TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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ImageAlthough it is now clear that New Captain Scarlet will not see any more series, there is some news worth passing on. Comic info, broadcast news and new merchandise info all after the link...

First off, the comic will cease production at issue 6, which should be out now. It did not help matters that the show was not even on the air during the run of the comic. Meanwhile, the Thunderbirds comic continues its relentless publishing...

In the UK, ITV4 will be broadcasting New Captain Scarlet. The entire series will be shown. Look for it starting in March 2006.

There has been sporadic reports of New Captain Scarlet being bought by overseas markets and several countries should get it later this year. The US should be getting the show, but in a specialty channel that very few people have: Animania HD. This is presumably due to the High-Def nature of the show. Unfortunately, the channel is only available to subscribers of the VOOM network shows and I do not think they have a noticeable chunk of subscribers at this time. Possibly 1-2 million. That puts it in a significant minority. There were earlier reports that it might be on Nickelodeon, but that turned out to be incorrect. Nickelodeon is carried by all cable and satellite networks and would have been a superb outlet. Animania HD on the other hand pretty much guarantees obscurity for the show here. No chance of any merch.

On the merchandise front, Corgi is set to release a nice looking range of "classic" Captain Scarlet and New Captain Scarlet toys this March. The classic range will consist of an SPV, an SPC and an Angel Interceptor. For the New range, we will see the Rhino, Cheetah and Falcon. They will be sold seperately and as paired packs where you get one of the classic vehicle and one of the New vehicle, eg you can get a pack with the SPV and the Rhino. Personally, I think packs of 3 vehicles from each show would have made more sense, but there you go...

I'm aware of at least one other fairly major New Captain Scarlet product release which is due later this year, full details will come as I have them.

The "second season", known by the rest of us as "the REST of the season" of New Captain Scarlet will be released on DVD some time this year. It was originally targetted for this spring, then summer, but a late 2006 date looks more likely. Possibly part of the ITV4 deal.

I sure feel bad for the investors. Maybe they'll make some money back on the DVD sales, but I think the way the show was handled and marketed was appalling. Maybe its just a sign of the times. Cartoons/animation/puppet shows will never really get "serious" respect, which shows with human actors always get more attention, no matter how poor they are. The writing and overall production quality on NCS was outstanding, especially after the initial episodes. Oh well, on to lightspeed(?) - what is this anyway?