TV Century 21

Tue, Mar 11, 2025

Two great video interviews of Ian Wingrove

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A site run by Dennis Lowe has posted 2 very interesting video interviews on Ian Wingrove who worked on such shows as Thunderbirds in the speciall effects workshop.

As I cannot provide a direct link, I will provide the main site link which shows the main interview. You can look at the 6th and 7th articles which feature Ian Wingrove. I believe the main interview (45 mins) is conducted by David Sisson, well known model maker.

The second video is a summary of his work and includes mention of Thunderbirds and Stingray.

Dennis' site also has a lot of other very interesting videos, especially a series from ALIEN and ALIENS, including rare photos. Definitely worth a visit!

John Read - The quiet man of film 1920 - 2006

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After the recent passing of John Read (see related news item), we received an obituary on his work. This has been created by long time collaborator Mary Turner and recent collaborator Darryl Worbey.

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How to work with Puppets

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Why did I start working with puppets? It's something that is within you. I never thought of going onto stage but it did come to me fairly quickly. I started off by working at a puppet theatre in Chiswick and the people working there: the woman was a wonderful operator and her husband a sculptor who was a brilliant puppet maker and I never worked such excellent puppets like that ever before or since.

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John Blundall interview

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John Blundall worked on some of Gerry Anderson's earlier shows. Dave and Barry spoke to John, director of the Cannon Hill Puppet Theatre, Birmingham, at the theatre on the 26th of January, 1985.

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Sylvia Anderson interview (1992)

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Throughout the Nineteen-Sixties Sylvia Anderson was a key member of one of British television's most inventive and internationally successful production companies. But unlike her ex-husband and creative partner, Gerry Anderson , she has received little credit since then for her part in creating the company's unmistakable worlds of futuristic technology and space-age adventure.

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