TV Century 21

Tue, Mar 11, 2025


Space Precinct complete series now available in the US

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November 23rd saw the DVD release of the complete series of Space Precinct in the US. I believe this is the first time the series has been officially available in the US. To celebrate, we are going to have a contest announcement very soon as well as a full review.

The 1995 series starred Ted Shackleford as Lt Brogan in a futuristic Blade-Runner-esque TV show which features some major directing talent from the Bond movies.

Buy the video from Amazon: Space Precinct: The Complete Series

video clip from episode 1


Doppleganger/JTTFSOTS DVD Region 2 in Sept

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Its Deja Vu time again folks. This time, the Doppleganger/Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun DVD release for the UK/Region 2 crowd. Looks like an identical release to the US version, in that it has no extras. However it does have a different cover. The most interesting thing is that apparently the UK studio has given up on the UK title of Doppleganger and just named it Journey To The Far Side Of The Sun as in the US release title.

Not the most catchy of movie titles, but I guess it does explain the basic premise, whereas Doppleganger is a bit more mysterious. Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted. Running time is listed as 98 minutes.

Although not the best thing Gerry Anderson ever did, it was a decent attempt at a live action "big screen movie" with pretty decent special effects and a reasonably well known cast including Roy Thinnes (TV Show The Invaders) as well as Patrick Wymark and Herbert Lom. Of course, much of this movie was a precursor to UFO, as it featured several prominent cast members including Ed Bishop and Ian Hendry. Some props and vehicles featured in the movie also ended up in UFO. Great late-night TV fare, and a pretty decent Barry Gray soundtrack.


This UK release hits store shelves 8 September 2008 for about £6.98.

Journey to the Far Side of the Sun DVD released in US

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A remastered version of the 1969 movie 'Journey to the Far Side of the Sun' (aka Doppleganger) was released on June 24 2008 in the US. Contrary to original reports, this DVD is Region 1 encoded. According to reports, the movie itself is remastered, or at least cleaned up from the prior release. However, no additional features of extras are included on the disc. There is nothing extra on the disc with the exception of subtitles. No commentary or trailers.

A Region 2 disc should be coming out later this year.As there is a likelyhood this was remastered, perhaps we can look forward to a high-def Blu-Ray DVD release sometime in the future...

This DVD is widescreen 1.85:1 and runs 102 minutes, NTSC.

TV21 Review: Full Boost Vertical the Supercar Story

User Rating: 5 / 5

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The Supercar documentary "Full Boost Vertical - The Supercar Story" was produced in the UK by a group of very dedicated fans. The result of their work is a stunningly detailed look into the show and the people who brought it to life. The documentary contains numerous cast and crew interviews as well as a great deal of additional material. What follows is a detailed review of the DVD. Second Update! Now with added screenshots!

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Thunderbirds movies to be released on DVD in US

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Both of the "original" Thunderbirds movies are due for their DVD release in the US this summer.

"Thunderbirds are Go!" and "Thunderbird 6" will be released by MGM home video as Region 1/NTSC discs on July 27 2004.

Both will feature audio commentary, anamorphic widescreen, photo gallery and trailer. "Thunderbirds are Go!" will include 2 featurettes and a quiz. "Thunderbird 6" will include 3 featurettes and a quiz. They will be available separately or together in an "International Rescue" pack.

Making of Supercar DVD coming August 2004

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A new DVD is nearing release; it is called "FULL BOOST VERTICAL" and is a 1 hour documentary on the making of Supercar! Expected ship date is August 2004.

FULL BOOST VERTICAL! is an hour long documentary on Supercar featuring interviews on the making of the show.

Includes Graydon Gould (the voice of Mike Mercury), Directors David Elliott, Des Saunders, Bill Harris, Camera Operator Julien Lugrin, Art Director Bob Bell, Original Company Director Arthur Provis, Puppeteer Mary Turner, Director of Photography John Read, Writers Martin and Hugh Woodhouse, Model Maker Bill James and more.

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Fireball XL5 DVD Review

User Rating: 5 / 5

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After a long wait, the classic Fireball Xl5 has finally been released on DVD. Due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, it has not been released in the UK, where all Anderson shows have been initially released. This time, the honour goes to the US who has issued a boxed set of the complete series of Fireball Xl5. One break from tradition deserves another, so this review is actually put together from reviews by Theo de Klerk, Kelly Lannan and Simon Wickes

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Current Anderson DVDs

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This is a complete list of videos that are available for the Gerry Anderson productions. The list only includes DVDs. Most if not all of these can be ordered online.

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