TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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Thorough article on the secret bases from Stingray.


Marineville is the main base and headquarters of the World Aquanaut Security Patrol. It is located 10 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean somewhere on the west coast of the United States.

Marineville started off as a World Navy installation. Construction commenced in 2046 and was completed in 2048. The base was transferred from the World Navy to the World Aquanaut Security Patrol upon the latter service's establishment in 2062.

Marineville Base is a self-contained installation comparable in size and facilities to a large town. The base's main facilities are as follows:

Administrative Office Block

Three 3 story office blocks located at the center of Marineville Base house the WASP administrative offices. The building on the left contains the design and draftsman's offices, the WASP administration section, and the World Navy liaison offices. The center building contains additional administrative offices, conference rooms, and the standby lounge. The building on the right contains a lecture theater, cafeteria, VIP accommodations, and additional office space.

Control Tower

The control tower is a tall cylindrical structure located above the middle administrative office building. The top floor of the control tower is the control center and plotting room. Below this is the communications center. The bottom floor of the control tower houses the Marineville computer center and the emergency life support systems used during battle stations.

Communications System Receiving Station

This is located in a round building located on the right in front of the WASP administrative office block.

Radar Station

This is located in a round building located on the left in front of the WASP administrative office block. The radar station has a long rotating radar scanner antenna mounted on it's roof.


Accommodations for WASP officers and their families are located in two large building on either side of the WASP administrative office block. Other accommodations for enlisted personnel and others are located around the base.


Marineville's hospital is located halfway between the administrative office block and the Marineville airbase. The five story building is well equipped with the latest medical technology and can handle any kind of medical situation. One important feature of the Marineville hospital is the use of automated diagnostic equipment, called "Auto-Docs" which were developed in Australia by Dr Edward Wilkie. Dr Wilkie later joined the Spectrum organization and was code named Dr Fawn.


The Marineville airbase is capable of handling any type of aircraft. Altogether, there are about 300 WASP aircraft stationed at Marineville. Types range from air/sea rescue craft, transports, bombers, fighters, and helicopters.

Fire Station

The Marineville fire station houses 20 high speed fire tenders, a special bomb disposal unit, and other emergency services.

Power Plant

The power plant handles all of the base's power requirements. Power is generated using harnessed tidal motion. Solar generating equipment is available as a back-up in the event the main hydrodynamic system fails. The power plant also houses a large desalination plant which converts sea water into drinking water.

Car Control

The car control center is a guarded automobile parking lot where WASP staff cars are parked and maintained.

Underground Warehouses

There are several underground warehouses located at the base which contain enough stored foodstuffs and other supplies to last the base for three years.

Marineville Defensive/Offensive Systems

Marinveville is a fully operational military base capable of supporting any WASP mission.

The base is armed with large numbers of combat submarines of various types which are housed in underground pens. These submarines pass from the base to the ocean and back via a 10 mile underground tunnel.

Underwater approaches to the base are defended by underwater interceptor missiles which are concealed under the sea bed. Each underwater interceptor missile can travel at a speed of 150 knots and has a range of 12 miles.

Marineville is defended from air attack by the WASP interceptor missiles. These are supersonic surface to air missiles which are housed in underground hangars scattered around the perimeter of the base.

Twelve Hydromic missile launchers are positioned in various locations around the base. Two of them are located in front of the Marineville administrative office block. These are normally concealed underground and are elevated to the surface for launching. The Hydromic missiles are two stage intercontinental ballistic missiles that achieve top speeds of up to 25,000 miles per hour in flight. Warheads are mission selectable and can range from conventional high explosive bombs to high yield nuclear devices.

The main combat aircraft based at Marineville are the 100 Arrowhead jets and 50 Spearhead jets. The Arrowheads are nuclear powered missile armed interceptor jets which have a top speed of 5,000 miles per hour and a three day endurance. The Spearhead jets are 3,000 mile per hour triple rocket powered bombers which can be armed with a variety of ground attack missiles.

Battle Stations

The battle stations procedure is Marineville Base's primary means of defense. When battle stations is called, every structure at the base slides down hydraulic lifts into gasproof hardened underground shelters.


WASP/WN Installations

The World Aquanaut Security Patrol and World Navy have many installations located around the world. Some of these are weather stations (as seen in "The Invaders") and airbases (as seen in "The Lighthouse Dwellers").

Research Establishments

Two permanent undersea scientific installations are seen on TV. One is seen in "The Subterranean Sea" being used by scientists drilling through the Earth's crust. The other undersea research station was used by the evil Professor Cordo in "Trapped in the Depths".

X20's House

Titan's surface agent X20 maintains a listening post in an abandoned house on the island of Lemoy located at the sea approach to Marineville. This house is packed with sophisticated communications and intelligence collection devices.


Underwater city and birthplace of undersea tyrant Titan. Hydroma was located in a deep Pacific Ocean trench. The city was accidentally destroyed in the mid 20th century by a surface nuclear test. This event caused Titan to swear revenge upon the surface world.


Titanica is the underwater city of Titan and the Aquaphibians. Titan is the undisputed master of much of the underwater world. He rules many underwater races conquered over a hundred years time by his army of Aquaphibians. Titanica is the capital city of Titan's empire. It was built by the Aquaphibians on top of the ruins of Hydroma.

Titanica is a fortress city. It is heavily armed and well defended. Only a few structures connected together with travel tubes are placed above the sea bed. Most of the city is located deep underground.

Though the inhabitants of Titanica are amphibious, being able to breathe both air and water, the structures of Titanica are filled with air. This strange fact seems to be true of all the underwater cities seen in Stingray.


Aquatraz is Titan's undersea prison complex. It is located a short distance away from the underwater city of Titanica. Aquatraz is mostly constructed out of sunken surface ships connected together with travel tubes. The prison can hold about 2,000 prisoners. Troy Tempest and "Phones" Sheridan were en-route to Aquatraz for execution when Marina helped them escape in "Stingray is Launched".


Pacifica is the home city of Marina. It is ruled by Marina's father Aphony. The underwater city of Pacifica resembles an array of large scallop shells but like Titanica, it's bulk is actually located below the ocean floor. Pacifica's inhabitants are known throughout the underwater world for their peacefulness and patronage of the arts. For this reason, Titan targeted Pacifica for "special" attention and raided the city several times. The city of Pacifica is only seen in "Plant of Doom".


The underwater city of Solarstar was the home of a warlike group of underwater aliens ruled by "The Mighty Leader". These creatures developed a special missile capable of destroying large areas of land. Solarstar resembled a huge starfish and was located in a very deep area of the ocean in a subterranean sea. This city was destroyed by Stingray in "The Big Gun".

Bitumite City

The Bitumite city is located in an area of the ocean where there are large undersea deposits of oil. This city is located completely below the sea bed. The Bitumites were initially considered to be hostile after they destroyed a deep sea old drilling rig. However, subsequent investigation by the Stingray crew established that the Bitumites were a peaceful people who were only trying to defend themselves from what they interpreted as drilling attacks on their city from the surface. The Bitumite city was only seen in "Sea of Oil".

Gadus's Base

The underwater terrorist Gadus had a secret base for his submarine located in an underwater cave. This was seen in "Hostages of the Deep".

The Treasure Cavern

Two underwater aliens named Ebrun and Trel discovered a network of underwater caves located in close proximity to a whirlpool which regularly channeled wrecked ships to them. Over the years, the two underwater aliens were able to accumulate a vast store of treasure in their caves. This is seen in "Treasure Down Below".

Val Base

Two hostile underwater aliens named Nucella and Chidora established a secret missile base under a volcano on the island of Val. They launched missiles at Marineville from this secret base until they were apprehended by the Stingray crew. This base was seen in "Emergency Marineville".


Parasitica is an underwater city build entirely from sunken ships by a band of underwater nomads. This city was featured in "The Disappearing Ships".


Voldana was a city foolishly located in an undersea volcano. The volcano erupted destroying the city and killing all inhabitants but two. This city was featured in "Deep Heat".


Prisma city is located under the sea near Arago lighthouse. The dwellers of this underwater city harnessed the mechanical energy of millions of light sensitive sea plants for power. These plants were sensitized to the light from the Arago lighthouse. This city was featured in "The Lighthouse Dwellers".

No for-profit use of the above text can be made in any form without the express permission of Marc J. Frattasio. The above text was compiled using Century 21 magazine issue 13 and the various Stingray Annuals for reference.