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Article exploring the use of model kits in the shows.

If asked the question, "who introduced the use of plastic model kits for the construction of miniature special effects vehicles", many otherwise knowledgeable students of TV and film science fiction would immediately respond with the name Stanley Kuberick. Mr Kuberick's 2001 A Space Odyssey was notable for advancing the standards of miniature design, finish, and photography to a level that would become part of the popular culture via Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. However, he was not the first person to use cannibalized store-bought plastic model kits to create highly detailed studio miniatures. The real pioneer of this art was none other than Gerry Anderson.

Gerry Anderson is best known for his 1960s "Supermarionation" science fiction productions like Stingray, Thunderbirds, and Captain Scarlet. These unique TV shows used incredible life-like electronic puppets combined with futuristic miniature vehicles and pyrotechnic effects to create amazing 21st century TV adventures.

Funding difficulties forced Anderson to produce his earliest efforts on severely limited budgets. To save money, Anderson's effects master, Derek Meddings, started using plastic model kits and kit parts for constructing and detailing miniature effects vehicles. This technique worked so well that major studio miniatures made entirely from modified commercial model kits were quite common up through Thunderbirds. In fact, model kit components were still used for detailing miniature vehicles in Gerry Anderson's later and more "sophisticated" TV shows like UFO, Space 1999, and Terrahawks.

The following listing of commercial model kits utilized in Gerry Anderson SF productions is by no means all-inclusive. For example, I am aware that model car kits were used extensively in Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet. Unfortunately, my knowledge of 1960s era automobile styles is weak, thus I am unable to differentiate between most types! Also, I am well aware that many kit components were used to detail models that were essentially "scratch-built". Time constraints force me to leave this huge topic to someone else! Here goes:


Bill Gibson's Aircraft

I am not certain but I suspect that the light aircraft that crashed at sea with Bill Gibson, Jimmy Gibson, and Mitch the Monkey aboard in the first Supercar episode "Rescue", was an unmodified Monogram Piper Tri-Pacer kit. This same miniature aircraft was used at least one more time (flown by Masterspy and Friend Zarin to the Black Rock Canyon base) in a later Supercar episode.

U.S. Navy Rescue Helicopter

The silver U.S. Navy helicopter featured in the pilot episode "Rescue" was made from a Sikorsky S55/H-19 kit. I suspect that the effects people used Revell's kit since to my knowledge, only their circa 1959 H-19 kit came with the cylindrical amphibious floats as seen on screen.

This model appears to have been built "right out of the box" with no modification apparent except for the introduction of an internal motor to spin the main rotor. This kit was recently reissued by Revell with the exact same paint scheme and decals seen in Supercar!


Invasion Earth Space Ships

The three black alien space ships featured in "Invasion Earth" were made almost entirely from Revell B-58 Hustler kits. Each space ship miniature consisted of a B-58 fuselage and wings with vertical stabilizer removed. A large disk shaped object of unknown origin was attached to the nose. An inboard jet engine pod was attached to each side of the fuselage immediately below this disk. Two outboard jet engine pods replaced the vertical stabilizer. An additional outboard engine pod was mounted on top of each wing, opposite what would have been the normal B-58 position. Long tripod landing gear made from wire completed the design.

It is interesting to note that an unmodified B-58 fuel pod, with characteristic Revell fins, was used in this episode as an alien ground vehicle. This was visible in a brief clip, being "lowered" from one of the space ships.

Space City Surface to Air Missiles

Several large surface to air missiles can be seen rising into launch position near the end of "Invasion Earth". These miniatures were actually Aurora or Revell Bomarc missiles. These models were built "right out of the box" except for the ramjet engines which were attached to both sides of the end of the missile body instead of their normal underwing positions.

SL6 Supersonic Airliner

A large silver aircraft called an "SL6 Supersonic Airliner" was featured in "Space City Special". An identical aircraft was also seen being destroyed by a flaming ball of space gas in "The Firefighters". At least three subtly different SL6 Supersonic Airliner miniatures were made for Fireball XL5 using Lindberg B-58 kits. One of these models was built in a VTOL landing configuration with jet engine pods tilted down and mounted perpendicular to the leading edge of the wings.

The B-58 fuselages were lengthened by joining two lower engine pod parts together and then attaching this unit to the tail cone. The wings were attached behind and below what would have been their normal mounting position. This left about half of the flat wing mounting surface exposed along the side of the fuselage. A canard stabilizer, possibly made from a horizontal stabilizer taken from an F-104 Starfighter kit, was added to the fuselage in front of the wings. The B-58's vertical stabilizer was removed from the fuselage and then trimmed to remove the rudder portion. This was then attached to the lower surface of the fuel pod. The entire fuel pod/vertical stabilizer unit was inverted and attached on top of the rear fuselage. The B-58's inboard jet engine pods were mounted on top of the wings directly opposed to the positions normally occupied by the outboard engines.

Robot Supply Ship

The robot supply ships seen in "The Robot Freighter Mystery" used a golf ball and two B-58 Hustler model kit engines in their construction.

Subterran Defense Missiles

The Subterranean planetary defense missiles featured near the end of "Wings of Danger" appear to have been made using Aurora or Revell Bomarc missile kits that were modified through the strategic application of B-58 Hustler engines.

Space City Rocket Launch Gantry

One of the rocket launch gantrys at Space City, seen in several episodes of Fireball XL5, was actually made using the parts included in the old Monogram Redstone rocket kit. Another rocket launch gantry, seen in the "Sun Worshippers" and other episodes used components of Airfix's HO/OO scale Travelling Crane kit.


WSP Submarine

The World Security Patrol submarines featured in "Stingray is Launched" and "A Nut for Marineville" appears to have been an Aurora, Monogram, or Revell USS Nautilus class nuclear submarine kit. This miniature looks like it may have been used "right out of the box". However, from certain angles it looks as if the model's bow hydroplanes may have been altered or replaced with larger rectangular examples.

X20's Submarine

Titanican surface agent X20's personal submarine seen in "The Master Plan", "An Echo of Danger", "Rescue from the Skies", "Plant of Doom", "The Golden Sea", and several other episodes, was actually a Revell X-5 variable geometry research aircraft kit. The X-5 was built without its wings and had several new "fish-like" fins added to its fuselage.

WASP "Spearhead" Aircraft

The large VTOL WASP "Spearhead" jets featured in "Stingray is Launched", "Emergency Marineville", "Pink Ice", and "A Nut for Marineville", were made using Revell B-58 kits. Additionally, these miniatures had swept back canard stabilizers that may have come from some other kit's horizontal stabilizer parts. These aircraft models were built according to kit instructions with the only differences being that new canards were added to the nose and three engine pods were mounted near the tip of the tail fin instead of under the wings.

Many of these "Spearhead" aircraft miniatures were built for Stingray and at least one example showed up later on in Thunderbirds. This model can be seen at the airfield featured in "Edge of Impact".

WASP "Arrowhead" fighter

The WASP fighters seen in "Rescue from the Skies", "The Cool Caveman", and "Pink Ice" were made from Aurora F-5 Freedom Fighter kits. These models had their horizontal stabilizers moved up in front of their jet intakes and their wings moved back where the stabilizers should have been. Two bombs were placed midway along the lower side of the fuselage between the canards and wings. The jet intake inlet parts were placed under the fuselage between the wings.

WASP "Arrowhead" jets made several guest appearances in Thunderbirds. One former WASP fighter appears very briefly as it is launched from the deck of a World Navy aircraft carrier in the episode "Impostors". Another appears in a scene in "The Duchess Assignment". Also, WASP "Arrowhead" jet models appear in "Security Hazard" and "Cry Wolf" as toy airplanes in the kid's bedrooms.

WASP Helicopter

The grey and yellow WASP helicopter seen in "Pink Ice" and "Titan Goes Pop" was actually a slightly modified HAWK Kaman Husky kit. This model was given a new tail boom and fin that was attached to the top of the Husky's long exhaust pipe. Only one rotor and rotor support pylon was used. Also, the landing gear skid parts were not used, leaving the helicopter with only small wheels for landing gear.

El Hudatvia Target Aircraft

In "Star of the East", an Arab despot named El Hudat destroyed two radio controlled target aircraft during trials of his new "WADI" gunboat. These blue and orange aircraft appear to have actually been unmodified Airfix or Frog Blackburn Buccaneer kits.

WSP Remote Controlled Freight Airliner

The World Security Patrol "Remote Controlled Freight Airliner" destroyed by El Hudat in "Star of the East" is clearly a modified Revell B-58 kit. This model appears to have the same canard configuration and paint scheme as the WASP "Spearhead" jets described above. However, the "Remote Controlled Freight Airliner" model was very different in design. The model retained the normal B-58 vertical stabilizer with a new swept horizontal stabilizer added to its tip. Also, it appears that an inboard engine pod was mounted on top of each wing opposite its normal "B-58" position.

There is an interesting and confusing discrepancy visible in TV footage of this miniature. If you slow a video or laser disk down to a freeze frame on this aircraft, you will notice that the jet that explodes is a different model altogether! It has an additional two engines mounted on the tail like one of the common "Spearhead" jets! I suspect that only one "Remote Controlled Freight Airliner" model was made and that some kind of accident happened to it. Thus, a substitute aircraft model had to be obtained midway through filming in order to keep the proper schedule.

WASP Bandship Downbeat

The WASP bandship submarine "Downbeat" appears to have been constructed using the conning tower and center hull section from a Renwal, Monogram, or Revell U.S. nuclear submarine kit.

Supersonic 101 Airliner

The "Supersonic 101 Airliner" was presented as a WASP military transport aircraft in "The Lighthouse Dwellers". A photograph of this model was also seen on the Marineville Control video screen at the beginning of "Eastern Eclipse". This aircraft was made using an (Aurora I think) Boeing 727 kit. The model's only modification was a swept canard stabilizer mounted behind the cockpit.

The "Supersonic 101 Airliner" model was also used in Thunderbirds. The aircraft appears in the background at London Airport in the episode "Trapped in the Sky".

Vertical Takeoff Jetmaster

The "Vertical Takeoff Jetmaster" seen as a photograph on the Marineville Control video screen at the beginning of "Eastern Eclipse" was made from an (Aurora I think) Boeing 707 airliner kit. This model had its outboard engine pods mounted on either side of its fuselage between the wings and horizontal stabilizer.

This model also turned up in Thunderbirds as a background aircraft at London Airport in "Trapped in the Sky".

Gaddus' Submarine

Gaddus' submarine seen in "Hostages of the Deep" appears to have used some kind of plastic sailing ship kit's hull. It is possible that the old Pyro Spanish galleon kit was used. This miniature also used B-58 engine pods, and other unidentifiable objects in its construction.

WASP Underwater Interceptors

The WASP underwater interceptors seen in "Stingray is Launched" were actually slightly modified Airfix Bloodhound surface to air missile kits.

WASP Hydromic Missile Launchers

The concealed WASP hydromic missile launchers that rise up in front of Marineville tower used the launch pad and gantry parts included with the Monogram Redstone rocket kit.

Marineville Power Plant

The Marineville power plant appears to have been constructed using Kibri oil refinery and water tank kits made for HO/OO scale model railroad trains.

Portions of the Marineville power plant model later turned up in Thunderbirds as the pile of junk seen on the Thunderbird 2 pod conveyor belt at Tracy Island.

U.S. Industrial Complex

The U S industrial complex targeted by the Solarstar missile ejector submarine in "The Big Gun" was made using Kibri oil refinery and water tank kit parts.

Sea Of Oil Submarine

The undersea alien submarine featured in "Sea of Oil" was made using a Revell or Aurora F-102 Delta Dart kit modified by the addition of extra fins and a cylindrical engine extension made from a Revell Atlas missile kit's 1st stage.

Marineville Bomb Disposal Unit Truck

The white bomb disposal unit truck seen in "Emergency Marineville" was made using a 1955 Ford pickup truck kit.

Marineville Car Control Car

The silver automobile that appears on the submerging Marineville Car Control platform in several episodes appears to be a stock Chevrolet Corvair kit.

Christmas to Remember Submarine

The enemy submarine featured in a Christmas to remember has a vaguely familiar shape that may have utilized a plastic warship kit's hull. Do I dare say that it resembles Supercar from above? The miniature definitely utilized inverted B-58 Hustler vertical stablizers as forward hydroplanes.

World Navy Submarine

The World Navy submarine featured in "The Man from the Navy" utilized a plastic toy or model kit "midget" race car body as it's hull. The miniature also incorporated several scale deck fittings of the sort used by wooden model ship builders and propellers made from Airfix hovercraft kit parts.


Duchess Assignment Jet

The small jet fighter seen landing on top of a large "carrier aircraft" during the airshow in "The Duchess Assignment" was constructed using an Aurora, Revell, or Monogram F-104 fuslelage combined with an F-101 Voodoo's wings. I suspect that this aircraft's vertical stabilizer came from a SAAB Drakken kit and that its horizontal stabilizer was provide by the F-101 kit. A large drop-tank was mounted below the fusilage between the wings.

The strange World Navy markings seen on this aircraft, its carrier jet, and also seen on other aircraft models in Thunderbirds appear to have been made by combining U.S. and German Air Force decals.


The "Gyropedo" guided torpedoes seen in "Atlantic Inferno" were made from a jet aircraft kit's drop tank parts with small "wings" added.

Martian Invasion Aircraft

The light aircraft used by the hood at the end of "Martian Invasion" appears to have been a Monogram Piper Tri-Pacer kit modified with a new "butterfly" tail section.

This miniature was later used in the Captain Scarlet episode, "Codename Europa" as Mysteron Agent Dr. Carney's radio controlled "ECM" model.

Cham Cham Enemy Fighters

The three enemy jet fighters seen in "The Cham Cham" were made using the fuselage, wings, and other parts from a Monogram, Aurora, or Revell F-104 kit combined with the vertical stabilizer and outer wing panels taken from an Airfix, Revell, or Lindberg SAAB Draaken. The F-104's nose was shortened. Outer wing panels were made from F-104 horizontal stabilizer parts split in half and a drop tank was attached to the joining surface. Horizontal stabilizers were actually the Drakken's outboard wing panels.

Sharp "Cham Cham" observers can see the shadow of a short rod used to link two of these jets together in the scene where they take off from the enemy base. Two of these models were later repainted with Soviet Air Force style markings for use in the Joe 90 episode "King for a Day".

Cham Cham Airfield Jet

If you look very closely as the USAF "RTL-2" rocket transporter aircraft leaves its hangar in "The Cham Cham", you will notice a small red jet parked near the "RTL-2's" hangar door. This aircraft appears to have been made from a Revell or Airfix 1/72 scale SAAB Drakken kit modified with a Monogram B-58 jet engine on each wing and a new "butterfly" (V shaped) tail made from two Drakken vertical stabilizers. The Drakken's outer wing panels were replaced with F-104 horizontal stabilizer halfs.

Red Arrow

The two Red Arrow prototype aircraft featured in "Edge of Impact" were made from Airfix, Revell, or Lindberg SAAB J-35 Drakken aircraft kits modified through the application of Monogram or Revell B-58 inboard engine pods to the wings and outboard eingine pods to the top of the vertical stabilizer.

Edge of Impact Enemy Jet

The unusual enemy attack jet seen at the very beginning of "Edge of Impact" was made using a Monogram, Aurora, or Revell F-104 Starfighter fusilage. The vertical stabilizer came from a B-58 kit. The miniature's wings, missile pods, and ventral stabilizers were of unknown pedigree.

The markings applied to this miniature's vertical stabilizer apparently came from a U.S. Air Force "Thunderbirds" aerobatic team F-105 or F-100 kit. Interestingly enough, this exact same decal was also used on the large "SAF" target tug aircraft featured in "Trapped in the Sky" and "The Mighty Atom".

Jet Mole

The Jet Mole TB2 pod vehicle used parts from the Airfix model railroad truss bridge, Revell Mercury Atlas rocket, an unknown model car, and B-58 Hustler in its construction.

The truss bridge is immediately recognizable as the elevating portion of the Mole's trolly. One half of the Atlas rocket is mounted on either side of the bridge. Hustler main landing gear strut parts are visible attached to the front of the rocket. The car part is noticable as the boxy housing at the rear of the drill itself.

The Jet Mole, Recovery Vehicles, Lifing Equipment (DOMO), Excavator, IR3 Transmitter Truck, Firefly, and other similar tracked Thunderbirds vehicles appear to have all used the same unknown toy tank or model kit for their wheels and tracks.

American Automobile kits

Many American automobile kits from the early to mid 1960s showed up in unmodified or slightly modified form in Thunderbirds. Some of these kits included:

Ford Thunderbird kits appeared in several Thunderbirds episodes including "City of Fire" and "Thirty Minutes After Noon".

Corvette Stingray automobiles with bubble tops appeared in "City of Fire", "Thirty Minutes After Noon" and "Terror in New York City".

Lincoln Continental Estate automobiles appeared in "Move and You're Dead" and "The Cham Cham".

A Pontiac Bonneville appeared in "The Duchess Assignment".

Although I do not know for certain exactly which manufacturer's kits were used by the Thunderbirds team, I suspect that AMT 1/24th scale kits were the most likely candidates. Many of these kits were later reused in Captain Scarlet and Joe 90.

Impostors Jet Type #1

The two blue and white World Navy jets seen being elevated and launched from an aircraft carrier in "Impostors" used Revell, Monogram, or Aurora F-104 fuselages. Wings were actually B-58 vertical stabilizers. The long ventral engine was made using the front intake portion of a Revell B-58 engine pod mated to a tube that may have been metal or wood. Horizontal and vertical stabilizers came from unidentified sources.

Impostors Jet Type #2

Two crudely finished aircraft models with black or dark blue fuselages and white tails can be seen being elevated on World Navy aircraft carrier ramps in "Impostors" immediately following the aircraft described above. One of these jets can be seen being catapulted off the deck just before the launching of a former WASP fighter from Stingray.

I suspect that these miniatures were made using Revell or Monogram X-15 research aircraft kits that were modified through the addition of a new tail and a ventral fuel tank made from a B-58 weapon/fuel pod.

Impostors Jet Type #3

Three unmodified Revell F-101 Voodoo jet fighters can be seen overflying Tracy Island in "Impostors". It looks like these jets have light blue bodies and a white vertical stabilizer.

Impostors Helijet

There is a brief clip during the "Impostors" search operation sequence with a long, dark helijet. This helijet was apparently made using the forward fuselages from two Aurora or Revell S55/H-19 helicopter kits joined back to front, four B-58 jet engine pods, and the horizontal stabilizers from two F-104 kits.

London Airport Air Sea Rescue Jets

The three yellow and red air sea rescue jets seen in "Operation Crash Dive" and "Impostors" appear to have been reworked from the "Impostors" World Navy jets described above. The only visible difference, except of course for paint scheme, is that these ASR jets have an triangular extension applied to the front of their vertical stabilizers.

UN Rescue Helicopters

The yellow UN rescue helicopters (also seen in the Captain Scarlet episode, "Place of the Angels") had B-58 outboard engine pod halfs mounted on the sides of their landing skid supports.

Navy Rescue Helijets

The blue and red World Navy rescue helijets seen in the episode "Atlantic Inferno" appear to have used some kind of model car kit for their main body combined with B-58 inboard engine parts, F-104 horizontal stabilizers, and drop tanks from an unknown aircraft kit.

These models can also be seen in the background behind the yellow rescue helicopter in "Thunderbirds Are Go".

Monorail Inspection Helijets

The two Atlantic Pacific monorail line inspection helijets seen in "Brink of Disaster" were made using a HAWK Kaman Husky helicopter kit's cabin mated to a tail boom made from the rear fusilage and vertical stabilizer from a B-58 kit.

Helijet Type #1

The small helijets seen in "End of the Road" (red), "Pit of Peril" (yellow), and "City of Fire" (blue) were made from two HAWK Kaman Husky helicopter kit cabins joined back to back. The miniature was detailed with wings, jet engine pods, and other parts from B-58 Hustler kits.

Pit of Peril U.S. Army Helicopter

The twin rotor U.S. Army helicopter (radio callsign "Copter Watchdog") seen in "Pit of Peril" appears to have been made from a Boeing Sea Knight or Chinook kit fuselage, modified with a new extended cockpit, wire landing gear, Lindberg B-58 jet engines (the actual jet engine assemblies, not the external pods), and other unidentifiable bits and pieces.

U.S. Army Rescue Helicopter

The red and white U.S. Army rescue helicopter seen at the end of "Pit of Peril" was made using an (Airfix I think) Sikorsky Seaking kit and B-58 parts. Two B-58 outboard engine pods were mounted in place of the helicopter's tail rotor, the kit's 5 bladed main rotor was replaced with a three bladed version, and the model was fitted with new landing skids made from wire.

Glenn Field Air Sea Rescue Jets

The four silver and multicolored tail (red, yellow, green, and blue) Glenn Field Air Sea Rescue Service search jets seen in "Thunderbirds Are Go" were made using Revell or Aurora F-102 fuselages combined with F-105 wings. Winglets were made from Monogram or Revell F-105 horizontal stabilizers. A rudder-top scanner pod was made from an Aurora or Lindberg B-58 kit's bomb minus the tail section. The tail section of the B-58 bomb, complete with cruciform fins, was grafted onto the F-102's nose. Skid landing gear appears to have been made using small bombs taken from the F-105 kit. The large rear engine came from other unknown sources.

Zombite Fighters

The three Zombite fighter jets featured in "The Uninvited" were made using Revell, Aurora, or Monogram F-104 fuselages and B-58 inboard engine pods. The unique ring tail came from an unknown source and was supported by an assembly constructed from a split F-104 horizontal stabilizer fin.

Helijet Type #2

The long helijet seen at the beginning of "Impostors" and at the end of "30 Minutes After Noon" appears to have used a severely modified Boeing Chinook helicopter kit for its main body. The model's forward stabilizer fins came from the HAWK Kaman Husky kit and the rear fins are F-104 horizontal stabilizers.

I am not 100% certain about the pedigree of this miniature. Although it has many Chinook characteristics, there is something not quite right about the shape. Perhaps the miniature was based upon a plastic Chinook toy, not a scale model kit. This model was later used in the Captain Scarlet episode "White as Snow" and then repainted blue and white for use in the Joe 90 episode "The Big Fish".

TB1 Robot Camera

The remote controlled flying video camera that comes out of Thunderbird 1 in "Pit of Peril" and "Edge of Impact" appears to have used the old Monogram Space Taxi kit combined with three B-58 jet engine pods.

Spy Satellite

The U.S. spy satellite featured in "Cry Wolf" was made using a pair of Vollmer gas storage tank segments, electric road race guardrails, and other assorted bits and pieces of junk.

This model may have been reworked into the pirate radio station featured in "Riccochet".

Background Airliner

The red and white airliner that lands in front of an Air Terranean Fireflash jet in "Impostors" appears to have been built from an (Aurora I think) Boeing 727 kit.

This model also appears in airport backgrounds in "Trapped in the Sky" and several Captain Scarlet Episodes.

Sunprobe Gantry

The Sunprobe rocket gantry seen in "Sunprobe" was built using Airfix model railroad truss bridges, and parts from the Revell Mercury-Atlas rocket kit, Monogram Redstone rocket kit, and Airfix SRN1 hovercraft kit.

This model was rebuilt into the scaffolding used to move the Empire State Building in "Terror in New York City".

UN 10 Jet

The dark blue and white aircraft with white "UN 10" markings that appeared int "Trapped in the Sky" was made using the fuselage, vertical stabilizer, and inboard jet engines from a B-58 "Hustler" kit. A new jet fighter type cockpit canopy, swept wings, and a "T" type horizontal stabilizer from unknown sources were added.

Desert Airfield Aircraft

The derelict aircraft seen inside a hangar at the abandoned desert airfield featured in "Thunderbird Six" appears to have been made using a stock Airfix or Revell AD-1 "Skyraider" model kit.

World Navy Target Submarine

The World Navy target sub featured in "Atlantic Inferno" appears to have used a US Nuclear submarine kit (one of Renwal's SSBN kits perhaps) as its basis.


Medevac Helicopter

The white medevac helicopter seen in "Place of the Angels" and on the airport in "Treble Cross" was actually made using parts from a HAWK Kaman Husky, an F-4 Phantom, and two B-58 Hustler kits. The HAWK Husky provided the main body, rotor, and exhaust pipe. Float landing gear was created by combining the Phantom's wing center section with two B-58 weapon pods. The tail boom was actually the inverted forward fuselage of the F-4 kit with horizontal stabilizers attached and drop-tank segments stuffed into the cockpit opening.

This model was repainted into a red and silver paint scheme for use in the episode "Model Spy". It later recieved World Navy markings for use in "Flight to Atlantica" publicity stills and may have been used in an episode of Joe 90.

Base Concord J17 Fighter

The red, silver, and black "J17" military jet seen in "Renegade Rocket" appears to have been made using an Airfix French Mirage IIIc kit's fuselage, wings and vertical stabilizer, along with three external fuel tank parts and horizontal stabilizer from unidentified sources. The Mirage's nose was extended using the front half of a bomb or external fuel tank.

Base Concord Missile

One of the missiles seen being lowered into a bunker at Base Concord in "Renegade Rocket" appears to have been built from a Regulus missile kit.

Mysteron Construction Vehicles

One of the Mysteron construction vehicles seen in "Lunarville 7" and "Crater 101" appears to have used the inverted fuselage of an unknown (European military?) helicopter kit.

Another one of these vehicles may have been made using the forward half and side doors of a HAWK Husky helicopter kit.

Background Airliner

One of the airliners seen in the airport backgrounds in "Flight 101" was actually an un-modified Monogram or Revell Supersonic Transport model kit.

JOE 90

Mission X-41 Helijets

The green helijets seen in "Mission X-14" were made using slightly modified Monogram or Revell US Cobra helicopter gunship kits.

Mission X-41 Interceptors

The two yellowish VTOL interceptor aircraft seen in "Mission X-14" were made using Revell SR-71 Blackbird kits. The Blackbirds were modified through the application of large triangular vertical stabilizers that may have come from an F-102. They were also provided with new cockpit canopies (it looks like the entire forward fuselage may have come from another jet kit but I'm not sure) and landing skids.

These miniatures are in my estimation, the worse looking converted model kits to appear in any Anderson series!

Double Agent Helijet

The yellow and black helijet seen in "Double Agent" appears to have used the same sort of kit or toy (Boeing Sea Knight or Chinook) that the Thunderbirds Pit of Peril helicopter described above used along with the exhaust pipe from a Hawk Kaman Husky kit.

Most Special Astronaut Space Station

The space station featured in Most Special Astronaut incorporated many parts taken from the Airfix Apollo Saturn 5 rocket kit. Parts used include the front half of the lunar module ascent stage, the lunar module descent stage, lunar module landing legs, lunar module antenna, service module sides and rear parts, and service module high-gain antenna.


B-412 Space Craft

The B-412 camera spacecraft featured in "Close Up" used the Revell Apollo lunar lander kit's descent stage for its main body. Kibri model railroad oil storage tanks were also used as detail elements.


The SHADO Moonmobile models used the high-gain antenna, landing struts (as bottom detail pieces) and various other parts from the Revell Apollo lunar lander kit.

Space Tracker Craft

The space tracker craft featured in "Conflict" and possibly other episodes of UFO appears to have used model railroad oil storage tanks for main body parts. This model also looks like it used two Revell Apollo 3rd stage lunar lander shrouds for side antennas.

Limpet Mine

The limpet mine featured in "Conflict" was made using rocket body parts from the Airfix Apollo Saturn 5 rocket kit.

SPACE 1999

The Hawk space ships used in Space 1999 used Airfix Apollo Saturn 5 engines in their construction.



The front of the Spacehawk miniature appears to have been constructed using three C-130 Hercules transport aircraft kits. Also, the three winglike extensions that protrude from the center of the ship were made from MPC Darth Vader TIE fighter solar panels. The Spacehawk's radar scanner looks like it may have been made from a model railroad car's underframe and disposable razor parts. Many areas of the model were detailed using what appear to be Japanese armored suit or robot kit parts and plastic disposable razors.