TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


Filmed in Supermarionation now available in Kindle form

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Stephen La Riviere's fantastic "Filmed in Supermarionation" book is now available in lightweight form. In addition to being able to buy the paperback or hardback, it is now available electronically as a Kindle book. All the text is there, as well as a reasonable number of images from the books, but in order to keep the size to something reasonable, the Kindle version is not as lavishly illustrated. If you want it just for the images, get the book. If, however, you want to read the book and have it in a fairly light form, this is the way to go. The price is very reasonable, at $8.00 from the Amazon Kindle store.

You can check out the book in Kindle form here:

Filmed in Supermarionation - Kindle

If you are still not sure, Amazon will send you a sample chapter to the reading device of your choice. Try it risk free, as they say. Then buy it, its that good.

Century 21 Annual 2010 cancelled

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Remember that "Gerry Anderson Century 21 2010 Annual" I mentioned a while back? Well, I got an email from Amazon UK telling me it is no longer going to be available.

It was scheduled to be published around now. I guess they decided sales were not going to pan out. Maybe its the times, maybe its the recycled artwork on the cover. Either way, its sad, but not entirely shocking.

I don't think there is a calendar either for 2011. I'll keep you posted if I hear any more.

“Filmed in Supermarionation” - a TV Century 21 book review

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Filmed in SupermarionationAlmost 2 years ago, author and documentary maker  Stephen La Riviere announced that he was working on a book which thoroughly documents the Supermarionation era.

Prior to this, he made the superb “Supercar Full Boost Vertical” video which was a detailed documentary into the making of Supercar. It featured extensive interviews, video clips, photos and major research to thoroughly document the making of supercar.

When I first saw this I recall wishing this was the first in a series of documentaries, as it would wonderful if there was one for each of the Supermarionation shows.

What follows is a detailed review of the book.

Click the "Read More" link or title for the full article...


Read more: “Filmed in Supermarionation” - a TV Century 21 book review

New Thunderbirds Novel published in the US

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Countdown to Action!While we wait for the pricey Thunderbirds Blu-Ray set to be published in the UK, a new Thunderbirds novel has been published in the US. The softcover book is entitled "Countdown to Action!" and is written by Joan Marie Verba. Although Joan is new to the world of Gerry Anderson, this marks the fifth (at least) book she has available at Amazon. I think the title is dangerously generic, especially for Anderson fare, but time will tell how good the story itself is. The book appears to focus on the formation of Internatonal Rescue, rather than on missions for IR. I just ordered the book, and will post details later, but the synopsis is as follows:

After his wife dies in a tragic accident, astronaut Jeff Tracy is left with five young sons to raise. But he turns his grief into a dream: to create an organization which will rescue people that no one else can reach. He builds a business which creates the new technology that the organization will require and earns the billions he needs to finance it. At last, he is ready to put it all together. He enlists the services of a genius to design aircraft and supporting machinery far beyond the standards of his time. Together, they find a Pacific island to use as the base for their operations. Jeff asks his five sons, now grown, to give up promising careers to build the base, operate the machines, and serve in his organization. But he finds that in order to make his dream a reality, it will require sacrifice, courage, and determination...far beyond what he, or his sons, ever expected. Can they make International Rescue a reality, and what will it take to make the fantastic Thunderbird machines go?

Century 21 FX Reader Review

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 I just got a copy of the Century 21 FX book a few days ago so I'll be preparing a full review shortly. Initial reaction is that this is a very impressive book.

You can order it from the Shubrook Brothers web site

In the meantime, I present a review from long-time contributor Theo de Klerk, who contributed some of the photos used in the book.

Full text of the review after the jump.

Read more: Century 21 FX Reader Review

Alan Shubrook Book Details

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Alan Shubrook bio cover

As promised, we have the cover art and further details on the forthcoming book from Alan Shubrook. The book is hardback, 150  pages with over 200 photos, of which over 100 have never before been published. 

Full details on ordering, including mailing address after the jump.


Read more: Alan Shubrook Book Details

Gerry Anderson Guide updated

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 Admittedly this info may be old news to some of you, but Chris Bentley's superb "Complete Gerry Anderson episode guide" book has been revised and updated. It has been issued as a softcover version. The original book is still available and was published as a hardcover. Oddly the cover does not inform the reader of the difference. It is only on the back that this is mentioned.

 The book has been updated with numerous revisions, mostly concerning "New Captain Scarlet", but is decently priced and if you don't have the earlier copy is absolutely worth picking up. Of course, I had to get it when I was over the Fanderson convention, even if just to get Chris to sign it. Chris is, of course the chairman of Fanderson. He certainly knows his stuff.

The book is available in most bookstores, and of course at Amazon UK. Price is £19.99, but at Amazon UK its a little over £13.00.