TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

TV 21 site news

Star InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar InactiveStar Inactive

TV Century is finally back online after a fairly (!) long absence. Expect to start to see a steady flow of news over the next few days.


Known issues

  1. Downloads area is empty. 
  2. it is not possible (yet) to create a new account. Please do not even try, it will not work.
  3. You have to be registered to post to the forums
  4. You have to be registered to post a comment
  5. Some links may not work, I will try to find them, but if you see any, feel free to drop me a line via the \\\"Contact\\\" link in the menu bottom left

Other notes

  1. if you have an existing account, it should work, so you can post in the forums and add comments.
  2. The look of the site is temporary until I can customize this
  3. I will be adding RSS feeds soon