Supercar: Budgie Models #272, UK 1962. Red and silver painted metal body with transparent plastic cockpit canopy. Small plastic seated Mike Mercury pilot figure, movable wings, rolling wheels. About 122mm long.
Stingray: Matchbox/Tyco #SR200, UK 1993. Silver, blue, and yellow painted metal body with blue, silver, and transparent plastic parts. Ratemaster can be rotated. Sold on blister card with Terror Fish. About 110mm long.
Terror Fish: Matchbox/Tyco #SR200, UK 1993. Green and silver painted metal "head" with green and white plastic body parts. Lower jaw is hinged. Sold on blister card with Stingray. About 80mm long.
Thunderbird 1: Popy #7733 and #73101, Japan 1974 and 1979. Light blue or metallic blue metal body with red and chromed plastic parts. Nose cone is spring loaded to fire like a missile, wings operate, rolling wheels. About 118mm long.
Thunderbird 1: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1973, 1974, and 1978. Silver, gold, or red painted metal body with red and chrome plated plastic parts. Wings operate, rolling wheels. About 78mm long.
Jumbo Thunderbird 1: Eidai-Grip #J10, Japan 1978. Wings operate, rolling wheels. With launch ramp truck. About 152mm long.
Thunderbird 1: Yot Toys #260B, Taiwan 1978. Silver, blue, or white painted metal body with red and chrome plated plastic parts. Wings operate, rolling wheels. Reissue of Eidai-Grip TB1 toy. About 78mm long.
Firebird 1: Zee Toys #2573, USA 1978. Silver or white painted metal body with red and chrome plated plastic parts. Wings operate, rolling wheels. Reissue of Eidai-Grip TB1 toy. USAF markings! About 78mm long.
Thunderbird 1: Matchbox/Tyco #TB001, UK 1992. Silver painted metal body with blue and red plastic parts. Blue plastic wings operate. About 96mm long.
Thunderbird 1 DX: Bandai 1992. Silver plastic body with motorised wings that sweep out at the touch of a button. Battery operated flashing light cannon. Comes with display stand based on the IR logo. about 250mm long.
Bandai TB1 DX
Bandai TB1 DX
Thunderbird 1: Bandai #205020-0036614, Japan 1992. Silver painted metal body with red, blue, and chrome plated plastic parts. Wings operate, comes with plastic launch gantry. About 116mm long.
Thunderbird 2: Unknown, Japan 1967(?). Green painted metal body. Large rolling wheels. Similar to a US Tootsie Toy. About 76mm long.
Thunderbird 2: Dinky Toys #101, UK 1967 to 1974. Green painted metal body with red and yellow plastic parts. Pod lowers, door opens, landing gear retracts, pod rollers roll. Comes with approximately 29mm long yellow plastic TB4. About 143mm long.
Thunderbird 2: Dinky Toys #106, UK 1974-1978. Light metallic green, metallic blue or dark brown metal body with red and/or yellow plastic parts. Early models had all metal body. Later versions had black or white plastic lower half. Pod lowers, door opens, landing gear retracts, pod rollers roll. Comes with approximately 29mm long yellow plastic TB4. About 153mm long.
Thunderbird 2: Popy #73101 and #7735, Japan 1974, 1980, and 1984. Metallic green metal body with red plastic parts. Pod lowers, door opens, landing gear retracts, rolling wheels. Comes with approximately 28mm long yellow plastic TB4 or small TB2. About 106mm long.
Thunderbird 2: Popy #73107, Japan 1984. Metallic green painted metal body with red plastic parts. Pod lowers, door opens, landing gear lowers, pod rollers roll. Pod incorporates spring mechanism which can fire small chrome plated models of Jet Mole and TB4. Hatch opens above cockpit to reveal spring loaded missile gun. About 147mm long.
Deluxe Thunderbird 2: Popy, Japan 1984. Metallic green painted metal body with red and chrome plated plastic parts. Pod lowers, door opens, landing gear retracts. Small wheels at end of landing legs. Pod incorporates spring mechanism which can fire small chrome plated models of Jet Mole and TB4. Hatch slides open on left side of cockpit to reveal TB2 cabin and two pilot figures. Size unknown but large.
Thunderbird 2: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1973, 1974, and 1978. Green or metallic blue metal body with red plastic parts. Pod lowers, door opens, landing gear retracts, rolling wheels. Small 19mm long plastic TB4 fits inside of small pod. About 80mm long.
Thunderbird 2: Matchbox/Tyco #TB002, UK 1992. Green painted metal body with red plastic parts. Pod lowers, door opens, landing gear retracts, operating pod rollers. Comes with small 42mm long yellow painted metal TB4. About 152mm long.
Thunderbird 2: Bandai #205020-0036615, Japan 1993. Green painted metal body with red and silver plastic parts. Pod lowers, door opens, removable landing gear, operating pod rollers. Comes with small 45mm long yellow plastic Jet Mole. About 168mm long.
Bandai TB2
Thunderbird 2 + 11 Vehicles Set: Bandai #205020-0038242, Japan 1993. Window boxed set which includes same die-cast metal TB2 as above plus an extra pod and 11 small plastic rescue vehicles which are each about 40mm long. The rescue vehicles included are the Jet Mole, Firefly, TB4, Recovery Vehicle, Elevator Car, Transmitter Truck, Excavator, X Car, Rescue Pack Mortar, TB6, and FAB1.
Thunderbird 2 System Up Set: Bandai #205020-0038243, Japan 1993. Contains spare die cast metal pod for above TB2 plus all small plastic pod vehicles except for the Jet Mole. This is intended to be an accessory set for the Bandai #205020-0036615 Thunderbird 2.
Thunderbird 3: Popy #73103 and #7735, Japan 1974, 1980 and 1984. Red painted metal body with red and chrome plated plastic parts. Nose cone is spring loaded and can be fired from main body. Rolling wheels. About 120mm long.
Thunderbird 3: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1973, 1974, and 1978. Red painted metal body with red and chrome plated plastic parts. Nose cone is spring loaded and can be fired from main body. Rolling wheels. About 85mm long.
Thunderbird 3: Yot Toys #260B, Taiwan 1978. Reissue of Eidai-Grip toy above. Yellow, orange, or blue metal body with red and chrome plated plastic parts. Nose cone not removable. Rolling wheels. About 85mm long.
Thunderbird 3: Zee Toys #2573, USA 1978. Reissue of Eidai-Grip toy above. Red or yellow painted metal body with red and chrome plated plastic parts. Nose cone not removable. Rolling wheels. USAF markings. About 85mm long.
Thunderbird 3: Matchbox/Tyco #TB003, UK 1992. Red painted metal parts with red and gray plastic parts. About 97mm long.
Thunderbird 4: Popy #3104 and #7736, Japan 1974, 1980, 1984. Yellow painted metal parts with yellow, chrome plated, and transparent plastic parts. Light trough is positionable, engine doors open, rolling wheels. About 112mm long.
Thunderbird 4: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1973, 1974, and 1978. Green, red, or yellow painted metal body with black, chrome plated, and transparent plastic parts. Movable light trough, engine doors open, cockpit opens, rolling wheels. About 83mm long.
Thunderbird 4: Yot Toys, Taiwan 1978. Reissue of Eidai-Grip toy above. Yellow, orange, or blue painted metal body with chrome plated, and transparent plastic parts. Movable light trough, engine doors open, cockpit opens, rolling wheels. About 83mm long.
Thunderbird 4: Bandai #205020-0036837, Japan 1993. Yellow painted metal body with yellow plastic parts. Light trough is positionable and a missile can be launched from front of craft. About 119mm long.
Bandai TB4
Thunderbird 4: Matchbox/Tyco, UK 1994. Reboxed Bandai toy above. Yellow painted metal body with yellow plastic parts. Light trough is positionable and a missile can be launched from front of craft. About 119mm long.
Thunderbird 5: Popy #73105 and #7737, Japan 1974, 1980, and 1984. Blue painted metal body with red, chrome plated, and transparent plastic parts. Cabin rotates to reveal interior, rolling wheels. About 104mm long.
Thunderbird 5: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1973, 1974, 1978. Blue painted metal body with red, chrome plated, and transparent plastic parts. Cabin rotates, rolling wheels. About 100mm long.
Thunderbird 5: Yot Toys #260C, Taiwan 1978. Reissue of Eidai-Grip toy above. Blue, orange, or red painted metal body with red, chrome plated, and transparent plastic parts. Cabin rotates, rolling wheels. About 100mm long.
Jet Mole: Popy #3106 and #7738, Japan 1980 and 1984. Yellow painted metal drill body with chrome plated and blue plastic parts. Drill and trolley separate. Rotating drill bit. Rolling wheels. About 99mm long.
Jet Mole: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1973, 1974, and 1978. Red or gold painted metal drill body with blue and chrome plated plastic parts. Drill and trolley separate. Rotating drill bit. Rolling wheels. About 80mm long.
Jet Mole: Yot Toys #260C, Taiwan 1978. Reissue of Eidai-Grip toy above. Red or gold painted metal drill body with blue and chrome plated plastic parts. Drill and trolley separate. Rotating drill bit. Rolling wheels. About 80mm long.
Space Missile (Jet Mole): Zee Toys #2573, USA 1978. Reissue of Eidai-Grip toy above. No trolley. Blue, red or gold painted metal drill body with chrome plated plastic parts. Rotating drill bit. Rolling wheels. USAF markings. About 80mm long.
Jet Mole: Bandai #205020-0036837, Japan 1993. Yellow painted metal body with gray plastic parts. Drill and trolley separate. Trolley ramp elevates. Drill bit revolves. Operating trolley tracks. About 119mm long.
Jet Mole: Matchbox/Tyco, UK 1994. Reboxed reissue of Bandai toy above. Yellow painted metal body with gray plastic parts. Drill and trolley separate. Trolley ramp elevates. Drill bit revolves. Operating trolley tracks. About 119mm long.
FAB1: Dinky Toys #100, UK 1966 to 1977. Pink painted metal body with chrome plated metal trim and transparent plastic canopy. Fires missile from under radiator grill. Fires "spears" from rear. Rolling wheels. Opening canopy. Figures of Parker and Lady Penelope seated in cabin. About 147mm long.
FAB1: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1974. Red, yellow, or metallic purple painted metal parts with chrome plated and transparent plastic parts. Rolling wheels. About 80mm long.
FAB1: Matchbox/Tyco #TB005, UK 1992. Pink painted metal parts with chrome plated trim and transparent canopy. Rolling wheels. About 80mm long.
Tracy Island Base: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1978. Metal island with rolling wheels. Small plastic models of TB1-4 can be spring launched from launch sites. Small plastic model of TB5 mounted on wire above die cast metal island.
Firebirds Gift Set: Zee Toys, USA 1978. Window boxed gift set which contained Zee Toys Firebird 1, Firebird 2, Firebird 3, Space Missile, and spring loaded launcher. Firebird 2 is an all plastic reissue of small Eidai-Grip die cast TB2.
Rescue Pack: Matchbox/Tyco, UK 1992. Boxed gift set which contained TB1, TB2, TB3, TB4, and FAB1.
Scramble Machine Set: Bandai #205020-0037328, Japan 1993. Contains Matchbox/Tyco TB1, TB3, and FAB1 plus new plastic models of TB2, TB4, and TB5.
Spectrum Patrol Car: Dinky Toys #103, UK 1968 to 1974. Two variations of red painted metal body. Rolling wheels with "jet engine" sound. About 121mm long.
Spectrum Patrol Car: Eidai-Grip, Japan about 1970. Red painted metal parts. Rolling wheels. About 80mm long.
Spectrum Patrol Car: Vivid Imaginations #51004, UK 1993. Red painted metal body. Lift up rear engine cover, rolling wheels. About 78mm long.
Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle: Dinky Toys #104, UK 1967 to 1974. Silver blue painted metal body with white and black plastic parts. Opening door to reveal Captain Scarlet. Operating missile, rear tracks. Lowering antennae. Rolling wheels. About 160mm long.
Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle: Eidai-Grip, Japan about 1970. Blue painted metal parts. Opening door, lowering antennae, rolling wheels. About 80mm long.
Eidai SPV
Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle: Vivid Imaginations #51005, UK 1993. Exact specifications as Dinky Toy. About 140mm long.
Angel Interceptor Jet Fighter: Vivid Imaginations #51001, UK 1993. White painted metal body with white plastic nose cone. Two packed on a single blister card. About 92mm long.
Angel Jet: Unknown, Spain about 1980. Red painted metal body. Rolling wheels. Similar to US Tootsie Toy.
Spectrum Jet Liner: Vivid Imaginations #51003, UK 1993. Silver, blue, and white painted metal body with silver and blue plastic parts. Rolling wheels. About 117mm long.
Maximum Security Vehicle: Dinky Toys #105, UK 1967 to 1974. White and red painted metal parts. Opening doors, rolling wheels. Comes with small plastic crate of "radioactive isotopes". About 137mm long.
Spectrum Command Team: Vivid Imaginations, UK 1993. Boxed set containing each Vivid Imaginations die cast Captain Scarlet vehicle toy. Two Angel Jets are included in this set.
JOE 90
Joe's Car: Dinky Toys #102, UK 1969 to 1976. Metallic green painted metal body with chrome plated and transparent plastic parts. Wings open and tail extends. Seated driver figure (Joe 90). Battery operated "exhaust" light. Rolling wheels. About 139mm long.
Mac's Car: Eidai-Grip #G400, Japan about 1973. Blue, red, or green painted metal body with chrome plated and transparent plastic parts. Operating wings and rolling wheels. About 90mm long.
Jet Air Car: Vivid Imaginations, UK 1994. Green painted metal body with green, chrome plated, and transparent plastic parts. Moving wings, pilot figure (Joe 90), rolling wheels. Similar to Dinky version.
Sam's Car: Dinky Toys #108, UK 1969 to 1975. Blue, bronze, red, and chrome plated metal body. Keyless clockwork motor (pull-back-and-go). Comes with plastic WIN badge. About 111mm long.
Gabriel Model T Ford: Dinky Toys #109, UK 1969 to 1972. Yellow and black painted metal body. Rolling wheels. Seated figure of Stanley Unwin character. About 83mm long.
UFO Interceptor: Dinky Toys #351, UK 1969 to 1974. Lime green metal parts with chrome plated, orange, white, and transparent plastic parts. Spring loaded missile. Pilot figure in cockpit. About 194mm long.
Ed Straker's Car: Dinky Toys #352, UK 1969 to 1974. Yellow painted or gold plated metal body. Keyless clockwork motor. About 124mm long.
SHADO 2 Mobile: Dinky Toys #353, UK 1969 to 1974. Green or metallic blue painted metal body. Operating tracks, hide-away missile launcher, spring loaded missile. About 145mm long.
SHADO Mobile: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1971. Silver, orange, or blue metal body. Clockwork motor operating tracks. About 90mm long.
SHADO Mobile: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1973. Red metal body with chrome plated plastic parts. Back opens up to reveal small spring loaded Sky 1 aircraft. About 70mm long.
Sky 1: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1971. Clockwork motor. About 90mm long.
Dkydiver: Eidai-Grip, Japan 1971. Gold painted metal submarine body, chrome plated plastic Sky 1. Sky 1 can be fired off sub by means of a spring. Rolling wheels. About 90mm long.
Straker's Car (really Paul Foster's Car): Eidai-Grip, Japan 1971. Metallic red, metallic blue, or metallic gold metal body. Rolling wheels. About 90mm long.
Armored Command Car: Dinky Toys #602, UK 1974 to 1978. Green metal body. Operating scanner, rolling wheels. Not identified as such but this is the car from Gerry Anderson's TV pilot.
Coast Guard Amphibious Missile Launch: Dinky Toys #674, UK 1977 to 1978. White painted metal body with red plastic parts. Rolling wheels. Spring launched missile. Not identified as such but this is the boat from Gerry Anderson's TV pilot.
SPACE 1999
Eagle Transporter: Dinky Toys #359, UK 1975 to 1979. Lime green painted metal parts with red, chrome plated, and white plastic parts. Spring loaded landing legs, removable pod. About 222mm long.
Space Eagle: Yot Toys, Taiwan about 1976.
Space Eagle: Popy #PB21, Japan about 1976. White painted metal parts with white and chrome plated plastic parts. Cockpit hatch opens to reveal two pilots. Crane lowers from pod. Fires missiles. About 158mm long.
Hawk Transporter (actually the Eagle): LIN Toys #2030, USA 1976. Metallic green or blue metal parts with white plastic parts. Rolling wheels. About 73mm long.
Eagle Freighter: Dinky Toys #360, UK 1975 to 1979. White or metallic blue painted metal parts with red, chrome plated, and white plastic parts. Spring loaded landing legs, removable freight pod, operating crane with magnet, four nuclear waste drums on turntable. About 222mm long.
Moon Buggy: LIN Toys #2014, USA 1976. Yellow painted metal parts. Rolling wheels. About 57mm long.
Zantor's Spaceship: LIN Toys #2015, USA 1976. Blue painted metal parts with blue plastic parts. About 63mm long.
Battlehawk: Bandai #0988701, Japan about 1984. Silver painted metal body with silver and orange plastic parts. Opening cargo door. Comes with small models of Terrahawk, Battletank, and Terrahawk badge. About 233mm long.
Terrahawk: Bandai #0988702, Japan about 1984. Silver painted metal body with silver and orange plastic parts. Operating wings and landing gear. Shoots two spring loaded missiles. Comes with Terrahawks badge. About 153mm long.
Treehawk: Bandai #0988703, Japan about 1984. Silver and orange painted metal body with silver and orange plastic parts. Wings and nose cone operates. Fires spring loaded missiles. Comes with Terrahawks badge. About 171mm long.
Hawkwing: Bandai #0988706, Japan about 1984. Silver and orange painted metal parts with silver and orange plastic parts. Wing detaches from main body. Wings fold. Spring loaded missiles. Comes with Terrahawks badge. About 202mm long.
Terrahawks Gift Set: Bandai #0988706, Japan about 1984. Comes with small metal and plastic models of Treehawk (115mm long), Hawkwing (115mm long), and Spacehawk (120mm long). Comes with Terrahawks badge.
The Gerry Anderson Memorabilia Guide by Dennis Nicholson,
bound and printed by
Jenkin Buxton Printers Pty Ltd,
263 Middleborough Road,
Box Hill, Victoria, Australia 3128.