TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


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Lots of information on the new Alan Shubrook publication "Century 21 FX" and a contest where you could win either a copy of the book or 8x10 photos featured in the book. This page will be regularly updated with information on the release and details as they arise.

Read on for more details.

The book should be available in October.


If you can name the TV show in the photo below, you could win a copy of the new book!

FIRST PRIZE A copy of the book and a set of 8x10 photos

RUNNER-UP PRIZE A set of 8x10 photos featured in the book.

There will be one first prize and three runner-up prizes. One entry per person, please. rules To enter the contest, go to the contest entry page and submit your answer. Winners will be randomly selected from all the correct entries.

Contest is open now and closes November 1 2007. Amyone may enter, but please only enter once.


What people think

Quotes from the book:

"Brilliant book! Loads of photos I've never seen before (and I've seen many)! A fascinating insight of what working at the studios was really like." (Stephen Brown, Fanderson)

"An excellent publication! Full of new information and with a great many photographs I've never seen before. I didn't think there was anything new to be written (or seen) about the Anderson years but this book - I'm delighted to say - proves me wrong." (Michael Reccia at Sci Fi and Fantasy Modelmaker)

And of course, we'll have a review published as soon as possible.

The book is available for purchase at

Sample pages