December 2001Carlton gives us a Flashy, Thunderbirds Christmas gift!Carlton emailed a Thunderbirds-themed Christmas treat for Thunderbirds fans. It requires Macromedia Flash, and can be viewed by clicking on this link. It is an"ecard". Thunderbirds toys seen in the US!We have received various reports that a handful of the UK toys may be finally making their way into the US. An email has been received indicating that the Times Square branch of "Toys R Us" is carrying a limited amount of the Thunderbirds toy range. However, it is unclear whether there are plans to offer the toys in other brandhces. Any additonal info would be gladly received. Thunderbirds goes wireless!Thunderbirds invades the phone industry, from this press release courtesy of Carlton:
Alan Fennell has passed awayAlan Fennell passed away on December 10th. Alan was the "fourth wheel on the wagon" of A.P. Films. He wrote scripts for most of Gerry's series and was the driving force behind TV21. A magazine that supported the series and was no doubt a significant factor to their success. Alan had been ill for some time but was recently recovering quite well. Now he's gone. One more of the A.P. Films stable left us. With the likes of Derek Meddings, Christine Glanville, Barry Gray and Reg Hill to name but a few of the better known names that went before him. November 2001Replica puppets available from original sculptor! UPDATETerry Curtis, the sculptor of many Anderson puppet has decided to make a very limited number of replica puppets. Here is what he has to say:
For the full text of his ad as well as an image of the replica, see this page in the collectables area. There will be a maximum of 6 replicas for each puppet. If you are interested, you can contact Terry via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please bear in mind that a replica puppet made by the original sculptor is likely to sell for several thousand pounds, but will be identical to the original, including electronics. October 2001Cards Inc to produce a set of Captain Scarlet cardsCards Inc., the people who recently brought out the excellent Thunderbirds cards is now planning to follow them up with a series of cards from Captain Scarlet. Details coming soon, but here are some images of early card prototypes. Yes, I know the text is from Thunderbirds, like I said, prototypes.
Another Mike Trim sketch on ebayMike Trim is auctioning off another of his sketches on ebay. This time it is a sketch of the "wombat" aircraft as seen in Thunderbirds. Let the bidding commence... More Thunderbirds licensing in the Pacific RimThunderbirds gets even more high tech! Soon the Japanese will be able to download images from Thunderbirds and other supermarionation shows. Plus info about a Thunderbirds-themed bank card promotion in New Zealand:
Thunderbirds still popular with advertisersIf you think the popularity of Thunderbirds may be waning, think again. Travel seems to be a popular theme. Most be the vehicles... Check out this press release from Carlton International:
Thunderbirds to get promotion in the US!It appears that Thunderbirds will finally get the respect and promotion it deserves in the US. Most of the merchandise available in the UK will now hopefully be available in the US as well. During the early 1990's when Thunderbirds was popular worldwide, the US was notable for (a) butchering the show in ill-conceived "turbo-charged" versions and (b) poorly promoting the show so that very few toys were available and even fewer sold. The new owner, Carlton, does not intend to repeat those mistakes as the following press release testifies:
Irwin Toys gets Thunderbirds licence for Canada and USFrom the press release below, it appears that the UK Vivid Thunderbird toys will be sold in the US under the Irwin Toys banner. If you see any of these items in the US, please drop me a line and tell me wher you saw them. Here is the press release from Irwin Toys relating the above announcement:
Japanese capsule toys to be distributed in the UKIf you know about the Japanese Yjin/Gashapon Thunderbirds toys from Japan, good news. They will be available in the UK soon via Tomy UK. The toys are sold in Japan in vending machines like gumball
machines. Each toy comes in a clear plastic "egg" with a pretty
nice Thunderbird craft and a little colour booklet. They have been making
these for the last couple of years, and sets can frequently be picked
up on ebay. With any luck, the UK versions will be the same quality, but
a lot cheaper! From the Carlton press release:
Start date
Box office
July 02 | Reading Hexagon | 0118 960 6060 |
July 10 | High Wycombe Swan | 01494 512000 |
July 17 | Bath Theatre Royal | 01225 448844 |
July 24 | Oxford Playhouse | 01865 798600 |
July 31 | Aberdeen His Majesty¹s Theatre | 01224 641122 |
Aug 6 | Woking New Victoria Theatre | 01483 545900 |
Aug 14 | Manchester Opera House | 0161 242 2503* |
Aug 21 | Richmond Theatre | 020 8940 0088 |
Aug 28 | Glasgow Theatre Royal | 0141 332 9000 |
Sept 3 | Southend Cliffs Pavilion | 01702 351135 |
Sept 10 | Bradford Alhambra | 01274 752000 |
of" secrets revealed for Captain Scarlet CGI pilot
The latest issue of UK magazine CGI, contains an article about the making of the recent Captain Scarlet CGI pilot. It makes for very interesting reading. It contains a number of interesting images, such as the gradual build-up of the "improved" SPV vehicle. Read all about it here.
Problem with some Stingray DVDs
If you bought the Stingray DVDs and had a problem playing them on your player as reported below, help is at hand.
The first pressing of these discs featured programming faults which have been discovered to be incompatible with some DVD players, primarily Samsung, Proline and Pioneer, locking the player after the opening Carlton Video logo. Replacement discs are now available so all you have to do is post the faulty disc(s) to Carlton Video with your name, address and details of your DVD player. They will send you a replacement disc. The address is:
Customer Services,
Carlton Video,
The Waterfront,
Elstree Road,
Hertfordshire, WD6 3BS
April 2001
Captain Scarlet video update
The Region 2 PAL DVD and PAL VHS release of Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons by Carlton is set for 1st October 2001. The DVD box set will consist of 5 DVDs, the VHS set will consist of 9 tapes. Both sets will retail for £74.99. Carlton is accepting pre-orders at their web site.
set of Thunderbirds premium trading cards coming soon
Cards Inc are doing a superb set of Thunderbirds cards. This will include 72 main cards, 15 foil cards, 7 autograph cards, 4 rare insert cards. They are also making a storage binder.
Stingray DVD set disc 1 fault aknowledged
Some people who bought the recent Stingray DVD box set may have experienced problems with playing the first disc. This is due to a fault on the disc which prevents it from working on some "budget priced" DVD players like the Samsung 709 and Wharfdale 750. Carlton is aware of this and will be exchanging the discs as soon as new ones are ready. Full details when we have them.
Check out (with) the new Captain Scarlet toys - coming soon!
Vivid Imaginations in the UK is working on a set of toys from Captain Scarlet due out in the autumn. These will be available during the time when the TV show is being aired on BBC and the videos and DVDs get released. Dave Nightingale at Engale Marketing/Star Trader has a page for pre-ordering the toys along with descriptions of the toys and early sketches of what they may look like. There will be figures of Captains Scarlet and Black, in addition there will be an SPV, Command Team (Angel Interceptor, SPC and helicopter) and Cloudbase. All will feature the "Soundtech" technology. Just as my wallet was cooling down...
Thunderbirds Promotion at Little Chef Restaurants
you have just completed your KFC (UK) Thunderbirds toy collection, get
ready to blast off again now that Little
Chef is offering a Thunderbirds promotion. They are giving away a
Thunderbirds toy with every £3.49 Kids Fun Meal. They do appear
to be different from the KFC ones too. One even comes with the Thunderbirds
spaghetti shapes. Here we go again...
Starburst interviews Sylvia Anderson
The latest issue of UK sci-fi magazine Starburst contains an interview with 'Er Ladyship 'erself, Sylvia Anderson.
We are about to relaunch...Stingray!
Stingray is gearing
up for a big push now that Thunderbirds
has finished its run on BBC in the UK. Two episodes a week will be shown
in the same slot that was occupied by Thunderbirds. Meanwhile, the Excellent
DVD boxed set is available, complete with lots of goodies. Lastly,
there is also an official Stingray
web site. Take 'er down Phones....
Nyree Dawn Porter passes away
Nyree Sawn Porter appeared as the Contessa Caroline di Contini in the 1972 Gerry Anderson series "The Protectors" opposite Robert Vaughan. She was 61. Full obituary at Fanderson.
Joe 90 Fan Site Launched
Joe 90 fan Andrew Frampton has finally unveiled his Joe 90 web site. This contains a comprehensive episode guide, a memorabilia guide and much more. Well worth a trip.
Supercar Almost Ready for Lift-off
The Johnny Lightning Supercar die-cast is almost ready, due out in May, and now we have colour photo of the finished product. Looks like it is going to be very nice. the car will be available separately, on in the "Hollywood on wheels 3" set. No woody jokes, please.
March 2001
Space:1999 DVD Menu Screens Preview
For those who can't wait any longer, DVDREVIEW has obtained images of the menu and supplementary material from the forthcoming Space:1999 DVDs. It is in the news section. Looks like they really put a load of good stuff these DVDs. Anyone want to buy my REGION1 versions?..
So, you want to see the Scarlet CGI pilot eh?
If you are not one of the lucky ones who has seen the Captain Scarlet CGI pilot show, then we have a treat for you. An eagle-eyed fan found clips from the pilot on the demo reel of the company that worked on it. The showreel is about 4 minutes long and contains about a minute of material from the Scarlet CGI pilot. The Scarlet pilot is about 5 minutes in length, so this is by no means the whole thing, but does show off the superb work done. Naturally, as this is a showreel, it also includes material from their other productions, which is also impressive.
No word yet on the fate of the proposed series, but "the buzz" about the pilot has been extremely positive...
Select '3D Reel' in your chosen format (Quicktime, Real Player or Windows
Media) & amongst the collage of their current work are random shots
from the
Captain Scarlet CGI Pilot!
Thunderbirds in New Zealand!
Thunderbirds is to be shown on TV3 in New Zealand commencing on June 10th.The new range of Thunderbirds toys will be delivered to retail stores to coincide with the viewing schedule. The campign is called "Thunderbirds are back".
Thunderbirds music for the Stratford Music Centre!
Saturday 7th April will be a FAB day for orchestral players and film music lovers, as Thunderbirds is coming to town! No, not the programme, but the theme music, which is going to play a major part in an orchestral workshop being held at Stratford Racecourse organised by the Friends of Stratford Music Centre. The workshop is entitled A Day At The Movies , and, as well as the theme from Thunderbirds, will feature other favourites from the film world including Indiana Jones, Mary Poppins and The Dam Busters. Tim Raistrick, well known to Stratford audiences, will join the orchestra to sing Oh, What A Beautiful Morning from Oklahoma, and Some Enchanted Evening from South Pacific.
The workshop is open to all orchestral players of Grade 4 standard or above, and is free of charge, including lunch. It is being totally subsidised by the Friends of the Music Centre to give orchestral players a rare chance to play some of the most famous film music in the world. There is a concert at 6.00 pm, which includes an auction of talents and promises, with auctioneer Steven Bruce, and the proceeds from the auction will be going towards the Music Centres production of West Side Story, which is being taken to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August.
Conductor Jenny Barrie said that it is a marvellous opportunity to play such music, especially the Thunderbirds theme. "We have been extremely fortunate to have been given a copy of Barry Grays original score for Thunderbirds, and it is very exciting to see the music in its original state, rather than an edited version. Although we wont be able to reproduce the sound effects as Barry Gray wanted, we hope to be able to do the music justice."
Further applications for the workshop are welcomed, and anyone interested
should telephone the Stratford Music Centre (01789 263620).
Captain Scarlet DVD to get 5.1 surround sound!
We've been speaking to some very nice people at Carlton Video and can announce some thrilling news for fans of Gerry & Sylvia Anderson's Captain Scarlet (1967). You probably know that the complete series is due to be released in September but we can confirm that the release will feature a remixed Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack for each of the 32-episodes! Although the 5.1 surround mix on Thunderbirds (1966) proved highly popular there were a few gripes from purists. So in a laudable effort by Carlton Video to satisfy everybody the Captain Scarlet release will include both the original mono soundtrack and a stereo mix in addition to the 5.1 track.
We've also been looking at the test discs for Volumes 2 and 3 of Stingray due out on 2 April. We'll be posting a news story about these shortly but presentation wise these surpass Carlton's previous Thunderbirds boxset and we hear that the Space: 1999 discs (currently at the emulation stage) are even better.
Both Stingray, Space: 1999 and Scarlet will be getting their own official websites ala Thunderbirds which Carlton will use to promote the DVD releases and provide additional material not seen on the DVDs. Such as? Well on the Stingray disc there's a virtual CGI flyby through the Stingray cockpit. Because of storage considerations it's only around 30 seconds long but the plan is for the website to host the full version. Further publicity will follow when the BBC begins repeats of Stingray in April and Captain Scarlet in the autumn.
Thunderbirds released on DVD down under!
Two Thunderbirds DVD's have been released in Australia.
- Trapped in the sky
- Pit of Peril
- City of Fire
- Sunprobe
Disc two
- The uninvited
- Might Atom
- Vault of Death
- Operation Crash Dive
They appear to have the same extras as the R2 discs, but this is unconfirmed.
Supercar die-cast update
The Johnny Lightning Supercar die-cast reported last month is scheduled for availability in April from the usual stockists. No photo of the finished product is available as yet, but here is a photo of the "Hollywood on Wheels 3" set of which Supercar is a part. Please note the colours are only this way for the prototypes. The final versions will feature authentic colours.
Pending Video releases
following is the known release dates for videos in the next 6 months.
These are all for the UK which means Region 2 DVDs and a PAL TV signal.
The Thunderbirds movies will include narration by David Lane, the director
along with Sylvia Anderson.
Thunderbirds are Go! March 28th 2001
Thunderbird 6 March 28th 2001
Stingray April 2 2001 (complete series on 5 discs)
Space:1999 April 30th 2001 (series 1 volumes 1-3)
Space:1999 June 11 2001 (series 1 volumes 4-6)
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons September 2001 (complete series on 6 discs)
For full details of world-wide availability of current and-soon-to-be-released VHS videos and DVDs, visit the current Anderson videos and DVDs page.
Related story at DVDREVIEW.NET featuring photos of Sylvia and David.
Preview of Thunderbirds movies at DVDREVIEW.NET
Gerry Anderson Lecture at Fusion Research Centre
From Fanderson News page
Gerry Anderson will be delivering a lecture entitled "What Makes Thunderbirds Go" at the Culham Science Centre in Abingdon, Oxfordshire on March 21st. Full text of story
Thunderbirds released on DVD and VHS in the US!
About bloody time! These are practically identical to the UK DVDs and VHS tapes, except that the US DVDs contains noticeably fewer extras. It does appear that the picture quality is the same however. (TV21 review of the UK discs). They are published by A&E, the same people behind the recent Space:1999 releases and the superb Avengers discs.
The DVDs are sold in sets with 2 discs each. The first two sets contains 6 episodes each, 3 per disc. The VHS tapes are sold in sets of 3, with 2 episodes per tape.
Region 1 DVDs (Amazon)
Thunderbirds Set 1 (2 discs)
Thunderbirds Set 2 (2 discs)
VHS Videos (Amazon)
Thunderbirds Vol 1 (3 tapes)
Thunderbirds Vol 2 (3 tapes)
Puppets under fire for TV smoking!
Report from Times
of London
THE worlds best-known female undercover agent, Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, has been attacked by health campaigners for setting a poor example to children.
By smoking through her trademark cigarette holder, the string puppet Lady Penelope, a Supermarionation secret agent for International Rescue in the BBC series Thunderbirds, has fallen foul of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.
The Liverpool-based charity wants the BBC to censor scenes of Lady Penelope
and Parker, her butler, smoking cigarettes before reshowing the series.
Christine Owens said yesterday: The broadcasters and programme-makers
are being irresponsible by including these scenes in a show aimed at children.
Thunderbirds is a national institution which has a responsibility to its
audience. Full
February 2001
News from the Netherlands
News report from Theo
de Klerk in the Netherlands
This coming Sunday the NET-5 station will start broadcasting the newly
restored versions of Thunderbirds in the Netherlands. Because this is
commercial station the episodes will be interrupted for commercials but
will run an entire episode per screening (not 2x25 minutes). This is a
for Holland since in the past, PBS station AVRO broadcasted the series
in 1965, 1973, 1992 and 1994. Carlton's price per screening/episode was
considered too much for them this time round.
Wednesday 28th Feb 2001 Gerry Anderson will visit Amsterdam to promote
series to the press and license holders much the same way as Sylvia Anderson
did in 1993. Unlike that event, it is likely that the series will not
be credited to all people involved, and become a "Gerry Anderson
Production" rather than a team effort. Even a Carlton DVD with an
old b/w documentary had all mention of Sylvia Anderson removed.
Dutch versions of the UK DVDs will also be released soon - identical to the UK release but with the added option of a dutch subtitle. The fact that 10 episodes have complete dutch dubbing tapes ready for use and offer as an optional audio track has been ignored.
A coverage of this visit will be shown in the TV programme "Netwerk"
on the Thursday or Friday following the 8pm news on Nederland 1. It may
include some interview bits of long time fans of the series.
The Filmhuis Den Haag will show both feature films Thunderbirds Are Go
and Thunderbird Six in the week of April 29 - May 6th. This coincides
with the release of these two films on DVD. Thunderbirds are Go and Thunderbird
Six are shown daily from 29 April to 6thMay with exception of 5th May
(dutch WW2 liberation day). Thunderbirds Are Go is shown at 14.00 h, Thunderbird
Six at 16.15 h. Admission tickets NLG 12.- Reservations by phone 070-3656030
or via the cinema website
It will also stage an exhibition of Thunderbirds merchandise from the early 60's to the latest items. On opening night they are considering a guest speaker from the production team of these feature films. Potential candidates are thought to be a director or special effects man.
The FAB CAFE in Manchester recently held their Gerry Anderson evening
event. We received this report from Ken Redfern:
The Captain Scrlet CGI 'test' clip was shown last night to thunderous applause!
An old guy like me preferred the look of the puppet original heads.
But even I had to admit, the sight of Captain Black coming out of a grave was magnificent!Gerry said that if all legal angles are covered that the series will be
made. But would take 2 & 1/2 years and major purchases of workstations!
So, I suppose this means that we can look forward to new episodes of Captain Scarlet around Autumn 2003. Wow.
New Supercar diecast due in May!
Collector toys company Johnny Lightning will be releasing a new set of cars entitled "Hollywood on Wheels 3". The set includes a Supercar vehicle. The set is due out in mid May of 2001 with the following cars: Mod Squad Woody, Black Beauty, Felicity Shagwell's '65 Corvette, Mystery Machine, Supercar, and Partridge Family Bus. The Supercar will be available individually.
UFO reruns
UFO starts a repeat run on the British
Sci Fi Channel starting on March 18th at
6pm. Meanwhile US Sci-Fi channel viewers
get nothing of the sort, just more of the usual, like endless reruns of
Hercules followed by 5 hours of infomercials. Me? bitter? well of course.
New version of Memorabilia guide due soon
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., author
of "The Gerry Anderson Memorabilia Guide" is currently in the
process of updating the publication, adding all those items missing from
the original 1994 book, and things discovered since its release. This
time around he is planning a CD-ROM collection detailing all-things
Anderson related, and now available with full-color images. Volume 01
(Twizzle to Stingray) is planned for a mid/late 2001 release.
Anyone interested in having a sneak-peek' at the Supercar listings can access the sample site at
This is NOT a completed layout as it only shows small thumbnail images
of the various memorabilia. The CD version details all items in full-screen
resolution, with many items containing several images each. The Supercar
section alone is 136Megs and contains over 130 listed items,
and 240+ color images. He would be interested to hear from anyone who
considers any Supercar-related item is still missing.
Carlton Books publishes more Thunderbird titles
books has just published four new Thunderbirds titles. These are all based
on episodes, but are not in the same format as the earlier ones which
were clearly aimed at a younger audience. The new titles are in paperback
form and are:
- Thunderbirds No. 1 The Uninvited
- Thunderbirds No. 2 Brink of Disaster
- Thunderbirds No. 3 Sun Probe
- Thunderbirds No. 4 Atlantic Inferno
Thunderbirds are Go! ... internationally...
International fans of Thunderbirds will be happy to hear that International Rescue is launching on the International scene
- Australia: Thunderbirds is coming to Foxtel TV1 in February and then Channel 9 in late Spring 2001.
- Holland: Thunderbirds will be airing on SBS (Net 5 Channel) in Spring. (see related story below)
- France: Thunderbirds is currently on Canal Jimmy.
- Japan: There is already a loyal Thunderbirds fan base in Japan
who can look forward to more Thunderbirds activities this year.
Thunderbirds are Go comic strip to get reprinted in Holland
Gerry will be in Holland in a few weeks time to promote Thunderbirds. In Holland, a company has succeeded in securing the rights and reproducable material (the old Daily Mails) of the Thunderbirds Are Go! newspaper comic strip with art by Don Lawrence. This seven page strip (28 newspaper strips) will be published in a Collection of books reprinting all the work of Don Lawrence except for The Trigan Empire and Storm. Hopefully an English magazine or newspaper will follow this example.
UPDATE The book will be published in March
by the Don Lawrence Collection, which is associated with the Don Lawrence
Fanclub. The Don Lawrence Collection also publishes a Deluxe reprint of
Storm, Don's current comic strip, and Pandarve, which is the magazine
of the Don Lawrence Fanclub. This fanzine was created for Don Lawrence
to publish the latest and probably last episode of Storm, The Armageddon
Traveller. Furthermore the fanclub sells Don Lawrence artwork. Check out
HiFi Sci-Fi Limited Edition CD
A small label named "FLR" has put together a limited edition CD containing interesting variations on a number of Gerry Anderson TV show themes. These are not the original themes, they are... erm... interpretations by various bands. The following information is direct from the FLR website:
The first FLR release of 2001 is in keeping with the Film 2001 as it is in fact a limited edition Science Fiction themes Album. Unfortunately it doesnt include the Theme for 2001, but it does include lots of Gerry Anderson themes and two of the T.V shows that have the biggest followings namely Star Trek and DR.WhoPlus two rare original tracks Nightmare on Elm street and Alien. There will only be 100 copies and it should be deleted by the end of February 2001. The track listing is as follows:
Captain Scarlet (Instrumental)
- Joe 90
- Stingray
- Thunderbirds
- Space 1999
- U.F.O
- Captain Scarlet (Vocal)
- Dr Who
- Star Trek
- Barberella
- A Clockwork Orange
- Alien
- Nightmare on Elm street.
More Thunderbirds toys!
TVCentury21 sent UK representative, Ralph Titterton to the toy fair in London to report on the latest crop of toys coming our way. He prepared quite a report.
Last issue of Sci-Fi and Fantasy Models Magazine dedicated to UFO
Sadly, the UK magazine "Sci-Fi and Fantasy Models" has ceased production and the final issue will be number 53, the issue almost entirely dedicated to "UFO". The magazine featured a significant amount of Anderson effects and models over the years. The publisher, Mike Reccia, was also the man behind the superb "Century 21" magazine which lasted about 10 issues in the mid 1990s. The web site has gone too. Bummer.
Half Price tickets are Go!
For a few days only, tickets for the "Thunderbirds FAB" theatre show in London can be obtained for half price from The sale lasts until February 10th 2001. Tickets usually at £25 will be £12.50 and the sunday shows will be £10 instead of £20. Get them while you can!
5...4...3...2...1...Thunderbirds Are Go!
'You'll have to see it to believe it!' - The Daily MailBlasting back into the West End once again, the original cast of Thunderbirds F.A.B have an updated version of the hilarious show that earned them a cult following and worldwide acclaim!
Hold on to your seats as Brains, Scott, Virgil and the boys join Lady Penelope, as International Rescue battle to save the world from disaster!
January 2001
All systems are go for Takeover!
The creator of the cult Thunderbirds television series is the latest
celebrity to give his support to an
Internet radio station run by Leicestershire children. Gerry Anderson
has pledged his support to Takeover Radio as a patron. He joins the ever-growing
band of celebrities and companies offering their help to get the first
national radio station run by children for children on the air. Radio
promoter Phil Solo said:
"Takeover Radio has already made a string of 28-day broadcasts across the county through community station The Wall." 19/01/01
From the Leicester Mercury, Friday 19th
January 2001.
Book published with arrangements of Barry Gray music
A new large softback book has recently been published in the UK for
those who enjoy playing the themes from our favourite TV shows and
films. To quote from the book itself:
"From Sci-Fi favourites to Crime Show classics, enigmatic Spy Thrillers
to spectacular Spaghetti Westerns, "The Music of Cult Fiction"
for your playing pleasure 24 cool and exhilarating original soundtrack
gems from the pens of John Barry, Laurie Johnson, Lalo Schifrin, Ennio
Morricone, Henry Mancini, Roy Budd and a whole host of other
quintessential cult theme creators!"
All superbly arranged for solo piano, and including chord symbols.
- The Avengers
- Bullitt,
- Captain Scarlet
- The Champions
- Chinatown
- A Clockwork Orange
- A Fistful of Dollars
- Get Carter
- The Godfather
- The Ipcress File
- Man in a Suitcase
- Mission: Impossible
- The Munsters
- The Persuaders
- The Prisoner
- Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased)
- The Saint
- Star Trek
- Strange Report
- The Sweeney
- Thunderbirds
- Touch of Evil
- The Twilight Zone
- Twin Peaks
Published by Wise Publications
ISBN: 0-7119-7499-3
Price £12.99
Gerry Anderson story in "Model & Collectors Mart" magazine in the UK
The British magazine "Model & Collectors Mart", an offshoot
of "Exchange
& Mart" have started a multi-part series of articles telling
the Gerry
Anderson story. Written by one Peter Taylor (whoever he is!), the two
articles published to date are very well researched, well written and
quite well illustrated, which is often not the case with many Anderson
related newspaper and magazine articles.
The December 2000 issue starts with an overview of Gerry's career,
whilst the January 2001 issue gets down to the in-depth material by
concentrating solely on "The Adventures of Twizzle".
For British readers, "Model Mart" is available from most good
at £2.20, or you can enquire about mail subscriptions by contacting:
Tel: - 0121 233 8737
Fax: 0121 233 8715.
Stingray DVD release details
The UK (Region 2 PAL) DVD release of Stingray is set to be available as a boxed set as well as individual discs. It is not clear if any work has been done to "restore" the episodes, preferably to clean up the image. There are a number of extras which will be available on the DVDs:
- A very interesting additional "goodie" is the commentaries on two episodes by Gerry Anderson
- The audio and covers for the three TV21 mini albums
- character biographies
- memorabilia sections
- gallery of annuals and toys
- the Des O'Connor Stingray sketch
- the intermission card
- the original ITC publicity material
- Stingray and Thunderbirds lolly adverts
- the French end credits with an alternate version of Aqua Marina
- four deleted scenes (filmed for an abandoned 40th episode!)
The Stingray DVDs will be released in the UK on April 2 2001. Pre-order information can be found on the current videos page.
Live Internet chat session at UK Thunderbirds web site
The UK Thunderbirds web site is hosting its second live internet chat at 5 pm GMT on Saturday 13th January. In order to participate, you must register prior to the event. Registration is simple, just contact the webmaster (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) in order to get the password.
Gerry Anderson's second visit to Fab Cafe
Gerry will be making a visit to Fab Cafe 111,Portland Street Manchester M1 4RJ tel: 0161 236 1213 on Tuesday 20th February 2001 @8.00pm.
Gerry will be joined by his son Jamie who will be showing slides and film from behind the scenes of Thunderbirds and other series.It should be a great evening with lots of chat and Q and A`s etc. Its the second visit to Fab for Gerry the last one was fantastic so this should be very special with the series being reshown again.
Gerry Anderson @ the Fab Cafe Tickets