TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


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 After a multi-year (?) hiatus, there is finally an Anderson-themed Calendar out for 2008. Once again, its from Slow Dazzle in the UK. This should be available fairly easily in the UK. Will report on availability in other countries as I get the info. Price is 10 pounds.

FYI, they are also doing calendars for The Prisoner and The Avengers. I mention this as many Anderson fans are also fans of these shows. Seeing as I'm discussing non-Anderson fare, its worth knowing that a complete CD of music from The Avengers has finally been released in the UK. Available on its own or as part of a 3 disc set. The set is the way to go as its about 10 pounds as well. The potentially confusing thing about the Avengers CD is that it says "DISC 1" on it, leading some to speculate on additional volumes in the future. However, the set has the other 2 discs. Its a bit of a mixed bag, but contains Avengers music you cannot hear any other way (except watching the shows of course.