TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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I am especially surprised to notice errors of continuity which I had missed during the past thirty years of viewing these same episodes. You've possibly noticed all of these but I thought I'd mention some for your possible interest.

Continuity errors

In " Trapped In The Sky", after Jeff has announced Operation Coverup and the portraits of the Tracy brothers in uniform have been replaced by ones of them in casual clothes, the Doc comes into the Tracy lounge. As he says, "I'd like to shake'em by the hand", Scott and Gordon may be seen sitting in front of portraits of the brothers in uniform. Kyrano's comment that Jeff was one of the first men on the moon seems somewhat out of place too from this point in history.

In "Pit Of Peril", the tubes from which the magnetic grabs are fired are angled up and down several times as the camera's view of them changes from closeup to long shot during the reeling in and launch of the one which slipped off Sidewinder. When Sidewinder is upside down in the pit, why aren't the crew on the ceiling of the control room?

In "Sunprobe", Scott, Tin Tin and Alan change their seating positions when their couch descends through the floor of the lounge as they head for Thunderbird 3. The televised artwork showing Sunprobe to the television audience suggests that the crew are situated in the solar probe section of the rocket ship.

In " The Uninvited", John comments that Scott won't have to do his spell of satellite relief until he's better, contrary to the generally held belief that only Alan alternates with John in Thunderbird 5. Also, when Scott and Alan have been inserted into the lower deck of Thunderbird 3, Alan is wearing a two-piece brown outfit with a dark collar. As he steps into the elevator to take him up to the control cabin, he's wearing a blue plaid shirt and tan trousers, as he was in "Sunprobe".

In "The Perils Of Penelope", a very early episode for sure as it isn't titled on-screen, just like " Trapped In The Sky", Scott has been on vacation and returns during the episode but plays no active role in the rescue. In the later episode " Danger At Ocean Deep", Scott comments that he's been out on all of the rescues. The leading monorail car which enters the Anderbad Tunnel near the end of "The Perils Of Penelope" is initially blue but changes to white with AE ANDERBAD EXPRESS written on its side as it races through the tunnel toward Penelope.

In " Edge Of Impact", Virgil is wearing a white raincoat when seen by the camera in closeup at the base of the radio tower but is wearing his blue uniform with sash when seen from a distance.

In the same episode, Jeff Tracy comments that the Red Arrow was powered by 'twin rockets'. How can this be? The aircraft clearly has four podded engines on the wings and tail and what appears to be another engine mounted at the rear of the fuselage.

Nearing the end of " The Imposters", Scott's lip doesn't move at all when he says, "you can say that again."

In "The Duchess Assignment ", pod 3 has THUNDERBIRD 2 POD 4 on the placard inside.

In "Ricochet", John speaks from Thunderbird 5 with Gordon's voice. Gordon is apparently quietly working nearby.

In "Martian Invasion ", Thunderbird 2 is supported on it's legs as the pod door is lowered. As Virgil drives the drilling and crushing excavator out of the pod, Thunderbird 2 is nowhere to be seen.

In "The Cham Cham", when Thunderbird 2 is attempting to latch onto the runaway cable car, notice the lack of cable support towers.

In " Atlantic Inferno", it's night on Tracy Island in the South Pacific and on the Seascape in the North Atlantic.

At the end of " Terror in New York City" Thunderbird 4 is buffeted by the strong underwater current. If you look carefully at the end of the sequence, you can see the water splash out of the tank and run down the outside of the glass tank! This is the shot just before Ned Cooke makes his appearance on his show in the wheelchair.

In this episode, the swimming puppets can be seen to levitate off the river bottom on several occasions without any bodily motion at all.

Also in this episode, as Ned Cooke and his cameraman 'Joe' enter Thunderbird 4's airlock you can see that the puppet sized set ends just after the seawater intakes. In other words, the end of the TB4 set was inadvertantly in the shot.

When was that?

In "Edge Of Impact", the newspaper shown bears the date Friday December 24, 1964, the same as in "The Mighty Atom ", yet the calendar seen in " Give Or Take A Million " indicates that December 25th of 2026 will occur on a Sunday. In fact, December 24, 1965 fell on a Friday but not so in 1964. December 25, 2026 will occur on a Friday but not a Sunday. The Spoke City Tribune newspaper in "30 Minutes After noon" is dated December 24, 2067.

Perhaps this is what Gerry was thinking about when he claims the Thunderbirds series to be in 2068. More probably though, he's thinking of the Captain Scarlet episode "Expo 2068 ". A lot of interesting things seem to happen on Friday, December 24th; the date of newspapers also seen in "Cry Wolf " and "Path Of Destruction".

No-one'll notice

The Pods roll along beneath Thunderbird 2's legs which are spaced closer together than the pod's length. Thunderbird 2's wingspan is greater than the spacing of the pods on either side of the one beneath the craft as the pods roll along, yet the wings don't touch these adjacent pods when the craft descends on the one selected. Regardless of which pod is selected, pod 2 usually appears to the right of Thunderbird 2 when viewed through the opening beneath the Cliff House.

Thunderbird 1 often has wheels as it is descending but skis on the bottom of its landing legs as it lands.

When Thunderbird 2 backs into its hangar or when the Mole exits a bore hole, time appears to go backwards as smoke or steam descends while particles of debris rise in the air.

Not only does Thunderbird 1 make some unseen quarter rotations during its rollout before launch, but Virgil too makes turns inside his launch chute opposite to what appears possible from its outward appearance when seen from Thunderbird 1's upper hangar.