TV Century 21

Tue, Mar 11, 2025

TV 21 site news

TV21 - now on Facebook too

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I have created a Facebook page for this site and will be using that to update Facebook users on what is going on here on this site.

I will do my best to make sure the Facebook page is updated when I publish new articles or have news. 

There will be a review of the new Thunderbirds are Go BluRay and I should have some other interesting items soon...


TV21 site is back with caveats...

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TV Century is finally back online after a fairly (!) long absence. Expect to start to see a steady flow of news over the next few days.

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BETA site notes

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This site is still in testing as I bring back some of the functionality. As a result, some things will not be working until I am comfortable with the configuration. This includes:

  1. Logging in to the forum - no posting for now (fixed!)
  2. Logging into the site (fixed!)
  3. Creating a new account (fixed!)
  4. Downloads may not work
  5. Some links may not work
  6. Some images may not appear
  7. Some pages could have weird errors


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TV21 lives again!

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So after about 2 years being offline, TV Century 21 is back online. The site was hacked and it took me a long time to bring it back online, with all the technical stuff that has to be done.

Things are still not complete, so please bear with me as I try to get things stable. Thanks for your patience.

In the meantime, the site should be fully searchable and the forums and downloads are back! Enjoy!


Site updated

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As you can tell, I have updated the look of the site. In addition, the commenting system has been updated and hopefully will enourage more particpation. Time will tell. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the new look and feel. Please feel free to provide any feedback via the "Contact TV21" link on the right!