A superb collection of 3d icons for the mac. Features Supercar, Fireball XL5, Thunderbirds, UFO and Space 1999.
Century 21 icons for OS X
I've collected together all of the Gerry Anderson icons I've made into one set for Simon Wickes' TV Century 21 site.
All of the models were rendered by me in Electric Image Universe.
- I built and textured Fireball Jr., the UFO, "limpet" UFO, TB1 and TB3.
- The Eagle and various pods were built by James Murphy in 3D studio Max and coverted to Lightwave by Andy Marrs. I then converted it to Electric Image. You can find the mesh here: http://www.space1999.org/gallery/cgi_models_meshes/james_murphy.html James' site is here: http://www.btinternet.com/~tobor/
- Supercar was built by Mick Imrie and Austin Tate. The Supercar model can be found here: http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~bat/GA/supercar-3d.html
- Fireball XL5 was built by Bruce Brachman. You can get your own here: http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~bat/GA/ga-craft.html
- Skydiver and SID built and textured in Lightwave by Don Showalter.
- The Ultra probe was built by RJ Andron in Lightwave and he textured it in Electric Image ( made my job far simpler! ) You can see his tribute to Space 1999 here: http://www.motiondigital.com/mba/
Many thanks to the model builders and their permission to use their models in this icon set. Awesome work guys!!!
Thanks to Derek Meddings, Reg Hill, Mike Trim, Brian Johnson and Martin Bower!
Thanks to Simon for hosting these icons.
All icons were made with the great IconBuilder plugin for Photoshop. You can find it here: http://www.iconfactory.com/iconbuilder.asp
You can see some more of my work here: http://homepage.mac.com/alisdairjones/PhotoAlbum.html
and you can reach me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Alisdair Jones, Toronto, Canada.
File is available in the downloads section here.