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To mark the 102nd birthday of Barry Gray, there will be a 1 hour internet radio show featuring his music. TODAY, Sunday 18th July 2010

Yes, I know there is basically no time to respond to this one, as word only got out saturday. If you catch this in time: On this Sunday's "The Beyondophonic Action Hour" show where you can hear themes from 24 different Gerry Anderson TV and film productions, including unreleased gems courtesy the Barry Gray estate!

If you can't tune into the live stream at 7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern (3AM UK time), a podcast should be in the Luxuria show archives sometime on Monday. (But note: these are only kept available for download for a couple of months, so act soon.) The show is carried on the Internet Radio station LuxuriaMusic.

Read on for full details...


This sounds like an event worth listening to, even if via the recorded version, as many of the tunes will be familiar, yet "different versions".


Among the most special treats will be an unreleased live recording of the Wondermints covering "UFO" in Tokyo in 1999, and excerpts from the massive orchestral Barry Gray Centenary concert held in London in 2008. (Extra special thanks to The Wondermints, David Stoner at Silva Screen Records, and Ralph Titterton of the Barry Gray Estate.)

The show will be hosted by Michael"Tothar" TOTH, host of The Beyondophonic Action Hour on

If I'm guessing the URL correctly, you should be able to grab the sound file of the show here:

The link should be live by monday 19th. Enjoy!


Host ofThe Beyondophonic Action Hour on