TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


User Rating: 5 / 5

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This rapidly expanding article contains 17 brief reviews submitted by TV Century 21 viewers. Feel free to send in your own or add comments to the end. Enjoy!

Also, don't forget to check out our extensive review of the new movie.

Charlie Philo

i have, today, gone to watch the thunderbirds film and i loved it! i agree with all the other reviewers in that the opening sequence was a little rubbish but at least they kept to the same music. i think the creators of the film made a grand job of it. the kept the thunderbirds looking sort of the same only modernised a little. the best characters were, without a doubt, lady penelope and parker and the hood. i feel the worst was actually brains. and as for fermat and mrs kyrano, who are they? they never existed in the tv series so why are they appearing in a prequel. another bad point was the tracy boys. they said about 4 lines each. the jokes were humourous and subtle. i have been a fan of thunderbirds since it came out most recently. thats not long but if you se my bedroom you will see the toys, books, bed linen, the list goes on. i dont think it was as bad as all the original viewers said it was. i was the oldest kid in the cinema (which wasnt exactly over filled) however there were a couple of around 70 who came out of the cinema looking a) thrilled b) looked as if they were going to be sick and c) in a state of shock. was this because they loved it or because they were pleased to be proved right? well, i liked it and if you dont then fair enough but i dont think its fair to put down a reasonably good film. one last point. ford. my GOD! over the top i think. every car was a ford. even the news was 'sponsored by ford'. and lady penelopes car. or should i say cars? why would she have a (no offence ford) takky ford car that only first time car buyers would have? and the normal ford thunderbird. that was fine but why would she bother when she had a fantastically cool pink limo? over all, 10/10! and im not a huge fan of busted but that song kept to the original and suited the younger viewers who, lets face it, the film was aimed at. gerry anderson could have made it better but why didnt he take the chance to work with people as opposed to puppets (which he has always wanted to do) and he shouldnt be getting all huffy if hes going and possibly doing a worse job than the makers of this film by remaking captain scarlet, thunderbirds and stingray using CGI. now that really wont be the same. to be honest i think everyone should have just left it at the original which will never be beaten. one thing i wasnt sure of was the name of the film. was it thunderbirds are go or just thunderbirds? administrator, are there any competitions coming up? if so could you email me the details of them? keep up the good work. your website is, without meaning to kill the atmosphere, FAB!!!! hope to hear from you soon, charlie philo


I went to see the new Thunderbirds film today, at an advanced screening, there were no more than thirty people in there to see it, and have to admit i was disappointed with it, having grown up on Thunderbirds, i was hoping for something better, the opening titles were where my heart began to sink, TB2, TB4 and firefly were totally different, firefly looked like an adapted digger, and Fab 1, well it is shameful really , what they have done with it?...

I just hope they don't make another one, they are destroying what Gerry Anderson created, even the music has been duped, why oh why they could not use the original I dont know, for those who have never seen Thunderbirds, i doubt this will light any fires, and the Americans will probably laugh at it...they should have left it to Gerry to make the film, and since when has Jeff Tracey gone on missions? and there was not enough of the machines in the film...or the other characters, like Scott and Virgil, yes kids might like it, my sons did, but i was bored very quickly..Shame really, cos had they got it right, then it could have been good, but i feel it is just another money spinner for toys and could have been really good, but it is really a very sad effort by Universal..they should be ashamed of what they have done to a BRITISH cult..


Regarding new Thunderbirds movie. I have now seen it twice: once at the preview week-end and again when it opened formally on 23 July. When I saw it first time I was dissapointed that it was not the Thunderbirds that we know and love, however there were sufficient elements in it that made me think it deserved a second chance.

On the second viewing I thoroughly enjoyed it for what it was without the weight of my expectations. Whilst I still think it would have been nicer to have less of a focus on the kids and more footage of the vehicles, it was relatively true to the concept but re-imagined for the time we are living in. I think the phrase, "it's Thunderbirds, but not as we know it" sums up the film for me.

I do hope that the film is successful enough to warrant a sequel as it would give the producers opportunity to review the feedback from the first film and hopefully make a second film that concentrates more on the rescues and we see more of the beautifully redesigned Thunderbirds.


Okay, I've been to see the film twice this weekend (once intentionally, twice because I wouldn't shut up about it so my dear mother dragged me out to see it again...) and I can't help but say I actually really, really, enjoyed it...although that's only perhaps because I love childish humour (referring to the sound effects during the battle sequences! ...and the fact I'm only 15...). I was a little surprised about the start, though - I thought Alan was caught riding a motor bike when he shouldn't be or something? Anyways, I decided I couldn't write a proper review a'cause I get too hyper about these things (I think my English teacher really hates me!) so I thought I'd do it in two lists... (In my Opinion) The things that were good: -The vehicles (TB5's the best) -THE HOOD! He was the best, I think. -The fact Fermat actually didn't have THAT much to say -The sound effects during the fight sequences (they cracked me up!) -Parker (I think Ron Cook played him really well!) -Brains' stutter (although, yes, it annoyed me at times...) -Jeff's command center/office -FAB 1 (you actually get used to it in the end) -The fact that some visual effects shots (such as Alan on the Hoverbike) whether intentionally or not, looked like they were from the series (although I guess this could be because they were running out of budget..) -The fact that Alan gets in trouble in the first 30 seconds of the film -They used the actual music score from Thunderbirds (the series) in the weird opening -Jeff actually talks to John in it (be it only for six seconds to establish a background thing (exposition? Is that what it's called? I can't remember..) -Lady P -The fact that it wasn't as bad as the slamming it got in the magazines -Jeff's handling of's a pretty clueless relationship, like the series -John has a personality NEAR to the one in the series (kind-of, I suppose. He talks to his father about family and stuff, and when Jeff is deciding whether or not to let Alan go to London John pretty much backs it up...maybe I'm just not making sense here..) (In my opinion) Things that didn't work too well: -You didn't really get to see how they got to their crafts -Virgil and John didn't really sound American (or did they? i thought they sounded pretty British at times...) -The jungle scenes went on WAY too long -Tin Tin's 'psychic' powers -The dialogue between Alan and Fermat (Slash writers everywhere will leap on it savagely..) -The fact that the other brothers get shoved right to the back and made to appear show-offy idiots (Scott talking about the rescue at the dinner table...he reminded me of some pop star talking about his latest album...) -Gordon in general -The new Villa...the way the dinning room leads straight out into the smaller pool (I wouldn't trust eating dinner with any of the news boys, sitting that close to a pool...I might be tempted to chuck one of them in) -The green foam -The vehicles, lovely as they were, didn't get much screen time, and the launches were greatly under-stated I think I'd give it 8 and a half out of 10. ^^ Shadogirl

Stephen Boyes

When I went to see the film a week ago I applied the same thinking that I had when I went to see Star Wars Episode 1 when it first opened.As we waited for the film to start my wife asked me how I felt,and I replied that I was not feeling anything and wanted to let the film be what it was with no preconceptions.And it was the same with Thunderbirds,both in the way the films were derided by both fans & critics,and in the fact that in both cases I loved the films and came out of the cinema grinning all over my face!.The truth is,that when any film is eagerly anticipated by fans who have waited a long time to see it,it has no hope of being exactly what they hope it to be.I would agree that I would like to see a sequel focus more on International Rescue as a whole,perhaps with a storyline that see's the World faced with impending disaster that only IR can avert.Ialso have to say that the opening titles were,to me a joy,that Sophia Myles & Ron Cook were a great double act and that the Thunderbird 3 launch was awe-inspiring(among many other great pleasures!).So I say thank you to tim bevan & Jonathan Frakes for putting on a great show and see you at the next one(I sincerely hope!)


Well ive waited 40 odd years for this movie....Thunderbirds an original fan from 1964....I went with my wife who has never understood the puppet thing...but actualy said ...It wasnt as bad as I thought ...that coming from her means it was****** fantastic! Any way i was dissapointed when Thunderbirds are go came out many dream bits never made much money if any & they go & make another one Thunderbird 6...yes a bi-plane!....well im all ready for this film after seeing Busted in party in the park & seeing them perfom Thunderbirds are go for the first time ...Wow !they have helped the film alot with a great theme tune & are now no 1 ...The boys are back in town no strings to hold them down !......I was very proud of the film they had made it a bit like spy kids but that was a proven success & money spinning formula......i would have liked to have seen more of the boys....introduction to them in some way etc..& more of them going into their Thunderbirds....& the odd rescue or two wouldnt have gone a miss...but all in all ....GREAT!......the little lads face in the seat opposite me was a picture when the Thunderbirds were launched his jaw hit the floor & stayed there.....he is a new generation of Thunderbird fan....the organisation that SAVES LIVES...that had not changed....the sequel will come & im sure it will see Alan grown up he did get his wings at the end...& Tintin will no doubt have blossomed by then....Oh I missed Grandmar...I think Kyrano had a wife instead!.......oh & a flying FAB 1....well if harry potter can do it in a Ford Anglia ...need I say more!........Irate this film 9/ Gerry anderson has had 40 odd years to do this ...he did it with UFO etc...but never with THUNDERBIRDS........he always said he wanted to make Real films with Real im sorry to say but Gerry you missed your chance

Chris Howglen

It is a GREAT reinterpretation of the classic TV show GO AND SEE IT..

Doug Crawford

Admit my bias at the beginning - love the original show. The silly opening titles were the first clue it was going to be less than spectacular. Title should have been Ford presents the Thunderbirds - bloody logo on all the news reports & every reg. car - even Tracy Island jeep was a Ford! Jeff Tracy is about 15 years too young & the 'too young' brothers a.k.a.