TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


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If you live in the UK and can get BBC 4, make sure you tune in to Anderson-night on January 2 2008! BBC will be screening a number of Captain Scarlet and Thunderbirds episodes in addition to a new documentary and a brand new Stingray episode put together from promotional footage that was never used.

The evening's breakdown will be as follows:

  • 1900 Thunderbirds - The Perils of Penelope
  • 1950 Thunderbirds - Sun Probe
  • 2040 Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons - The Mysterons
  • 2110 All About Thunderbirds
  • 2210 Stingray - the re-union party
  • 2240 Mastermind - including a Thunderbirds specialist round
  • 2310 Unrelated programming
  • 0330 All About Thunderbirds - signed version for hearing impaired 

All About Thunderbirds is the new documentary. Mastermind is a long-running quiz show where a contestant who claims to know a specific subject has to answer very tough questions.