TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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Models of Fireball XL5: Rockets and Missiles

Interceptor Missile

Interceptor Missile
The interceptor missiles are the standard armament of the World Space Patrol XL series spacecraft. They are fired from an internal bay on the left side of the ship. The interceptor missiles appear to have been made from metal cigar tubes with aircraft kit fin and external fuel tank details.

Planetomic Missile

Planetomic Missile
Here is the planetomic missile featured in 'Plant Man from Outer Space'. This model appears to have been made from some kind of bottle with attached balsa wood fins. Note the screw cap guides on the neck of the bottle!

J17 Warrior

The J17 Warrior rocket is a standard World Space Patrol launch vehicle. This model was used in 'The Sun Temple', 'Flight to Danger', 'The Firefighters', and other episodes. This appears to be a simple wooden model.

Trooper 2

Trooper 2
The Trooper 2, featured in 'The Sun Temple' is another standard World Space Patrol launch vehicle. This model was also used as Graff and Snaff's test rocket in 'The Triads'. This model may have been modified for use as the SCS Valiant in 'The Robot Freighter Mystery'.

Robot Bird

Robot Bird
The robot bird, featured in 'Wings of Danger', was a drone assasination missile launched from Planet 46 to kill Steve Zodiac with a radium capsule. This was another simple balsa wood model with a wing 'flapping' mechanism operated by a puppeteer.

Robot Bird Booster

Robot Bird Booster
This booster rocket was used by the evil Subterrains of Planet 46 to launch their robot bird assasination missile. This model was made from a Revell B-58 'Hustler' fuel tank/weapon pod, a B-58 engine, and some unknown aircraft kit's fin.

Space City Surface to Air Missiles

Space City SAMs
These WSP surface to air missiles, seen in 'Invasion Earth', were made from some kind of 'Bomarc' (probably Monogram or Revell's) missile kit with B-58 'Hustler' jet engines added.