TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025


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No, but if you saw the 1991 Dire Straits video "Calling Elvis", you saw the puppets and vehicles. Gerry Anderson co-produced the video, using the THUNDERBIRDS puppets in non-speaking roles throughout the video--which, like most videos, has very little to do with the actual lyrics of the song.

THUNDERBIRDS appeared on MTV in another video in 1990; FAB featuring M.C. Parker brought out a single called "THUNDERBIRDS Are Go!" (Telstar Records/Thunda Music), a remix of the THUNDERBIRDS theme and promoted on MTV through a clip using snippets from THUNDERBIRD episodes. In the same year the same company brought out an album called POWER THEMES 90 which featured remixed versions of THUNDERBIRDS, JOE 90, UFO, CAPTAIN SCARLET, SPACE:1999, and STINGRAY themes plus themes from a couple of non-Anderson related TV series. Other clips along the same lines were made for the CAPTAIN SCARLET remix ("The Mysterons Rap") and STINGRAY (the STINGRAY theme) but were never shown on MTV. The remixes were mostly done by Rod Anderson (no relation) and Jason Mayo, and both record covers sport imagery from various Anderson series.

One other THUNDERBIRDS puppet has made a prominent television appearance in recent years: Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward appeared in a dream sequence in the British comedy ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS. Sylvia Anderson provided the voice for the puppet (the actual Lady P puppet from THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO) as a favor to old friend Jennifer Saunders, one of the show's creators and stars.

A recently-aired Australian Kit-Kat commercial features THUNDERBIRDS' Scott Tracy laying back in the seat of Thunderbird One snacking on a Kit-Kat bar as Jeff Tracy calls for a launch.

In Virgin Atlantic Airways' recent series of commercials, the jet featured is named "Lady Penelope".