TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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Image We received a DVD from Margetts, the company helping investors for the Captain Scarlet CGI show currently in production. This article contains images and a brief summary from the 90 second trailer on the DVD.

The following images are from the "teaser" trailer recently released by Margetts in the UK, the company who is getting investors for the new Captain Scarlet TV show. The trailer is only 90 seconds long and deliberately leaves out key characters and vehicles to protect copyright. Permission to show these images is pending, so if Margetts or GAP (Gerry Anderson Productions) objects, this page may be withdrawn with no notice.


It starts out in space, near mars "Captain Scarlet and Captain Black" are investigating an occurence on Mars. We see a large spaceship head towards Mars.

We then see Captain Blue running through a corridor, presumably on Skybase.

An Angel Intercepter (or is it Falcon?) swoops down over an area of water, it is joined by 4 other aircraft that then swoop upwards. Pans up to Cloudbase/Skybase.

Staccato drum cut to interior of Skybase.

Captain Blue enters a room where Captain Scarlet is sleeping, and who appears to be behind a forcefield.

Captain Blue tells Captain Scarlet that they Colonel White wants him. There is a fight and Captain Blue ends up behind the forcefield.

Captain Scarlet tells "Adam" that he knows Captain Black is working with the Mysterons and is going to find him.

We then cut to a church graveyard. Echoes of the earlier trailer...