TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


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ImageThis is basically a good news/bad news posting. The good news is that I have finally been able to get the TV Century 21 site updates newsletter active again. The bad news is that despite many hours of effort, I have been unable to ressurect the original subscriber list. Consequently, we have to start again from scratch. So, if you were subscribed to the TV 21 updates email list, you will need to subscribe again, sorry about that. If you were not subscribed, the TV Century 21 site updates email list is a service I provide to send out emails whenever a new post has been added. If there is interest, I may break it down a bit more, so that we have lists related to interests such as general news, downloads, gallery etc.

If you want to subscribe, simply add your email to the "TV21 Site Update" form to the left, make sure "SUBSCRIBE" is selected and click the PROCEED button. You will receive a confirmation email, which contains a link to click on to verify that you really want to subscribe. IMPORTANT Until you click on this link to verify your request to subscribe, you will not be subscribed!

The emails will probably go out 2-3 times a month at most and each will include details on how to unsubscribe. Just my way of making it slightly easier to use the site.