TV Century 21

Wed, Mar 12, 2025

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A quick round up of Anderson-related items found this year at the London toy fair at the end of January 2004. With the exception of Cards Inc there was no new classic Anderson product, and nothing yet from the new Captain Scarlet CGI.


Despite trade comment this week there was nothing on show for JOE 90, and nothing in their press pack. Perhaps they are going to tie in with whatever Disney are planning, though all is quiet on that front as well. Vivid Imaginations


New catalogue produced for toy fair The Thunderbirds movie is on the cover, however there is no mention inside. There is a full colour page though for UFO, plus various Anderson preview sets. Cards Inc.


This is the company that made the various remote control toys for Thunderbirds, and will be making a new range for the movie. Details to follow...


Some wonderful plastic die-casts from the movie are being produced by this company. Details to follow...


Their new FAB1 can now be ordered from their website. Corgi FAB 1


This company is producing product similar to Bandai, except that the FEVA products are die-cast whereas the Bandai products are plastic. Their press release is featured on the Thunderbirds movie page. FEVA