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Detailed article about the various playsets.


Supercar Play Figures. Cecil Coleman Limited, UK 1964. Contains small plastic Supercar and figures of Mike Mercury, Jimmy Gibson, Dr Beeker, Professor Popkiss, and Mitch the Monkey. Supercar and figures are highly detailed and fairly well painted. Playset came packed on blister card with cardboard representation of Supercar base.


Steve Zodiac's Fireball XL5 Galaxy Patrol Playset. Multiple Plastics Corporation, USA 1964. Contains standing figures of Steve Zodiac, Professor Matthew Matic, Dr Venus, Zoonie the Lazoon, Robert the Robot, and Commander Zero, seated figures of Steve Zodiac and Dr Venus on Jetmobiles, a Jet Car, small one-piece Fireball XL5 spaceship, and XL5 transporter truck. All items were molded in multicolored PVC plastic. Playset is packed in two tier window box with cut-out color trading cards printed on back.

Steve Zodiac's Fireball XL5 Flying Space Saucers Playset. Multiple Plastics Corporation, USA 1964. Package similar to above except contains standing figures of Steve Zodiac, Professor Matthew Matic, Dr Venus, Zoonie the Lazoon, Robert the Robot, Commander Zero, two "gyro satellites", and spring loaded satellite launching mechanism. All items were molded in multicolored PVC plastic.

Steve Zodiac's Fireball XL5 Zoom Track Playset. Multiple Plastics Corporation, USA 1964. Package similar to above except contains standing figures of Steve Zodiac, Professor Matthew Matic, Dr Venus, Zoonie the Lazoon, Robert the Robot, Commander Zero, small one-piece Fireball XL5 spaceship, and spring loaded spaceship launching track. All items were molded in multicolored PVC plastic.

Steve Zodiac's Fireball XL5. Multiple Plastics Corporation, USA 1964. Long cardboard box contains 24 inch Fireball XL5 rocket with separable Fireball Junior, opening cockpit hatch, retractable landing gear, and operating spring launched missiles. Also contains small figures of Steve Zodiac and Dr Venus which can be seated on two small Jetmobiles or placed in cockpit of Fireball Junior, large standing figures of Steve Zodiac, Professor Matthew Matic, Dr Venus, Zoonie the Lazoon, Robert the Robot, and Commander Zero. Rocket is made of hard gray plastic with transparent cockpit canopy, all figures are molded from multicolored PVC plastic.

Fireball XL5 Space City Playset. Multiple Plastics Corporation, USA 1964. Large boxed playset. Contains large Fireball XL5 rocket from above set. Also contains small seated figures of Steve Zodiac and Dr Venus which can be placed inside the large Fireball XL5 or on two small Jetmobiles, large standing figures of Steve Zodiac, Professor Matthew Matic, Dr Venus, Zoonie the Lazoon, Robert the Robot, and Commander Zero, large seated figures of Steve Zodiac and Dr Venus on Jetmobiles, a Jet Car, an XL fuel tank, small one-piece Fireball XL5 spaceship, XL5 transporter truck, spring loaded spaceship launching track, "gyro satellite", spring loaded satellite launcher, three stage rocket, spring loaded rocket launch gantry, and cardboard model of Space City control tower. The large Fireball XL5 was molded in hard gray plastic, all other items were molded in soft multicolored PVC plastic.

Note: many of the PVC items from the Fireball XL5 Space City Playset were subsequently reissued in other generic MPC space playsets during the mid 1970s. Some of the items reissued during the 1970s include the small one-piece Fireball XL5, the transporter truck, Jet Car, large figures, large Jetmobiles, three stage rocket, and rocket launcher.


Marineville Base Playset. Matchbox/Tyco #SR210, UK 1993. Playset contains Marineville HQ building, guard office, underground shelter area, two missile gantries, two "Hydromic Missiles", and operating ocean door. Principal action figures include top of control tower which lifts off to reveal interior details, HQ building which retracts into underground shelter area, elevating missile launch gantries, opening ocean door four use with die-cast toys, and lifting guard office gate.

Stingray Action Playset. Matchbox/Tyco #SR220, UK 1993. Large floating Stingray Submarine toy marketed as accessory for line of action figures. Roof lifts off to reveal seats for two action figures. Spring loaded torpedo launch mechanism and hand operated propulsion unit.


Thunderbirds Playset. Comansi, Spain 1966. Boxed playset contains plastic models of TB1, TB2, TB3, TB4, and possibly TB5, standing painted figures of Scott, Virgil, Gordon, John, and Allan Tracy in International Rescue uniforms, two International Rescue characters in space suits, Jeff Tracy, Brains, Lady Penelope, Parker, The Hood, and a molded plastic "moonscape" play mat.

Note: Comansi has reissued elements from their Thunderbirds playset in later generic space theme playsets. For example, I have seen the top halves of TB1 and TB3 (chrome plated) and the molded plastic "moonscape" play mat included in a recent "Comansi Boys" space playset.

Thunderbirds Super Spy Set. Popy, Japan about 1969. Window boxed playset which contained small models of TB1 and TB2, a simple wheeled flatbed transporter, and painted figures of Scott and Virgil.

Note: Popy may have done one or more of the above sets. It is almost certain that they did one containing small models of TB3 and TB4 with painted figures of Allan and Gordon.

Tracy Island. Popy, Japan 1978. Small die-cast metal and plastic representation of Tracy Island on rolling wheels. Playset comes with small one-piece plastic models of TB1 - TB4 which can be spring launched from their respective launch sites. A small plastic model of TB5 is mounted on a wire above the island.

Thunderbirds Rescue Command Box. Popy #7311, Japan 1984. Window boxed set contains soft plastic one-piece models of TB1, TB2, TB3, TB4, TB5, and the Jet Mole, an International Rescue character figure, a key chain with TB picture, and a spring loaded pistol that shoots plastic disks.

Thunderbirds Big Base. Popy #73109, Japan 1984. Boxed set contains molded plastic representation of Tracy Island Base with four Thunderbird launch sites as seen on TV. Small plastic models of TB1, TB2, TB3, and TB4 can be spring launched from their respective launch platforms. A small plastic Jet Mole housed in a garage at the top of the island rolls down winding road when released. A small TB5 is mounted above island on long wire.

Tracy Island Electronic Playset. Matchbox/Tyco #TB710, UK 1992. Playset contains molded plastic representation of Tracy Island Base with four launch sites for TB1 - TB4 as seen on TV. Playset is capable of generating several electronic voice and sound effects. Intended as accessory for die-cast Thunderbirds toys.

Note: Bandai of Japan planned to release their own version of a Tracy Island Base playset as an accessory for their Scramble Machine Six set of die cast TB vehicles during 1993. This Bandai item would have been much more detailed than the Matchbox product and would have included good representations of the underground TB launch hangars. This item was canceled for unknown reasons.

Thunderbird 2 Playset. Matchbox/Tyco #TB220, UK 1993. Large representation of TB2 intended as accessory for range of action figures. Cockpit hatch lifts up to reveal seats for two action figures. Landing legs are retractable. Pod is removable and door opens. Pod holds TB4. Playset is capable of generating several electronic voice and sound effects.


Vehicle Set. TT Japan, about 1967. Blister carded toy set which includes small painted plastic models of the SPV, MSV, and Patrol Car with bust figures of an Angel pilot, Colonel White, Captain Blue, and Captain Scarlet.

Spectrum Cloudbase HQ. Vivid Imaginations #51007, UK 1994. Playset includes large model of Cloudbase with rolling wheels, storage area for die cast toys, view-through observation port. Also comes with die cast model of SPJ and Mysteron Ring projector. Intended as accessory for range of die cast toys and action figures.

Angel Interceptor Playset. Vivid Imaginations #51017, UK 1994. Produces electronic jet engine noise. Cockpit canopy lifts up to contain one action figure.

Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle Playset. Vivid Imaginations #51018, UK 1994. Large plastic representation of SPV. Doors and hatches open, wheels roll. Holds four action figures.


Moon Base Set. J Rosenthal Century 21 Toys, UK 1968. Playset contains six plastic astronaut figures, Apollo Lunar Module, radar station, housing unit, vehicle storage unit, Scramble Bug vehicle, Moon Prospector vehicle, Lunar Excursion vehicle, and molded plastic moon surface play mat. Motorized operating features and lights are controlled by battery operated switch panel. Project Sword was a toy marketing concept which drove a comic strip feature seen in TV21 annuals of the late 1960s.

SPACE 1999

Eagle 1 Spaceship. Mattel, USA 1976. Large plastic model of the Eagle with many operating features. Comes with small articulated figures of Commander Koenig, Dr Russel, and Professor Bergman.

Moonbase Alpha Control Room and Launch Monitor Center. Mattel, USA 1976. Accessory for Mattel Space 1999 Action figures. Soft fold-out PVC control room with plastic furnishings and accessories.

Flying Eagle. Mattel, USA 1976. Similar in concept to Mattel "Verti Bird" helicopter playsets. Battery operated rotors permit operator to control tethered model of Eagle in "flight". Playset comes with plastic models of Alien spaceship (Zantor's ship), Alpha Moonbuggy, and radio tower which can be lifted by Eagle.

Space 1999 Adventure Playset. Milton Bradley, USA 1977. Punch out and assemble cardboard Moonbase Alpha with Eagles, figures, and Moonbuggys.