TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


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Here is an informal collection of places where you can locate Gerry Anderson memorabilia. Please send me additions or updates.

Star Trader / Engale / Thunderbooks

Star Trader has revamped their web site and catalog. They have added support for online ordering, so you no longer have to make extensive international phone calls to place an order with them! Probably the best resource for Anderson items of all sorts, so check back often. Their catalogue grows daily and with the spate of new releases, well worth a few visits.

Star Trader is the web site of Engale Publishing, from Dave Nightingale. They also have a couple of retail outlets in Northern England, named Thunderbooks and Thunderbooks II. They have a thriving mail order business and will gladly send merchandise all over the world. You can contact them via email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Comet Miniatures

They have a decent model shop in south London (Battersea) and also specialise in Anderson collectables such as the recent Vivid toys and publications from Japan. Sometimes the site appears to be unavailable, so if it does not work, try again later.


Hobby Link Japan

HLJ is where you can get many Japanese items such as the models and various Japanese books. They also sold the Konami vehicle kits. Now your best bet for them is ebay...


TNT Hobbies

These guys can be seen at conventions, and sell collectables as well as models.




This site contains a modest collection, its at: They have a few links of other interest, including a few articles from this site. Nice graphics, too...(!)

Lasers On The Web

This place has a lot of English cult TV, including a lot of Gerry Anderson stuff. All nicely discounted. He carries the new UFO video releases. Visit:

Ancient Idols

Ancient Idols has an impressive collection, but is pricy:

Email is not an option here (?) so disconect your modem and use the phone.


Fairly big list at: