TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

TV 21 site news

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This site is still in testing as I bring back some of the functionality. As a result, some things will not be working until I am comfortable with the configuration. This includes:

  1. Logging in to the forum - no posting for now (fixed!)
  2. Logging into the site (fixed!)
  3. Creating a new account (fixed!)
  4. Downloads may not work
  5. Some links may not work
  6. Some images may not appear
  7. Some pages could have weird errors



I'm aware of these issues and am working on them as quickly as possible. In the meantime, the full content of the original TV21 is available for reading as is the forum.

I expect to have the site stable and ready for normal use by the middle of August.

Thanks for your patience.