TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


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This was an occasion I had been looking forward to for quite some time. After so little on the Anderson front in recent years, this year had scope to be much better with both the much-heralded new Captain Scarlet CGI series, and the 40th Anniversary of Thunderbirds.

So it proved to be.

Images have now been added. Some documents have been added to downloads and images added to gallery.

Arriving at the Conference Centre at 10:30am, on a cold but dry Thursday morning I was immediately drawn to a large advertising board that had the promotional artwork for the new Captain Scarlet series displayed (image coming soon). Beside this, a figure in a very good rendition of the Scarlet costume was directing members of the press to a room where a presentation of the new series was about to begin. Perfect timing!

With my press pass I joined the people who were gathering to see a screening of episode 1 on the big screen. I had seen this episode about a year ago on a small computer monitor and was impressed then, but was even more so when seen in this much larger format. The attention to detail on all aspects of the production was amazing. Gerry Anderson was in attendance to introduce the film, and afterwards field questions from the press - which he handled very well.

It was here that we learnt that despite the much publicised September launch of the series, that it was in fact going to have 13 episodes screened on Children's ITV from Saturday February 12th at 9.30am as part of their "MOM" programme. I must admit my heart sank at this news as I recalled how Gerry's last venture "Lavender Castle" had been lost within the body of early CITV schedules. That and the stupid on screen overlays, cutting / talking over credits etc. Both superb shows, beautifully made, and potentially lost to a majority of the audience who would enjoy them.

Ironic, as Gerry as part of his presentation described his show as one for children, for adults, and indeed for all the family. I wasn't surprised though. A very similar CGI show, "Dan Dare", again superbly made, was lost to Channel 5 Saturday morning schedules. Fortunately clean copies of Dan Dare could later be found on DVD, and hopefully this will be the same for Scarlet.

I was also concerned that if the show proves successful in this Saturday morning slot, and I very much want it to be a success (as will all its many financial backers!) there will be no product available for the kids (young and old) to buy as no one was expecting this early start. That includes myself, as co-producer of the Barry Gray titles for Silva Screen Records. We are planning a very special release to tie in with the launch of Captain Scarlet - in the autumn!

These initial 13 episodes will be re-screened in September though, along with the second batch of 13, and hopefully we will see a more high profile timeslot and product in the shops for people to buy.

A brochure was handed out with this presentation

Then it was on to the Toy Fair itself.

The leading licensee for Captain Scarlet is Bandai, and they are producing a fantastic range of detailed 12.5cm figures, and a large selection of craft ranging from 8cm "matchbox" size, up to 30cm with the Cheetah, Rhino, Stallion and 50cm Skybase. The new toy range from Bandai will be available in July 2005.

I was very impressed with what I saw on this stand, and saw senior members of the Scarlet production crew assisting Bandai's people to ensure this display looked at its best. As the toys on display were only prototypes, no images are available. However, as soon as we get something, it will appear on this site. The full Bandai Press Release can be found in the downloads section.

FEVA are producing a selection of flying toys and games for Captain Scarlet (press release in downloads secton), plus a totally new card game concept called "DEX", described as the next generation of trading card games. The gameplay is based around a branded central console unit that includes ten cards and uses the latest virtual video technology bringing each card to life with both movement and sound (further details on a second scanned press release, and hopefully we will do a promotion with FEVA later in the year).

Get the FEVA with the new Captain Scarlet range coming in August 2005.

CORGI is at a very early stage of planning a new range of Captain Scarlet models from both the original and new CGI series (Press Release in the downloads section). More details during the year as we get them, but it may be worth regularly checking their website at Corgi are also planning a limited edition "pearlescent" pink finish of their existing FAB 1 model.

Captain Scarlet cars from Corgi

Lastly on the Captain Scarlet front, Dekkertoys are continuing their range of children's costumes in both standard and deluxe versions, along with new versions of their Thunderbirds costumes featuring Scott and Virgil.

On the Thunderbirds front Vivid Imaginations are re-releasing update versions of some of their range including the famous Tracy Island (images to come).

Finally, Impact International are adding to their Classic Thunderbirds radio controlled range with a 2005 Limited Edition Platinum Collection (image added to gallery).

2005 is going to be an exciting year for Anderson fans, and we will be covering it fully on More news as we get it!

Don't forget to check out the downloads and photo gallery for more material on the new show including merchandising press releases and brochure images.