TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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ImageIt seems that there is life in New Captain Scarlet yet. OK, so we're probably not going to get any more episodes, but at least the show is starting to get more coverage around the world.

The show is being broadcast in various countries around the world. I am getting several updates per day so will update this article as info arrives. Click on the "READ MORE..." link for full details.

Australia recently started broadcasting the show. It airs Mondays at 6pm on ABC, part of Rollercoaster on ABC2 free digital-only channel. Episodes being aired in Australia:

  • 6th March '06 - Instrument of Destruction Part 1 (actual air time 5.59 - 6.22pm)
  • 13th March '06 - Instrument of Destruction Part 2 (actual air time 5.58 - 6.20pm)
  • 20th March '06 - Rain Of Terror
  • 27th March '06 - Mercury Falling
  • 4th April '06 - The Homecoming  

In the UK, CITV is showing it at 5:30 every saturday. They have a page on their website about the show, which includes a link to the currently inactive NCS website. Apparently, rather than being taken down permanently, it is being "refined". I would have thought a relevant placeholder image could be used, but at least this means the site may be back in some form or another.

In the US, Animania HD "may" be airing it, but it does not as yet appear in their listings or on their site.

In Japan it is showing on Animax. It started on March 12 and will air every sunday at midnight. The Animax website includes a page on the show as well as a schedule (both in Japanese of course).

Apparently, NCS is being aired in South Africa on M-NET at 8.30am on Saturday mornings. It has also been sold to TF1 in France.

If you know of other countries/channels or have more info on this, please pass it on and I'll update this news item.

Thanks to Kelly, Koichi and Paul for the info!