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Thorough article on the machines of Stingray.

WASP hardware

Stingray Submarine

stingray Stingray is the premier combat vessel of the World Aquanaut Security Patrol and the namesake of the television series. Stingray is a small nuclear powered submarine. According to the Japanese ITC Machine Library Book by Model Graphix, Stingray is a bit over 60 feet long. Streamlined like a fish, it is capable of traveling at up to 600 knots submerged and 400 knots on the surface. Stingray's honeycomb laminated substructure is strong enough to withstand the pressures of the deepest areas of the ocean. The craft's nuclear power plant, high speed, and deep diving capabilities enable global range. It can truly operate anywhere in the ocean.

Stingray is painted a colorful combination of dark blue, light blue, and yellow with bright unpainted metal portions. Trim is painted in white.

crew Stingray is normally crewed by two crewman. These are Captain Troy Tempest and Hydrophone Operator George "Phones" Sheridan. Often these two men are joined on missions by Marina, an amphibious woman from the undersea city of Pacifica who serves as guide and expert on undersea life.

According to Dave Roger's Stingray book, Stingray is armed with 16 "Sting Missiles" which are high speed guided torpedoes. Each Sting Missile has an explosive charge equivalent to 1,000 tons of TNT.

The submarine is equipped with a pair of Aqua Sprites which are small one-man dry submersibles. These are stored in depressions located on either side of the ship's hull. Stingray is also equipped with several Sea Bugs which are hand held undersea propulsion devices used by swimmers and Monocopters which are small single seat hovercraft.

The submarine is fitted with a pair of retractable skids which permit it to sit on the ocean floor when at rest.

Surface observation and targeting is accomplished my means of a device called the "Surface Video Scan" or SVS. This is a video scanning apparatus which presents a clear view of the surface under all atmospheric conditions.

As mentioned above, Stingray is a nuclear powered submarine. The ship is propelled by twin Drumman hydrojets which expel superheated sea water at high pressure from a rotating "Eddy Damper" located at the rear of the craft. Short bursts of exceptionally high speed are achieved by means of small booster units mounted on the sub's diving planes. The sub's nuclear propulsion system permits a six month endurance.

pen 3 Stingray is housed in a large underground pen located deep beneath the Marineville headquarters building. When called into action, the Stingray crew slide down "Injector Tubes" which transport them into their positions on the submarine. Once the crew is in position, these Injector Tubes are withdrawn and all watertight doors are closed. Stingray is then lowered into the water filled lower half of the pen by means of a large hydraulic lift. Once Stingray is under water, clamps are released freeing the submarine from the lift and it speeds down a long submerged tunnel to the "Ocean Door" from which it emerges into the open ocean.

Though not directly referenced in the TV series, it is possible that there is more than one submarine in the same class as Stingray. This is implied by the number 3 painted on Stingray's vertical stabilizer fins.


Air cushion wheelchair used by WASP Commander Sam Shore to get around after tragic submarine accident.


This is a one man World Navy submarine combat vessel used to test an advanced underwater missile in "The Man from the Navy".

Advanced Underwater Missile

New World Navy underwater guided missile seen in "Man From the Navy". Also used by underwater aliens as city defense missiles in "Deep Heat".

WSP Guard Submarine

Seen in "The Ghost of the Sea", this is a small one man military submarine design that pre-dates the existence of the World Aquanaut Security Patrol.

WSP Patrol Submarine Seaprobe

Destroyed by Titan's forces in "Stingray is Launched" the Seaprobe class is the World Security Patrol's standard patrol submarine design. Resembles early first generation nuclear submarine because the studio prop was based upon an Aurora Nautilus submarine model kit.

WASP Hover Scooter

Single seat design similar to a motorbike. Used by WASP dispatch couriers. Only seen in "Titan Goes Pop".

Hover Car

Two seat flying car featured in several Stingray episodes. Started off as Venus's car in Fireball XL5. Seen in "Stand By for Action", "Titan Goes Pop" and several other Stingray episodes.

Marineville Bomb Disposal Trucks

Special purpose vehicles used by WASP bomb disposal unit based at Marineville. Several different retro-futuristic designs including one with what appears to be streamlined spotlights and another with a long crane. Seen in "Countdown" and "Emergency Marineville".

Large Transport Tractor

Huge tracked vehicle used to transport Stingray by road from the ocean to Loch Ness in Scotland for mission to investigate appearance of Loch Ness Monster. Seen in an episode of Fireball XL5 as well as in the Stingray episode "The Loch Ness Monster".


The World Aquanaut Security Patrol utilizes small robot submarine probes called "Seaprobes" to explore deep, dangerous, and remote parts of the ocean. Such probes were seen in at least two episodes being used to explore undersea volcanoes and deep fissures in the Stingray TV series.

Underwater Interceptors

The undersea approaches to the Marineville Base are defended by underwater guided missiles called "Underwater Interceptors". According to the 1966 Stingray Annual, the Underwater Interceptors are powered by Magno-Dyn nuclear engines which propel them at a top speed of 150 knots for a maximum range of 12 miles. The Underwater Interceptors are housed below the ocean floor in concealed silos. They are launched by means of compressed air powered catapults. In reality the Underwater Interceptor studio miniatures were nothing more than modified Airfix Bloodhound missile kits.

WASP Interceptors

The "WASP Interceptors" are surface to air missiles deployed in shallow underground bunkers located on the perimeter of the Marineville Base. These missiles are quick response weapons which can be launched at a 45 degree angle as soon as the double shelter doors open. The WASP Interceptors can be seen in "Emergency Marineville".

Hydromic Missiles

The Hydromic Missiles are two stage long range strategic rockets of intercontinental range that are housed in a pair of silos located in front of the Marineville Base headquarters building. The missiles emerge from their silos and are prepared for launch as part of the standard Marineville battlestations procedure. According to the 1966 Stingray Annual, the Hydromic Missiles fly at 25,000 miles per hour. Note that the Hydromic Missile launchers are actually parts from the old Monogram Redstone model kit. The Hydromic Missiles can be seen in any just about any Stingray episode and are actually used for their intended purpose in "Pink Ice".

WASP Helicopter

The WASP's standard transport helicopter type is a surprisingly conventional pod and boom design. The studio prop was actually based upon the old HAWK Kaman Huskie model kit. The WASP helicopter can be seen in "Pink Ice" and "Titan Goes Pop".

Spearhead Jet

The WASP Air Force uses these large VTOL triple jet aircraft for search and attack purposes. Hundreds are based at the Marineville airbase. Revell B-58 Hustler model kits were adapted to make the actual studio miniatures. These aircraft are featured in the titles of every Stingray episode and are featured in "Stingray is Launched", "A Nut For Marineville", "Pink Ice", and "Emergency Marineville".

Arrowhead Jet

This is the WASP Air Force's standard fighter interceptor aircraft. According to the 1966 Stingray Annual, the WASP owns 500 of these VTOL/amphibian aircraft which were adapted from the Supersonic Mercury fighter jet design. These aircraft are unique in having dual rocket and nuclear powered propulsion systems which permit a top speed of 5,000 miles per hour to be achieved with a three day flight endurance. These aircraft are armed with two Thor 11 two stage ground attack missiles with a 150 mile range and two wingtip mounted air to air rockets for close in combat. In reality, the Arrowhead jets were actually adapted from Aurora F-5 Freedom Fighter model kits. WASP Arrowhead aircraft can be seen in "The Cool Caveman", "Pink Ice", and "Rescue From the Skies".

Supersonic 101 Airliner

This is a triple jet WASP passenger transport aircraft seen in "The Lighthouse Dwellers". It's most distinctive feature is it's nose mounted canard. It was also seen as a photograph displayed on a data terminal in "Eastern Eclipse". In reality, this was an adaptation of the Aurora Lockheed 727 airliner model kit.

WSP Remote Control Freight Airliner

This is an unmanned twin jet robotic transport aircraft used by the World Security Patrol to transport cargo. In actuality, this was a different adaptation of Revell's B-58 Hustler model kit. The WSP Remote Control Freight Airliner was only seen in "Star of the East".

Bandship Downbeat

The Downbeat is the submarine used by the official World Aquanaut Security Patrol band which is called "The WASPs". The WASPs perform the same functions for the World Aquanaut Security Patrol as the USO does for the American military, providing entertainment for military personnel. Each member of the band is a trained aquanaut as well as a talented musician. The Downbeat is used by The WASPs to travel from one concert location to another. The Downbeat was only featured in "Tune of Danger".

Hardware of the alien races

Mechanical Fish

mechanical fish Fish shaped combat submarines used by Titan's hostile Aquaphibians. According to the 1966 Stingray Annual, the Mechanical Fish are propelled at to 550 knots by means of twin tail mounted Turboflow Aquajets powered by a special Grenatol fuel. Construction is fused coral titanium. Normal crew is two Aquaphibians. Submarine is armed with six underwater missiles fired from ship's lower "jaw". Mechanical Fish are launched from retractable cradles deployed around the underwater city of Titanica. Featured in many episodes of Stingray.

X20's Submarine

Small spy craft used by Titan's agent X20 to monitor the activities of the World Aquanaut Security Patrol in several episodes of Stingray. Based upon old Revell Bell X-5 research jet model kit.

Underwater Alien ICBM

Standard multi-finned ICBM design used by several underwater alien races. Seen in "Emergency Marineville" and "Countdown".

Underwater Alien Drilling Vehicle

An early prototype for the International Rescue Jet Mole used by hostile underwater aliens to gain entrance to Marineville Base from beneath in "The Invaders".

Various Underwater Alien Submarines

Numerous underwater enemy craft are featured in "Sea of Oil" (earthquake producing submarine), "The Big Gun" (missile ejector gunship), "Ghost of the Sea" (hostile yellow submarine), "Pink Ice" (chemical attack submarine), "Trapped in the Depths" (magnetic tug submarine), "Hostages of the Deep" (Gaddus's submarine), "The Golden Sea" (Titan's personal underwater craft), "The Ghost Ship" (hostile underwater alien submarine camoflaged as old sailing galleon), "The Invisible Enemy" (same hostile yellow submarine seen in "Ghost of the Sea"), "A Nut for Marineville" (hostile missile sub), and "A Christmas to Remember" (enemy gunship submarine). The most notable of these is probably the submarine featured in "Pink Ice" which launched a small weapon capable of turning large ocean areas into a sea of pink chemical ice.

"Guest" machines

Vertical Takeoff Jetmaster

This is a four jet passenger transport aircraft seen as a photograph displayed on a data terminal in "Eastern Eclipse". It has two engines mounted on the wings and two mounted on either side of the rear fuselage. In reality, this was an adaptation of the Aurora Boeing 707 airliner model kit.

El Hudatvia Target Aircraft

High performance jet fighters used as expendable targets for testing the El Hudatvia combat vessel "Wadi". Only seen in "Star of the East". The studio models were based upon commercial Blackburn Buccaneer model kits.


An unusual combat vessel produced by the Eastern nation of El Hudatvia as a gift for the World Aquanaut Security Patrol. The Wadi resembled a large pleasure yacht but was fitted with concealed guns and torpedo tubes. The Wadi was featured in "Star of the East".

B1 Bathyscape

This is a small deep diving long endurance submersible used by research scientists mining gold from seawater. Placed in position on seabed by large catamaran mother ship. Featured in "The Golden Sea".


A small two man private submarine used by two treasure hunters in "Raptures of the Deep". The Hepcat features a large transparent canopy and fixed landing skids for bottoming. Note that the puppet sized Hepcat miniature utilized the discarded cockpit canopy from the Supercar!

The above text is Copyright © 1995 Marc Frattasio.