TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


Barry Gray compilation CD available May 4 2009

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SBFA-CDSilva Screen in the UK will be releasing "Stand By For Action" the week of May 4. This compilation of Barry Gray tunes from the Gerry Anderson shows was originally intended for release around the time of the live concert in London last year. The 40 track compilation is fairly extensive, and does contain some rare tracks, but much of it will be familiar if the you have the other Barry Gray CDs released over the years. Rarities include tracks from UFO and Secret Service as well as alternate versions of music. For me, the cover makes the purchase worth it, and I would seriously consider buying a vinyl version if one became available, as it is very evocative of the 60s LPs.

For those who don't care for CDs, the album is also available as downloadable MP3 files. Prices on CD and MP3 versions are reasonable: £7.99 for MP3 and £9.99 for CDs.

Read More (below) for further details of this release.

Read more: Barry Gray compilation CD available May 4 2009

Book "Filmed in Supermarionation" due by July 2009

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Stephen La Riviere's book "Filmed in Supermarionaton" is expected to be available by July 2009. Its the result of extensive research and interviews with the cast and crew of the Supermarionation shows of the 50s and 60s.

Here is an exerpt from the available information on the book:


Filmed in Supermarionation is the story as you've never heard it before of the puppet empire that rose from the Slough Trading Estate in the 1960s and created shows such as Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet and Joe 90. Starting right at the beginning with Gerry Anderson's directorial debut in 1955 and finishing on the day the puppet studios closed in 1969, the book charts the rise and fall of the A.P. Films / Century 21 Organisation's 'Supermarionation' films. The book features a wealth of new information, hundreds of previously unseen photographs and is based on hours of interviews with cast and crew, newspaper articles and previously unpublished paperwork.

There is a Facebook group as well as a web site with details on the book as well as information on how to place a pre-order which also should ensure you get it signed by both Stephen and David Elliott, who wrote the forward to the book.

Thunderbirds Calendar for 2009 Available

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As the year draws slowly and steadily to a close and the holiday season beckons, we find ourselves asking the age old question: "Is there a Thunderbirds calendar this year?". Luckily for us, the answer is: yes! The new Thunderbirds Calendar 2009 is now showing up on the Amazon UK site.

The price is £4.99 which seems reasonable to me. They ship anywhere which is good for those of us not living in the UK.

Doppleganger/JTTFSOTS DVD in June

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After languishing as a ropey, hard-to-find and ultimately deleted DVD release, the US Theatrical release of "Journey to the Far Side of the Sun" is being reissued in the US. The NTSC Region-free release hits shelves June 24 2008.

The scant information on the Amazon page indicates it is a widescreen version (1.85:1) with Dolby sound (oooh). The packaging and contents can only be an improvement over the original US release which had a cardboard cover and I don't think it even had a menu, just went straight to the movie!

This release has subtitles and shows a running time of 102 minutes. It would be really nice if there was commentary, or maybe a little background feature, but at least its getting a proper release.

Early Christmas presents

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 After a multi-year (?) hiatus, there is finally an Anderson-themed Calendar out for 2008. Once again, its from Slow Dazzle in the UK. This should be available fairly easily in the UK. Will report on availability in other countries as I get the info. Price is 10 pounds.

FYI, they are also doing calendars for The Prisoner and The Avengers. I mention this as many Anderson fans are also fans of these shows. Seeing as I'm discussing non-Anderson fare, its worth knowing that a complete CD of music from The Avengers has finally been released in the UK. Available on its own or as part of a 3 disc set. The set is the way to go as its about 10 pounds as well. The potentially confusing thing about the Avengers CD is that it says "DISC 1" on it, leading some to speculate on additional volumes in the future. However, the set has the other 2 discs. Its a bit of a mixed bag, but contains Avengers music you cannot hear any other way (except watching the shows of course. 

Thunderbirds for PS2

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Thunderbirds for PS2Hot on the heels of the Captain Scarlet game for the Sony Playstation 2, we now have a Thunderbirds game for the PS2.

Again, this seems to be a budget title for £10 and is UK-specific Region 2 encoded, so if you live outside the UK (like me) then don't even think of buying this.

For those in the UK, all I have to say is: you lucky lucky bastards.

Unless of course the game is crap. Only time will tell, the game gets released on June 7 2007.


Just in time for Christmas - Captain Scarlet for the PS2!

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Scarlet Playstation game I got a very interesting email this week. It turns out that a Playstation 2 game based on Captain Scarlet (original version) has just been released in the UK. 

The game description:

  • Get behind the wheel of the Spectrum Patrol Car and the Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle for high-speed, mission-based combat racing in exotic locales.
  • 3 Modes of play - Pursuit, Escape And Race
  • Explosive weaponry - Machines Guns, Rockets, Mines and Bombs
  • Features the iconic Spectrum Patrol Vehicle as well as the Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle
  • 16 Adrenaline filled missions
  • Includes a remixed Captain Scarlet music track.

The game is available from Amazon UK for £9.97. 

Sadly, I doubt this game will be available outside the UK, but for fans of the show with a PS2, this should keep things interesting during the holiday season. 


Derek Meddings Auction info now online

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The auction of original drawings etc by Derek Meddings has now been posted to the website of the auctioneer, Bonhams. You can see the entire auction here. The Derek Meddings items start at item 162. Prices are fairly astronomical and alongside the drawings are some very odd items indeed. The auction will be held later this month in London. The date is November 22 2006.