TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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I get several emails a week asking if I know anything about a series 3 of New Captain Scarlet. After attending the Fanderson event in October (yes, I will be posting my review and hundreds of photos soon) I came to the understanding that there will not be a new series.

Why? Well, in the UK, the broadcast was handled in a terrible manner which pretty much guaranteed it to get low ratings. It was broadcast in the middle of a live kids TV show which is (by all reports) really irritating to watch. Not only that, but at least the first ones started and ended with no warning and the episodes were cut into 2 sections with no indication of when the next part was to be aired. It was hard even for die-hard fans to watch, let alone people who had not seen the show.

Sadly, at Fanderson, Gerry talked about how overseas sales are often based on how well a show does in its homeland. Not only that, but they often use similar broadcast times. Most people seem to agree that early morning saturday is NOT a good time for this. Something like saturday evening is much better. As a result, the show was not sold to the US and got extremely limited sales worldwide. What a terrible waste of time and money.

Bear in mind that this show cost a million pounds per episode to make and had fairly extensive merchandising sales, not to mention numerous people who invested money into this venture on the assumption it would get a chance in the marketplace. Sadly, it does not appear to have happened. Maybe they can try again in a couple of years, but I doubt it.

So what's next...? Possibly something called Lightspeed, and there was another production mentioned too, but memory fails me right now. However, it was not a rehash of an earlier show.