TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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December 16 2000 The place, Pages Bar, Westminster, London. The outside of the London pub was innocuous enough, except for the blacked out windows. As I entered the main bar I was greeted by Brains and Captain Black. Already my attempt at being Straker was paling into insignificance. It was then that I knew

The night was a cavalcade of Anderson entertainment. Episodes of Thunderbirds were revisited on the TV screens above the heads of fans dressed as Captain scarlet and Captain black, Lt Ellis, Jeff Tracy and his sons, Steve Zodiac, Maia and a Straker so groovy-looking that I had to borrow a pair of someone's specs and call myself Joe-90 'grown up'.

There were loads of party games including 'build Thunderbird 7 (out of Blue-peter type bits n bobs), 'International Rescue' where what seemed like a Ton of polystyrene snow had to be cleared BAREHANDED from the floor before the timer ran out.

Some of the Revellers

There was a mountain of Thunderbirds-related prizes awaiting the winners of all these mighty endeavours which I found myself eying-up enviously. (I never win in competitions, it must be that gypsy curse I guess) Bob Benton, the Landlord at Pages Bar was on top form as usual, commanding the crowd in full Thunderbirds regalia, and even succumbing to the 'Big Rat' dance at one point, which was a sight to be seen, I can tell you.

There were two revellers who helped make the party go off with a blast in the form of Shane Rimmer (voice of Scott Tracy) and Zienia Merton (Sandra). I must admit, Space 1999 was always my favourite, so when I met her I was on cloud 1999!! Later on in the proceedings, Shane was kind enough to do a P.A., cracking gags and charming everyone.

The launch of the evening consisted of the familiar fanfare and countdown which led to a model of Thunderbird 1 actually rising from the basement of the bar amid plumes of vapour and flashing coloured lights and a curiously be-wigged honour guard!

Of course, it wasn't all fun and games for us fans, there was a serious side to the evening because the whole event was also serving to raise money for Gerry Andersons chosen charity, The Thames Valley Air Ambulance. As I understand , at the time of writing, the whole event has raised £630. Gerry himself donated a signed Tracy Island and a set of signed action figures for auction (Tracy Island went for £255).

I had a great time that night, and I have the pics to prove it. I also have several pics that some people would like kept under wraps, so it looks like I'll be quite a rich man soon, by all accounts…nyeh heh heh……

Thanks to The Pages Bar Party Organisers (only their 2nd event) for making it one of the most memorable and enjoyable nights out I've had in a long time.

For more pics and info, check out