Here is the episode guide for the first 13 episodes.

Tex Tucker
Episode: 1
Little Jake goes into Sarah Jones' shop and learns that Pedro the Bandit is in town.
Grandpa Twink tells Little Jake all about Tex .......... Once upon a time, Tex, together with his horse, Rocky, and his dog, Dusty, were crossing a desolate trail when they came across a child, a little Indian boy named Makooya. The boy was very hungry and so were Tex and his friends. But this was a barren place and there was no food to be found. Tex built a fire and little Makooya fell asleep. In the middle of the night he woke up screaming the word 'Kalamakooya" and an Indian Chief materialised. He caused the trees to bloom and the water falls to flow, and as a reward for finding his son, he gave Tex four magic feathers. One gave Dusty the power of speech, another did the same for Rocky, and the two remaining feathers made Tex' s guns swivel and fire automatically whenever he was in danger.
Tex Tucker
Rocky the Horse
Dusty the Dog
Pedro the Bandit
Little Jake
Sarah Jones
Grandpa Twink
Chief Kalamakooya
Episode: 2
Pedro and Fernando, the Bandits, plan to kidnap Doc Haggerty and hold him to ransom. Fernando rides into town and tells Doc that Pedro is wounded and needs Docs help, When Doc arrives at the Bandits' shack he is tied to a chair and Pedro writes a note to Tex Tucker, asking for 5,000 dollars if the citizens of Four Feather Falls want to see Doc alive again.
Tex, Dusty and Rocky set out to find Pedro and Fernando. When the Bandits see that Tex has no money with him they decide to shoot him. But Tex's magic guns fire first and the bandits are quickly routed.
Tex Tucker
Rocky the Horse
Dusty the Dog
Grandpa Twink
Fernando the Bandit
Pedro the Bandit
Chief Kalamakooya
Doc Haggerty
Episode: 3
Pedro, desperate in his efforts to outwit Tex, realises that his only hope is to deprive him of the magic four feathers, which Tex always keeps in his hat. Pedro's accomplice Fernando, acting as decoy, starts shooting within earshot of the Sheriff's office. Tex hearing the shots, goes out to investigate and is confronted by Fernando.
Meanwhile, Pedro sneaks into the office where Tex's hat is hanging, and exchanges the magic feathers for ordinary ones. Dusty, who sees this, follows Pedro and takes the magic feathers from his hip pocket. He then goes off to find Rocky, jumps on his back and together they gallop off to find Tex who, without the aid of the magic feathers is at the mercy of the two bandits.
Tex Tucker
Pedro the Bandit
Fernando the Bandit
Dusty the Dog
Rocky the Horse
Little jake
Grandpa Twink
Episode: 4
Pedro rides into Four Feather Falls and announces that he is a reformed character. Tex isn't convinced and arrests the Bandit. After a few days in jail, Tex decides to give Pedro a chance and releases him.
Pedro goes shopping for a new sombrero and cheats Ma Jones out of four dollars. As he comes out of the shop an arrow whizzes past him and he's confronted by Red Scalp who accuses the Bandit of horse stealing. Ma Jones also comes after Pedro and accuses him of deceiving her.
Little Jake
Tex Tucker
Pedro the Bandit
Dusty the Dog
Rocky the Horse
Grandpa Twink
Ma Jones
Red Scalp
Episode: 5
Tex Tucker is lured out of Four Feather Falls by a phoney telegraph message sent by Big Ben the Bandit. The message says that the town's stage-coach will be attacked at Redstone Pass. Tex leaves his magic guns with Little Jake and rides off.
At the Pass, Tex is ambushed by Big Ben who ties him up and puts a noose around his neck. He leaves Tex sitting on Rocky, underneath a tree. If Rocky moves Tex will be left hanging. Big Ben's plan is to take over Four Feather Falls, but he hasn't reckoned on Tex's magic guns which are held by Little Jake.
Little Jake soon disarms Big Ben and claps him in jail, Then he sets off to find Tex and Rocky. Little Jake arrives at Redstone Pass just as a rattlesnake is slithering towards Rocky. Tex is urging his horse to save himself, but Rocky refuses to move, knowing that if he does Tex will die by the hangman's noose. The magic guns quickly take care of the rattlesnake and Tex and Rocky are saved, thanks to Little Jake.
Grandpa Twink
Dan Morse
Tex Tucker
Dusty the Dog
Rocky the Horse
Big Ben the Bandit
Ma Jones
Little Jake
Episode: 6
Grandpa Twink is held up by Fernado the Bandit who demands Grandpa's little gold watch.
Just in time Tex Tucker intervenes. But before the issue is resolved Fernando draws Tex's attention to smoke signals in the hills. He convinces the Sheriff that they are about to be attacked by Indians. Tex orders every man in the town to start building barricades and reluctantly agrees with Fernando's crafty suggestion that he, too, should join in the frey.
While awaiting the Indian attack, Tex has "some shut eye".... and Fernando, escaping the attentions of Doc Haggerty and Dan Morse, steals the Sheriff's magic hat and substitutes his own. Unknown to Fernando, however, Dusty exchanges the hats once again.
A tom-tom beats in the distance and it seems that the Indians are about to move in. When the shooting begins it's discovered that the "Indians" are Fernando and his side-kick, Pedro. Fernando, of course, believes that the "magic guns" are out of commission. Poor Fernando! Poor Pedro!
Grandpa Twink
Fernando the Bandit
Tex Tucker
Doc Haggerty
Dan Morse
Little Jake
Ma Jones
Pedro the Bandit
Dusty the Dog
Episode: 7
While Tex Tucker is out of town riding with Little Jake, Pedro the Bandit holds up Ma Jones' store. He shoots bottles off the counter ..... then makes off with provisions and some money. On his return to Four Feather Falls, Tex is met by Grandpa Twink who tells him what has happened.
Meanwhile, Pedro has been trailed by Dusty to Rock Canyon. Here Pedro is met by Red Scalp with whom he cooks up another scheme to "make ourselves a little money". Red Scalp is to tell Tex Tucker that his people have been attacked by white banditos in Yellow Gulch Hills ..... Tex will ride out of town to find the culprits ..... leaving the way clear for Pedro to rob the bank. Red Scalp is worried by the threat of the "magic guns" but Pedro tells him that they do not work on Indians.
The faithful Dusty has overheard their plans, and he scampers off to warn Tex. So when Red Scalp comes along with his "attack story" the next morning, the Sheriff is prepared for him. He absolutely refuses to leave town. When he turns his back on Red Scalp the Indian raises his tomahawk to strike a death blow. It doesn't fall however for, like lightning, the "magic guns" swivel backwards and shoot the tomahawk out of Red Scalp's grasp.
Later, when Red Scalp is about to give Pedro the closest haircut of his life for lying about the guns not working on Indians, Tex Tucker appears on the scene. Tex decides not to intervene. He allows Red Scalp to carry on the good work; tells Pedro to cover his bald head with his hat; then proceeds to shoot the hat away up Main Street.
Grandpa Twink
Little Jake
Pedro the Bandit
Ma Jones
Tex Tucker
Red Scalp
Dusty the Dog
Episode: 8
Pedro and Fernando, the Bandits, start a prairie fire and lure Tex Tucker out of Four Feather Falls. As Tex rides out, Pedro find Fernando ride in, intent on robbing the bank of its latest gold consignment.
Tex has deputised Dusty to stay in town to keep an eye on things - in particular, the bank. When Dusty sees Pedro and Fernando ride in he sets off to warn Tex.
While Tex is fighting the prairie fire he loses one of his magic feathers and Dusty is unable to speak, Precious time is lost while Tex, Dusty and Rocky look for the missing feather. Eventually, they find it and Dusty gasps out his message.
They arrive back in Four Feather Falls just in time to stop Pedro and Fernando from robbing the bank. Thanks to Dusty, the gold is saved.
Grandpa Twink
Bill Asher
Marvin Kilroy
Pedro the Bandit
Fernando the Bandit
Dusty the Dog
Rocky the Horse
Tex Tucker
Episode: 9
Chief Kalamakooya tells Tex that Red Scalp is buying guns from a white man. Tex suspects Big Ben the Bandit and visits him with Dusty and Rocky. He warns Big Ben to stop gun-trading with Red Scalp.
When Tex returns to Four Feather Falls, Dusty stays behind to keep an eye on Big Ben's cabin. He overhears Big Ben tell Red Scalp to meet him at Dead Man's Hill the following day.
The next day Tex is waiting at the Hill. Big Ben and Red Scalp arrive separately, but they both see Tex's hat move behind a boulder. The Bandit and the Indian both think that the other has brought an accomplice to double-cross them, and start a shooting match. Tex intervenes and arrests them both. Chief Kalamakooya punishes Red Scalp according to Indian law and Big Ben is taken to jail.
Tex Tucker
Dusty the Dog
Rocky the Horse
Chief Kalamakooya
Big Ben the Bandit
Red Scalp
Episode: 10
As Grandpa Twink and Ma Jones drive their buggy through Yellow Gulch Pass they're held up by Pedro and Fernando, the Bandits. Pedro has set up a toll-gate and says that the citizens of Four Feather Falls must now pay to go through the Pass.
Ma Jones refuses and she and Grandpa Twink take an alternative route into town through Black Boulder Canyon - a grim and forbidding place. Outwitted, Pedro and Fernando decide to steal some dynamite and blast down a huge black boulder which perilously hangs over the Canyon. If their plan succeeds, the Canyon will be completely blocked, and travellers to Four Feather Falls will have to pay Pedro and Fernando to go through Yellow Gulch Pass.
Meanwhile, Tex Tucker has heard about the toll-gate and suspects the bandits next move. He arrives at the Black Boulder in time to place the dynamite in a different position. With one shot from his magic guns he explodes the dynamite and the boulder crashes down into Yellow Gulch Pass foiling the bandits' plan to block up Black Boulder Canyon. The boulder smashes the bandit's toll-gate and also makes Black Boulder Canyon a safe route into Four Feather Falls.
Grandpa Twink
Little Jake
Pedro the Bandit
Fernando the Bandit
Ma Jones
Big Murphy (a 'revamp' character)
Tex Tucker
Dusty the Dog
Rocky the Horse
Episode: 11
Grandpa Twink tells how Sheriff Tex Tucker got himself arrested. Tex, Dusty and Rocky are on their way to Silver City in response to a call for help from Sheriff Jameson. Along the trail they camp down for the night. Suddenly a dark-clad man springs from the undergrowth, throws a blanket over Rocky, and rides him off into the darkness.
The following day Tex and Dusty are trudging wearily along the trail when they encounter a bearded rider, Ruff Snyder, who is leading an extra horse. Snyder sells Tex the spare horse for fifty dollars. Tex and Dusty next run up against the very man they were looking for - Sheriff Jameson. But he does not believe that Tex is a Sheriff; and in the saddle bag of the newly bought horse he discovers a stolen hag of money. Despite his protests, Tex is arrested and slung into jail ... he refuses to use the magic guns on law man.
Ruff Snyder turns up at the jail and denies that he sold Tex a horse. Some nights later Tex and Dusty, looking out of their cell window, see Big Ben, obviously the "Phantom Rider" - tether Rocky in the yard behind the jail. Ben calls on Tex and tells him that Jameson is on his way to Four Feather Falls to take over there. And Tex realises that the whole thing has been a frame-up. The magic guns, which until now have been kept in reserve, swivel into action and, first, Big Ben and, later, the crooked Sheriff Jameson are made to realise that only one man can be Sheriff of Four Feather Falls - Tex Tucker.
Tex Tucker
Dusty the Dog
Rocky the Horse
Grandpa Twink
Big Ben the Bandit
Ruff Snyder
Sheriff Jameson
Episode: 12
Pedro and Fernando, the Bandits, find a map which leads to buried gold underneath the jail in Four Feather Falls.
Tex overhears Pedro arranging for Fernando to be arrested so that he can dig for the gold in the jail. As the jail needs a new floor digging out and as the buried treasure doesn't exist, Tex happily arrests Pedro, instead of Fernando, and leaves the lazy Bandit alone in jail so that he can get along with the hard task of digging.
Meanwhile, Mr. Jackson, the Bank Manager has broken the key to his strongroom, and the local cowboys can't be paid.
Back in the jailhouse, Pedro is digging so well that he has made a passage beneath the street and right into the bank's strongroom. He thinks he has found buried treasure and starts handing out bags of gold through the jailhouse window where Fernando should be waiting to collect. But Fernando is asleep, and instead Pedro unknowingly hands out the bags of gold to Tex Tucker.
Everyone is hap[y, the Bank can pay the cowboys and the jailhouse is ready for a new floor. Everyone, except Pedro and Fernado !
Grandpa Twink
Pedro the Bandit
Fernando the Bandit
Dusty the Dog
Ma Jones
Tex Tucker
Rocky the Horse
Little Jake
Slim Jim
Doc Haggerty
Episode: 13
Pedro and Fernando plan to make a fortune out of Yellow Gulch - their own property - by pretending to have found gold there. They fire some gold dust into a piece of rock so that it glitters in the sunshine; take the rock into the saloon; and spread the word that they've struck it rich. Everyone wants to buy a piece of Yellow Gulch , and, after consultation, the two bandits decide to sell equal shares to all.
Later, Tex Tucker notices the townspeople making off with picks and shovels. In Ma Jones' store he learns of the "gold" in Yellow Gulch. Tex is suspicious; and he asks Ma Jones and Dan Morse to help him carry out an idea.
When silence has descended on Four Feather Falls, Ma Jones is confronted by Pedro and Fernando. Their intention is to commandeer some supplies, hut Ma drops a hint about a telegram that has arrived, stating that the gold strike in Yellow Gulch is the biggest ever. Pedro and Fernando make a speedy exit, rather puzzled, but determined to buy back all the land that they have sold.
That evening all the "prospectors" are gathered in the Saloon ..... Pedro is sobbing. Tex announces that Pedro's grandmother has died ..... by family tradition, she has to be buried at Yellow Gulch ..... but now the Gulch no longer belongs to Pedro ..... and the bandit is very upset. "I guess the only fair thing to do," he says, "is to put the land up for auction. That way Pedro will have the chance to buy it back at a fair price".
All are agreed on the auction, and, naturally, do very well out of it. As they leave the Saloon Pedro and Fernando are happy, too. But they wonder why Tex and his friends are laughing heartily ........
Ma JonesFernando the Bandit
Pedro the Bandit
Tex Tucker
Marvin Jackson
Doc Haggerty
Slim Jim
Grandma Twink