TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


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Oh I was tempted. Very tempted. The auction house Cooper Owen, sold an original Studio model of FAB 1 on Ebay this July. It is the puppet-sized one built for the first Thunderbirds movie, "Thunderbirds are Go!".

There were 124 bids and the winner got the car for a cool 80,000 pounds, about $147,300. The model is 8.5 feet long and 3 feet wide and has been on display many times, including the Blackpool exhibit.

Photos of the model and more details can be seen on this page on ebay.

This was good/bad timing for me as I just sold my house and could actually have won the auction if, that is, I no longer wanted to own another house later, or indeed stay married... Oh well, enjoy the car, zinc04, you lucky person.