TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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View-Master was introduced in 1939 at the World's Fair and was an immediate success. It's inventor, William Gruber, was an avid hobby-botonist and saw View-Master as an important resource for use in the sciences. Although many science related reels are still produced today for leading institutions, it is the View-Master's popularity with children that ensures its continued success.

Almost from its beginning View-Master reels have highlighted popular television shows and movies, and the programs by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, with their attention to detail, lush colours, and 'willing actors', were an obvious choice for the format. The following is a list of all known available View-Master reels made relating to the Anderson's shows. As I am still an active collector this list will be periodically updated with missing (or better) examples.


First, a brief description of the format and the packaging. View-Master reels were originally sold as 'singles' in a uniform, one-color envelope. These were sometimes supplemented by a small story-folder which elaborated on the narrative implied by the seven images and the brief captions printed directly on the reel. Beginning in 1950, View-Master reels began to be packaged in three-reel sets, including a more elaborate picture envelope and a 16 page booklet. Aside from minor changes in the outside design, View-Master remained in the same packaging until 1982, when the dreaded 'blister-pack' and 'gift-pack' were introduced.

As well as the forementioned there were a few short-lived variations to the line. The large 8x8 inch story-folder was available in Europe from approximately 1970 to 1978, and the 'Talking View-Master' was introduced in the early 1970's. Not only was the bulky 'talking' viewer difficult for children to manage, but the reels were next to impossible to insert and the sound was less than inspiring. Even with these problems the range of 'Talking View-Master' reels and viewers were produced until 1981.


"Cartoon Carnival", package B521, Sawyers, 1963


Although not implied by the title, this three reel set includes Supercar. The first two reels, Alvin and the Chipmunks and King Leonardo, are hand-drawn cartoons, whereas the Supercar reel shows seven color photographs made on the original set. The title of the Supercar story is "The Cave Monster". Also included is a story-folder.


"Stingray", package D282, Tyco, 1993

gift set

This set is not listed in any source I have, but was only available in Europe as either a regular three-reel 'blister-pack' or as a 'gift-set'. Since stereo-photos were never made on the original production set, the photos in these reels are mono film stills (of exceedingly poor quality!).


"Thunderbirds", package B453, Sawyers, 1966

the package
the booklet

The story and photos were made exclusively for this set, and of special interest is a look inside the Hood's secret base. These are some of the nicest examples of stereo-photography I have ever seen. A 16 page booklet is included.

"Thunderbirds", package B453, Tyco, 1992

blister pack
gift set

A wonderful re-issue of the photos from the original View-Master set! These were available in both Europe and Canada as a three-reel 'blister-pack' or as a 'gift-set' (which includes a standard red viewer, the three reels, and a display box.

Captain Scarlet

"Captain Scarlet", Sawyers or Gaf

I have met two people who have seen this set but have never found a listing for it. Please contact me if you have one for sale, or can offer a xerox of the package.

Joe 90

"Joe 90 - attack of the tiger", package B456, Gaf, 1968

the package
the booklet

Again, fabulous stereo-photography with extremely dramatic lighting and explosions. He really is a cute little kid! The story is "Attack of the Tiger" and was also available in the Italian version "Operazione Tigre" (if anyone has an Italian version for sale let me know). Includes a 16 page booklet


"UFO - Unidentified Flying Objects", package B417 Gaf, 1969

the package
the booklet

There is no other title other than "Unidentified Flying Objects". These photographs are a must for any U.F.O. fan. Excellent close-ups of our dear Mr.Straker and more than a healthy dose of hardware. And, yes, there are even a few scenes with the purple-haired gals. Includes a 16 page booklet. The pictures are from the episode "Close-up".

"UFO - Unidentified Flying Objects", package B417-D, Gaf, 1970

package front
package back

This is the German edition and is quite rare. Instead of a photo envelope the reels are stored in a 5x5 inch full-color booklet in a protective clear plastic package.

An 8x8 inch folder version of this set is also out there but has eluded my grip.

SPACE: 1999

"Space:1999", package BB451, Gaf, 1975

the package
the booklet

These photos were taken on the set of "War Games" and stay fairly close to the story (albeit brief). Although I am a fan of the show I was slightly disappointed with the View-Master set. The compositions could have been tighter, allowing the viewer to imagine themselves as part of the scene. But, of course, this was near the end of View-Master's importance as a marketing tool and the photographers were being given less access to the studio sets. A 16 page booklet is included. An 8x8 inch folder version of this set has also eluded me.

"Talking Space:1999", package TB451, Gaf, 1975

the package

This is essentially the same set but with the added feature of hearing garbled dialogue.


"Terrahawks", package D230, Tyco, 1983

the package

For anyone interested in excellent source photos of the hardware from Terrahawks, this set is for you! Not only is almost every vehicle represented, but there are some very clear views which reveal how the sets were constructed (I don't think it was intentional, though). Of special interest are close-ups of characters such as Sram (roaring!) and the Zeroids. Of course, what set would be complete without a good picture of Stu!

This set was available as both a 'blister-pack' (pictured) without a booklet, and in the older envelope format, which would have probably included a 16 page booklet. If anyone has the envelope version for sale please let me know!

That's it so far! We can only hope that Gerry makes another show that becomes popular enough to warrant a View-Master set. This article will be periodically updated.