on DVD so we can watch them in our own homes. Overall, Fanderson did a nice job of keeping things interesting over the 2 1/2 days; so much so that you really had to carefully track the agenda in order not to miss an event.

In addition to the on stage interviews, there were smaller "workshops" which were very interesting as were some of the other impromtu treats especially the live performance of an unused New Captain Scarlet script onstage by the full cast along with guest Shane Rimmer! It was definately one of the highlights of the show...