TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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Interesting article showing how many models appear over and over again in the various shows.

During the Supercar/Fireball XL5 era, Supermarionation production standards were such that common objects such as plastic squeeze bottles could be transformed into acceptable miniature vehicles with a minimum of effort. These early shows were produced in black and white and geared to a young audience unlikely to be concerned about trivial miniature details. With Stingray, however, quality improved to the extent that the time and effort required to produce suitable models increased. One result was that it became practical and economically advantageous to re-use minor or "guest" studio miniatures, not only from one episode to another, but also from one series to another and later, from TV to motion picture.

Generally, such recycled models would receive modifications, additional detail, or at least a new coat of paint. This was not always the result of a desire to provide a fresh look to hide the fact that the vehicle had been seen on screen before. Guest models often bore the brunt of the explosions and crashes that were characteristic of Gerry Anderson and many required extensive repair before they could be reused.

Special effects master Derek Meddings would often subcontract model, prop, and set construction work to an outside company called "Master Models", later named, "Space Models". Space Models was also frequently called upon to perform modifications and repairs to existing models. It has been reported that during tight production schedules, model modifications and repairs were often performed by Space Models on a "while you wait" basis with the Anderson people hanging around the shop until the work got done. The quality of Space Model's work must have varied to a great degree depending upon the frequency of these rush jobs and the amount of time allocated for rework. Frequent repairs may also explain why there were so many visible changes in finish and markings on principal studio miniatures from time to time.

Over the years, this writer has noticed the following recycled "guest" models in various Anderson productions. This is by no means an all inclusive listing and no attempt has been made to catalog the frequent appearances of principal studio miniatures like Stingray or the Thunderbird machines.


Supercar's cockpit canopy was later reused on the "Hepcat" submarine featured in the Stingray episode, "Raptures of the Deep".

The Monogram Piper Tripacer kit based light aircraft flown by Bill Gibson in "Rescue" was given a new tail unit for use as the Hood's getaway vehicle in the Thunderbirds episode "Martian Invasion". This miniature later became the radio controlled scale model used by Mysteron Agent Dr. Carney for ECM purposes in the Captain Scarlet episode "Codename Europa".


The Subterranean suicide spaceship model featured in "Planet 46" was also used as a Platonian space fighter in "Planet of Platonia".

Steve Zodiac's yellow and blue hovercar was featured in several episodes of Fireball XL5 including "The Firefighters" and "The Robot Freighter Mystery". The puppet-sized and smaller miniatures later appeared with and without added wheels in several episodes of Stingray. For example, the XL5 hovercar was used in unmodified condition by surface agent X20 to abduct Duke Dexter in "Titan Goes Pop". The hovercar was fitted with wheels for use in the Stingray episodes "Tune of Danger" and "Invisible Enemy".

The Light Patrol Craft flown by Master Astronaut Kelly in "Sabotage" may have been reused as Commander Shore's WSP guard submarine in the Stingray episode "Ghost of the Sea".

The "Mayflower 2" spaceship model featured in "The Space Immigrants" was destroyed near the end of "A Day in the Life of a Space General".

Boris and Grizelda's attractive "SS Thor" spaceship appears in "A Spy in Space", "Space Pen", and "Convict in Space".

Identical World Space Patrol space station models appear in "A Spy in Space" and "Faster than Light".

The "Warrior J17" anti-asteroid missile featured in "The Sun Temple" became the "Warrior 7" cargo rocket used in "The Firefighters". This same model was also used in "Flight to Danger" as LT 90's training rocket.

The small tractor seen hauling Vesivium 9 explosives to Fireball XL5 in "Dangerous Cargo" was later used to carry the Stingray submarine over a river dam in "In Search of the Tajmanon".

Graff and Snaff's experimental nuclear rocket featured in "The Triads" was also used as the "Trooper 2" cargo vehicle seen in "The Firefighters".

One of the Lindberg B-58 kit based "SL6" supersonic airliner models featured in "Space City Special" was later destroyed by a flaming ball of space gas in the episode "The Firefighters".


Plastic hobby kit based World Security Patrol "Seaprobe" class submarines were seen in "Stingray is Launched" and "A Nut for Marineville".

Two round buildings were located in front of the Marineville control tower. One building featured a rotating radar scanner. Both models were later reused as airport buildings for several episodes of Thunderbirds including "Trapped in the Sky".

The top portion of the Marineville control tower building was later reused in Thunderbirds. This can be seen as part of the London heliport structure featured in "Vault of Death".

Parts of the Marineville power plant miniature were reused as the pile of junk in front of TB2's pod conveyor belt in Thunderbirds. Other parts of this Stingray miniature were incorporated into the Thunderbird 2 servicing equipment seen in "Terror in New York City".

A small yellow and black submarine was used by different underwater aliens in "Invisible Enemy" and "The Ghost of the Sea". This alien submarine model and the "Hepcat" from "Raptures of the Deep" may have shared the same wooden body.

The HAWK Kaman Husky kit based WASP executive transport helicopter was used in "Pink Ice", "Marineville Traitor", and "Titan Goes Pop".

Revell B-58 kit based WASP "Spearhead" aircraft were seen in "Stingray is Launched", "A Nut for Marineville", "Pink Ice", "Rescue from the Skies", and "Emergency Marineville". Several of these model aircraft were reused in Thunderbirds. One can be seen in the background at London International Airport in "Trapped in the Sky". Others were positioned at the military airfield featured in "Edge of Impact". Three of these miniatures were positioned inside the hangars destroyed by Red Arrow 1 in "Edge of Impact".

The Aurora F-5 based WASP "Arrowhead" fighter jets were seen in "A Nut for Marineville", "Pink Ice", "The Cool Caveman", and "Rescue from the Skies". Some Stingray "Arrowhead" jets also made guest appearances in Thunderbirds. At least one of these models was provided with a large underbody fuel tank from a B-58 kit and painted in a simple blue and white "UN" paint scheme for use as a background aircraft in "The Duchess Assignment". This jet is barely visible on the right side of the TV screen in the scene where the carrier aircraft flys by the tower just prior to landing. Another apparently unmodified "Arrowhead" can be seen overflying the camera in "Impostors" as it is launched from a World Navy aircraft carrier. WASP fighter miniatures also turn up in "Security Hazard" and "Cry Wolf" as toy airplanes in the kid's bedrooms.

The dark gray Aurora 727 kit based "Supersonic 101" transport jet featured in "The Lighthouse Dwellers" was also seen as a file photograph displayed on a video monitor at Marineville Tower in "Eastern Eclipse". This model was later used in several episodes of Thunderbirds as an airport background aircraft.

The Aurora 707 kit based "Vertical Takeoff Jetmaster" seen as a file photograph displayed on a video monitor at Marineville tower in "Eastern Eclipse" was also used as a background aircraft in several Thunderbirds episodes. This gray model is most easily seen behind Thunderbird 2 as it lands at London Airport in "Trapped in the Sky".

Titanican surface agent X20's Revell X-5 kit based mini-sub appears in "Stingray is Launched", "Rescue from the Skies", "The Golden Sea", "Titan Goes Pop", "Plant of Doom", "The Master Plan", "Echo Of Danger", and possibly other episodes.

The WASP courier's yellow hover scooter seen in "Titan Goes Pop" was reused in Thunderbirds as a mobile fog generating machine in "Martian Invasion".

The gray racing car toy or kit based World Navy WN27 submarine featured in "The Man from the Navy" was repainted bright orange and redetailed for use in Thunderbirds. In this form it was featured in "The Man From MI5".

The experimental World Navy underwater missile design seen in "The Man from the Navy" was later reused as the Centralious underwater city defense system in "Deep Heat".

Middle Eastern despot El-Hudat's "Wadi" gunboat was featured in "Eastern Eclipse". This model was later used as a background miniature for port scenes in several episodes of Stingray, Thunderbirds, and Captain Scarlet.

The alien submarine galleon miniature featured in "The Ghost Ship" was also used in "Set Sail for Danger".


The USAF "RTL2" rocket transporter jet featured in "The Cham Cham" was also used as a background aircraft at the military airfield featured in "Edge of Impact". This model can also be seen behind the Air Sea Rescue helicopters at Glen Field in the feature film "Thunderbirds Are Go". The "RTL2" was repainted for use as a commercial airliner in the Captain Scarlet episode "The Place of the Angels". Later, the model was severely redetailed for use as a World Air Force bomber in "Flight to Atlantica". This aircraft may have also seen service in a few episodes of Joe 90. Note: the "RTL2" model in it's original form appeared with Stingray in several still photographs shot for use in TV21 magazine during the production of Thunderbirds.

"Copter Watchdog", the twin-rotor U.S. Army helicopter model seen in "Pit of Peril", was later destroyed during a still photography session for a TV21 Stingray story.

The "Jet Mole" Thunderbird 2 pod vehicle appears in "City of Fire", "Pit of Peril", and "Cry Wolf".

The "Firefly" Thunderbird 2 pod vehicle appears in "Terror in New York City", "City of Fire", and "Cry Wolf".

The World Air Force fighter jet carrier aircraft seen at the London airshow in "The Duchess Assignment" was also featured in a series of TV21 still photographs with Stingray. One of these photos was used as the boxtop illustration for one of Midori's Japanese Stingray plastic model kits.

The Zombite's red monorail transport from "The Uninvited" was later seen on Tracy Island in "Give or Take a Million".

The red International Rescue tunnel exploration vehicle featured in "The Perils of Penelope" can also be seen inside a Thunderbird 2 pod in "Security Hazard".

The yellow Mars Space Probe rocket transporter vehicle was featured in "A Day of Disaster". This model later appears along with its rocket trailer at Tracy Island in "Cry Wolf". The miniature was reworked into a fire vehicle for "City of Fire" and later appears in this configuration in the Captain Scarlet episode "Seek and Destroy".

The World Navy catamaran aircraft carrier model was featured in "Impostors", "Atlantic Inferno", and the cinema film "Thunderbirds Are Go".

Several blue and white UN Navy fighter jets were launched from an aircraft carrier in "Impostors". I suspect that these F-104 kit based Navy jet models were reworked into the yellow air sea rescue (ASR) aircraft seen in "Operation Crashdive" and "Impostors" (or vice versa?). The simultaneous appearance of both miniature versions in "Impostors" is clearly due to the use of stock film footage. The two miniature aircraft designs differ only in paint scheme and vertical stabilizer configuration. The ASR version has a fin extension which the UN Navy jet does not have. If you look closely at the ASR jets, you can see that the workmanship of the fin extensions does not match the rest of the model. To me, this appears to be an obvious retrofit.

The Air Terranean Fireflash MK6 nuclear airliner miniature appeared in several Thunderbirds episodes including "Trapped in the Sky", "Impostors", and "Operation Crash Dive".

A red, white, and blue Aurora 727 kit based airliner miniature appears in airport scenes in "Trapped in the Sky", "Operation Crash Dive", "Alias Mr. Hackenbacker", and several other Thunderbirds episodes. The "UNITE" markings on this miniature are an obvious cut-back from a stock "UNITED AIRLINES" decal sheet.

The "Sunprobe" space vehicle from the episode of the same name also appeared in stock film footage as an experimental seawater fueled rocket in "The Perils of Penelope". Still photographs of this model were taken on top of the Mole's tracked transport trolley for use in TV21 magazine.

The monorail train featured in "Brink of Disaster" later appeared as the "Anderbad Express" in "The Perils of Penelope". As the "Anderbad Express", the locomotive unit was provided with a new red and white paint scheme. The "Anderbad Express" train appeared once again as stock footage at the end of the Joe 90 episode "Three's a Crowd".

Three identical Hawk Kaman Husky kit based helijet models were used under different paint schemes in three different Thunderbirds episodes. This miniature appeared as a yellow U.S. Army rescue aircraft in "Pit of Peril", as a green TV camera craft in "City of Fire", and as a red construction company vehicle in "End of the Road".

A silver and blue World TV helijet appeared at the beginning of "Impostors". The same miniature was later shot down by FAB1 at the end of "30 Minutes After Noon". This miniature was reused in Captain Scarlet as the craft which took Colonel White to a World Navy submarine in "White as Snow". The miniature was repainted into a blue and white Navy paint scheme for the Joe 90 episode "The Big Fish".

The archaeologist's half-track truck seen in "The Uninvited" was later fitted with conventional rear wheels for use by the Hood in "Cry Wolf". This miniature vehicle also appeared in "Path of Destruction" and "Desperate Intruder".

The Hood's "North Pole" laundry van seen in "Edge of Impact" later became Ned Cook's TV camera truck for "Terror in New York City". This same miniature also appears in "Alias Mr Hackenbacker" as an airport rescue vehicle.

International Rescue's blue radio beam transmitter truck from "Sunprobe" can also be seen in the Thunderbird 2 pod vehicle storage area in "Cry Wolf". This miniature was later reworked and given a new coat of red paint for use as Eddie Houseman's explosives truck for "End of the Road".

The Zero-X MEV vehicle from the feature film "Thunderbirds Are Go" was later lettered "Martian Exploration Center" and reused in the Captain Scarlet pilot episode. Although the Zero-X was referenced several times during Captain Scarlet, the main ship never appeared in this series. Apparently only one Zero-X main ship model was made and this was completely destroyed at the end of "Thunderbirds Are Go".

The Hood's mini-sub seen in "Desperate Intruder" may have resurfaced as the safe cracker's craft used in the Captain Scarlet episode "Heart of New York".

The "Sunprobe" rocket gantry was reused in "Terror in New York City" as part of the machine that attempted to move the Empire State Building. Parts of this miniature also appear in this episode as scaffolding surrounding Thunderbird 2.

Identical airport rescue vehicle miniatures appeared in "Trapped in the Sky" and "Alias Mr Hackenbacker". Stock footage of these Thunderbirds scenes were later used in the Captain Scarlet episode "Flight 104".

The "Martian Invasion" drilling and crushing excavator pod vehicle had its drilling rig and track guards removed for use as the heavy lifting equipment (Domo-1) vehicle seen in "The Duchess Assignment". This model was later reused in the Captain Scarlet episode "Renegade Rocket" as a missile tractor seen at Base Concord.

One of the USAF rocket models carried by the "RTL2" transport jet in "The Cham Cham" is later seen at Base Concord in the Captain Scarlet episode "Renegade Rocket".

Several different versions of the Tigermoth models made for "Thunderbird 6" were later reused in an episode of "The Secret Service" (perhaps "Recalled to Service"?).

The tracked low altitude escape harness throwing mortar seen at the end of "Edge of Impact" was reworked into the mobile laser beam equipment seen in "Thirty Minutes After Noon".

The World Navy "Clam" class submarine miniature "Reaper" featured in "Atlantic Inferno" was later used in the Captain Scarlet episodes "White as Snow" and "Flight to Atlantica". This model was extensively reworked for an appearance in the Joe 90 episode "Splash Down".

The red "Crablogger" production plant Superon fuel tenders featured in "Path of Destruction" were also used as fire trucks in "Alias Mr Hackenbacker" and in the Captain Scarlet episode "Seek and Destroy".

The "Crablogger" processed wood pulp pick up trucks from "Path of Destruction" were later used on the Dover missile base set in "Thunderbird 6". Afterwards, at least one of these miniatures was repainted a greenish-yellow color and fitted with a cylindrical gasoline tank for use as the Spectrum VIP transport truck as seen in the Captain Scarlet episodes "Winged Assassin" and "Dangerous Rendezvous".

The yellow "Crablogger" control vehicle seen in "Path of Destruction" was reworked and painted white for use as an ambulance in the Captain Scarlet episodes "Winged Assassin" and "Treble Cross".

The red mobile crane Thunderbird 2 pod vehicle used in "Path of Destruction" can also be seen at Tracy Island in "Security Hazard". This model was also used as a fire truck in the Captain Scarlet episode "Seek and Destroy".

The three aircraft hangars that Red Arrow 1 crashed into in "Edge of Impact" were reworked into monorail train stations which were seen in "The Perils of Penelope", "Brink of Disaster", and Joe 90's "Three's a Crowd".

Several military transport truck models seen in "Impostors" were later used at the Dover missile base set in the feature film "Thunderbird 6". Some of these miniatures were later destroyed by the Unitron tank in the Captain Scarlet episode "Point 783". Other miniatures appeared in the Joe 90 episode "Business Holiday".

The large "Blue Whale" VTOL aircraft used by the Fireflash saboteurs in "Operation Crash Dive" was relettered "International Rescue" across its nose for use as a mock Thunderbird rescue machine in "Impostors".

The hydrofoil rescue boat model seen in "Operation Crash Dive" was repainted for use as a harbor patrol vessel in "The Man from MI5". This model may have been reworked for later use as the boat seen in the Captain Scarlet episode "Renegade Rocket".

The yellow twin rotor Air Sea Rescue helicopter models seen in "Thunderbirds Are Go" were later used in the Captain Scarlet episode "Place of the Angels". These models were also photographed for use in a Stingray TV21 magazine story.

The small blue and red US Navy rescue helijets featured in "Atlantic Inferno" can be seen in the background behind Air Sea Rescue helicopters in the film "Thunderbirds Are Go".

Two of the three F-104 kit based enemy jets featured in "The Cham Cham" were later repainted with Soviet Air Force style markings for use in the Joe 90 episode "King for a Day".

The long Sikorsky H-43 kit based helijet seen briefly in "Impostors" can also be seen behind a chain link fence at the military airfield in "The Cham Cham".

The "Telsat" rocket gantry featured at the beginning of "Ricochet" was reused in the Joe 90 episode "Most Special Astronaut". This miniature is visible through a window during a scene at the rocket base control center. I suspect that the convex rocket launch pad base was also reused as part a surface to air missile launcher platform seen in "Most Special Agent" and "Business Holiday".

The large "SAF" target tug aircraft featured in "Trapped in the Sky" was also used to evacuate an Australian nuclear facility in "The Mighty Atom". The same model can be seen in the background at the airbase in "Edge of Impact".

The red Gray-Houseman road building machine featured in "End of the Road" was repainted yellow and redetailed for use in "Atlantic Inferno". This model was later recycled for use as the "Crablogger" production plant section for "Path of Destruction". Note: this miniature's running gear came from a battery operated tank toy made by the Remco company.

USAF Colonel Casey's yellow VIP jet from "Edge of Impact" was given a new tail and red color scheme for use as Eddie Houseman's executive aircraft for "End of the Road". This model also appears under Tracy family ownership in "Give or Take a Million" and as an executive aircraft at a small airport in "Martian Invasion".

One of the automobiles seen driving along a road at the Dover missile base in the film "Thunderbird 6" later became Sam Loover's car for Joe 90.

A yellow tracked vehicle seen at the Dover missile base in the feature film "Thunderbird 6" was also used as Captain Scarlet's lunar tank in "Crater 101". This model utilized a Japanese motorized tank toy as its basis.

The blue and white hoverbus model was used in "The Mighty Atom", "Impostors", and the feature film "Thunderbird 6".

The same sports car miniature passed by Jeremiah Tuttle's Model T Ford in "Impostors" was also used by British agent Bondson in "The Man from MI5".

Thunderbird 1's flying remote controlled camera was featured in "Pit of Peril" and "Edge of Impact".


At least three Angel jet models were painted light gray for use as Mysteronized craft in "Seek and Destroy". Later, several Angel jets were extensively reworked into Russian Mig 242 aircraft for the Joe 90 episode "Most Special Agent

One of the United Asian Republic transport jet models from "Winged Assassin" was later used in the background at airfield sets in "The Launching" and several Joe 90 episodes including "King for a Day".

The Unitron tank featured in "Point 783" was later used by the Borodan military in the Joe 90 episode "Business Holiday". This model was based upon a battery operated toy tank made by the Remco company.

The half-track staff car featured in "Point 783" was later used in the Joe 90 episode "Business Holiday".

The London airport control tower miniature from "Winged Assassin" was later reused as a background building at the Fairfield jet engine plant in "Seek and Destroy".

The white HAWK Kaman Husky kit based medical helicopter used in "Place of the Angels" can also be seen at the military airfield in "Treble Cross". This same model was given a red and silver paint scheme for use in "Model Spy". It was also provided with a light gray World Navy paint scheme for use in a "Flight to Atlantica" still photography session. The helicopter model in this configuration may have been used in an episode of Joe 90.

The Blue Spectrum radar scanner van model was featured in "Manhunt" and "Seek and Destroy"

The nuclear demolition device transport truck model seen in "Big Ben Chimes Again" was slightly reworked for similar use in "Expo 2068".

The World Air Force "SQR" executive transport aircraft featured in "The Trap" was later seen overflying Spectrum agent Verdain's yacht in "Model Spy".

The moon hopper model initially used in "Lunarville 7", later had a small cargo pod attached to its underside for use in "Crater 101". This model was slightly reworked to incorporate a small cargo pod for "Crater 101". A lot of stock film footage of this vehicle was used in "Crater 101" since the moon hopper looses its cargo pod at random in the later episode!

One of Cloudbase's hover-combine units appears to have been used as a construction site structure in the episode "Expo 2068". I haven't been able to pick this out on TV, but I have seen this part in at least one still photograph taken on the Expo Center construction site set.

The top portion of the Phobos camera spacecraft lander model from "Shadow of Fear" was used as a lunar building in "Lunarville 7".

The jet airliner model featured in "Flight 104" later took Joe 90 and his father to Moscow in "Most Special Agent" and to Boroda in "Business Holiday".

JOE 90

The jet airliner model featured in "Splash Down" was reused as a background aircraft in "King for a Day". It was later used by spy Angela Davis in "Three's a Crowd" and can be seen in the background at airport scenes in several other Joe 90 episodes.

Identical air cushion military vehicle models can be seen at the MIG 242 landing site in "Most Special Agent" and leaving the Boroda World Army base in "Business Holiday".

The same Soviet surface to air missile models featured in "Most Special Agent" were used to dress the Boroda base set in "Business Holiday".

One of the "Colonel Maclain" explosive truck models was used in "The Race" to block the progress of Mac's car. At least one of these models was repainted a copper color for use as a Canadian police vehicle in "Breakout".

Mario Coletti's boat from "Splash Down" was also used in "Project Maclain" and "Double Agent".

The experimental F-116 jet featured in "Talk Down" had its engine pods removed and a new paint scheme applied for use as the "hypersonic C-418" passenger aircraft seen in "The Fortress". Note: the jet that lands at the Patagia airfield is not the F-116 model, it is the different World Air Force bomber model featured in "Arctic Adventure"!

Of course, as stated above, the World Air Force bomber featured in "Arctic Adventure" was seen again during a brief scene in "The Fortress". This scene is a continuity error!

The executive transport jet used by the disguised Joe 90 in "King for a Day" was repainted for use as a Swiss Mountain Rescue Service aircraft in "Project Maclain".


The large EUROSEC rocket and launch complex featured in Doppelganger was later seen in the UFO episode, "The Man Who Came Back". The entire UFO launch sequence was stock footage from Doppelganger.

The NASA VTOL passenger jet seen landing at the EUROSEC base in Doppelganger was later transformed into the SHADAIR cargo transport jet seen in many episodes of UFO. The former Doppelganger NASA jet model was extensively reworked for use in UFO. The jet's nose was recontoured and the removable passenger pod permanently faired into the fuselage. Also, the original jet engines were removed from the horizontal stabilizer and replaced with larger wing mounted turbofans.

All of the futuristic miniature and full sized automobiles and ground vehicles built for Doppelganger were later reused in UFO.


Although the writer cannot recall any UFO miniature reused in a follow-on Anderson series, it is noteworthy to mention that Space 1999 was originally supposed to have been the second season of UFO. It's been reported that the Hawk spacecraft featured in the Space 1999 episode, "War Games" were originally conceived to be the space based counterparts of the SHADO moonbase interceptors. If true, then it's fair to say that the Space 1999 Hawks had their roots in UFO.

SPACE 1999

Martin Bower's 2001 "Discovery" inspired Alien Bomber model was used in "Alpha Child", "The Last Enemy", and "War Games". This model was slightly modified for service in "War Games".

Several miniature spacecraft which had starring roles in episodes like "Voyager's Return", and "Collision Course" were reused in the large aggregations of spaceships featured in "Dragon's Domain" and "The Metamorph".


Recycling was not limited to miniature vehicles. An exhaustive accounting could be made of the numerous miniature props, puppet characters, and even musical pieces which were carried from one series to the next by Anderson's people. Such an accounting is far beyond the scope of this article but this writer will provide just a few examples in closing...

In Thunderbirds, Jeff Tracy had an ashtray on his office desk which flipped over to reveal a concealed microphone. This prop was first used on the desk of Commander Shore's unseen superior in Stingray's "Marineville Traitor".

The Mike Mercury puppet character featured in Supercar was later used in Stingray. The reused puppet can be seen as Troy Tempest's waiter in "Deep Heat".

The incidental music featured in the Stingray episode, "March of the Oysters" was later reused again in several Thunderbirds episodes including "Impostors" and "Day of Disaster". This music appears to have had it's origins in the robot tank theme featured in the Fireball XL5 episode, "The Granatoid Tanks".