TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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This page contains images and information covering the shooting of the short promo films for the BBC in 2001. A Joe 90 replica puppet and BIG RAT set was made specially for the shoot.

Hi there. I worked on the beeb Joe 90 promo "I Love the Joe 90's". I made the puppet with my partner, Derek Dorking. I was also there at the shoot dressing the puppet, doing lip sync etc. Below are some rough jpegs, but better ones will be added soon. These don't really do the set justice - it was stunning. A really tasteful update of the original. BIG RAT was fully working .

I`ve been making replica puppets for a while now. I made the replica Captain Scarlet, Captain Black, and Troy Tempest on display at the last Fanderson con. I have an original Joe 90, so the replica for the beeb was made from an original mould. It turned out ok, considering we were only given ten days notice that they needed it, and it had to have eye mech, lip sync etc.

The set was about 10 feet square. BIG RAT was fully working including elevating chair, opening doors, and of course, motorised spinning action.

The puppeteer was called Dave. He was a big Anderson fan, who used to visit Century 21 in the 60's with Christine Glanville to watch Joe 90/Secret Service being filmed. He found fame in the UK as the operator of Roland Rat!

The shorts are 3 x 30 secs. The one showing in the UK at the moment shows Joe becoming Liam Gallagher from Oasis. The best one features Joe as garth from Wayne`s World!