TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


Mac OS X icon set

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A superb collection of 3d icons for the mac. Features Supercar, Fireball XL5, Thunderbirds, UFO and Space 1999.

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Icons for PC and Mac

User Rating: 5 / 5

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A superb icon library was created by Icon Factory. This set contains very well drawn icons for the PC and the MAC. Includes icons from Thunderbirds, UFO and Space:1999. The windows file is a .icl file that you need to reference from your target file via the properties menu; view all files and select the .icl file and pick an icon.
windows icon libary (zipped)
Mac icon set

Mac and PC icons

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Here is a nice set of icons by Hide. Availabe in MAC, PC and Linux versions. From Pixture.



A set of icons in Mac-only binhex format is available. This set is from Iconfactory and is called Sci-Fi Objects. Includes Thunderbirds and Space:1999. Very nice, and some appears to be based on the above set.


The list below is another set of Mac-only binhex format icons provided by Jamie Drouin.

A windows compatable zip file containing all of the icons in psd format is available. PSD is a non-internet graphical format which can be read by most decent image viewers (Fireworks, Paint shop pro, Photoshop, ImageReady, etc.)