TV Century 21

Thu, Mar 13, 2025


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How do I meet other Anderson fans on internet? The major U.S.-based online service providers (CompuServe, America Online, Prodigy, GEnie) have areas of Anderson discussion scattered throughout (several on AOL are located at keyword SCIENCE FICTION). In general, however, the best way to meet Anderson fans is through USENET, the 1999 list, and the FAB lists.

The major Anderson discussions on USENET take place in newsgroups and . Discussions are infrequent; however, they do occur, so read the groups regularly if you have access and watch for them.

For more specific discussions, there are three Anderson listservers around. The oldest is the 1999 list, located at An unmoderated list, it provides lively discussions with other 1999 fans round the world. Send an e-mail message with human-readable text (the list is not updated automatically) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The info above is a bit out of date, so you might want to also try Yahoo groups, google groups and of course the TV21 forum! Check the RESOURCES page for more links!