TV Century 21

Tue, Mar 11, 2025

Thunderbirds Movie Review

User Rating: 3 / 5

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Thunderbirds the movie opened this weekend in the US. So after all the comments, hints and tidbits of information over the past year or so, how is the movie anyway? Well, to be honest, its not as bad as I feared. But one thing is certain: This is not "Classic Thunderbirds". In the TV Century 21 review of "Thunderbirds the movie", we take a detailed look at the movie, what worked and what didn't, what to look for and when to look away.

Warning: This review is somewhat lengthy and contains plot points. If you want to avoid spoilers, see the movie first. Otherwise, dive in.

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Thunderbirds the movie!

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Premiere and reviews! Contest Completed. Variety Reviews the movie! New CGI book info. US Release date changed Please email me with any additional news or use the SEND NEWS link.

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The Models of "Ricochet"

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I plan to go through all the models used in Thunderbirds in reverse Bandai/Emotion laser disk order as time permits.

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I am especially surprised to notice errors of continuity which I had missed during the past thirty years of viewing these same episodes. You've possibly noticed all of these but I thought I'd mention some for your possible interest.

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