TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


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Do any of the puppets, vehicles, etc., from the earlier series still exist? Very few. Most have been lost to time, but the occasional puppet or vehicle still turns up; recently, an original Captain Scarlet puppet from the series found in a vault by a merchandising friend of Gerry Anderson's who'd gotten the puppet as a gift after the series ended sold for 10,000 pounds, while an original Jeff Tracy from THUNDERBIRDS was found in the back of an ITC prop room and went for over 4,000 pounds at auction. Most of the still-existing puppets and models are in the hands of private collectors and are exhibited at conventions and shows.

In September 1995, Sylvia Anderson auctioned off much of her private collection of puppets that she had obtained in her divorce from Gerry. Among the items were an original Lady Penelope, an original Captain Scarlet, and several puppet heads and hands from various series. Some went at bargain prices; others, like Lady P, commanded prices in the mid-5-digit pounds.

For a story on how one lucky collector got his hands on an original Dr. Fawn head from CAPTAIN SCARLET AND THE MYSTERONS, check out the article on the Dr Fawn puppet head in the Collectables section.