TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


User Rating: 5 / 5

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The release of Supercar was long awaited by fans. Ironically, the set was first released in the US after Carlton decided to suspend releases in the UK. This review is by one of TV Century 21's regular contributors, Theo de Klerk, with additional material from Simon Wickes

Many people got to know about Supercar well after Thunderbirds. But the show is well made. The A&E DVD set has extremely good picture quality but a disappointing menu intro where part of the Supercar title film is used in a very shaky, unsmooth fashion.

There are few extras, and most or not really Supercar-related. Most people will buy the set for the 39 episodes - released together for the first time ever. They are in glorious b/w, mono and NTSC. However, they are not region limited: they are region free, unlike the A&E Fireball XL5 release earlier.

The picture quality is outstanding. For the first time I was able to see the strings under Supercar holding it up for the flying sequences on the opening titles. The sound, although mono, is unaltered. Those with the "improved" Thunderbirds DVD set know what I mean.

Sylvia Anderson tells a general story on Supercar during the episode "The Rescue". Very annoyingly the soundtrack of that episode is heard throughout
at a far too high a level. Why not just eliminate it and let Sylvia talk?

A tribute to Derek Meddings appears on Volume 5. Shot by Jeff Smart and interlaced
with photos and a few private camera shots of the APF days. Although a Supercar set, the story is mostly about post-Stingray. Even Lady Penelope and Parker make their appearance. No Jimmy, Mitch, Beeker, Popkiss or Mike Mercury in sight! There is also a brief clip where Peter Jackson (LOTR movies) recognizes Derek Meddings for what he accomplished throughout his career.

Some b/w and colour shots on Volume 5 also. Mostly well known.

By accident I pressed the "next chapter" button on my remote while the
colour shots were shown. Surprise, surprise, I ended in Chapter 11-1 which
is unlisted and gives a full run of the Penzol flexidisc of the Supercar
Club. Complete with clicks. Had they asked me I could have provided a clean
study recording of that flexidisc. Another way to reach the this easter egg is to use the menu on the last DVD, select the final episode and then use the right arrow to select the logo; select that and you get to hear the record.

Perhaps there are other hidden items, but an obvious one, Wallis icecream,
is clearly missing.

All in all, a nice package.

Buy the Supercar DVD set from Amazon.