TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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Here are some nice images from Thunderbirds. Not only are they interesting in their own right, but also an example of re-use of models in the same episode of Thunderbirds! The basic plot is that en route after a rescue mission, TB2 is accidentally shot down by a military warship on an exercise. Thunderbird 2 is out of commision for a while. Meanwhile in New York City, the Empire State Building is being moved and of course mayhem ensues...

Thunderbird 1 lands at the airport in New York


Thunderbird 2 crash lands

After being shot down, Thunderbird 2 crash lands at Tracy Island. The runway has been covered in special foam to reduce the risk of damage and fire. This shot really conveys the feeling of size and weight of the Thunderbird 2 craft.


Thunderbird 2 in repair

One of two excellent shots showing good detailed close-ups of the Thunderbird 2 craft along with its hangar area. Notice the two Matchbox cars in the foreground.


Thunderbird 2 in repair

Thunderbird 2 in the repair area, the rear engine assembly as been damaged and is being supported by scaffolding.


Empire State Building

The Empire State Building is being moved on an enormous track and is being held up by a tower. Hey, wait a minute, that tower looks very familiar...its the very same tower that is used to hold up Thunderbird 2 in the previous picture!!!

Empire State Building

The Tracy Family Incognito

At the show's conclusion, the family are in the audience of the "Ned Cook show". Ned Cook is one of the two journalists who were trapped under the wreckage of the collapsed building.

Tracy Family